VS Collector, The Last Battle - an epic level from a-tziluth
Archive: 1 post
If anyone is up for a challenge then I would definitely recommend a-tziluth?s last level in LBP1. It has over 6,000 plays so a lot of people may already have checked it out but I thought it was worth a thread in any event as I had such a blast playing it today. lbp.me link here (http://lbp.me/v/wfgtmd) Some very poor photos below (there are some more on lbp.me). http://id.lbp.me/img/ft/11d3860ed61e66088f225a78c9819cb633cfc1b9.jpg http://i2.lbp.me/img/ft/67225880e26c34aee815859c231060ead1ae2644.jpg A-tziluth is certainly leaving LBP on a high note. This level keeps you gripped throughout as you face one test after another. There are challenges of different kinds - puzzles, platforming and boss fights and jokes and it wouldn?t be an a-tziluth level without some of his awesome giant moving creatures. The visuals are good but not hugely polished, the same is true of the lighting but what it lacks in those departments it makes up for in terms of gameplay. I was on the edge of my seat throughout and this is a long as well as tricky level. There were sections where I died at least 10 times trying to get through (underwater columns with spikes - arrgh ![]() The story is not wholly coherent. It looks as though a-tziluth had the makings of an antique temple style platformer on his moon which he then sandwiched between two bookends of a confrontation with the Collector. The Collector sections are fun (the intro is a little crazy but I urge you to stick with it as things definitely get better from there on in) but stylistically they don't seem to connect very well with the central section. That is really not a problem though as you just get caught up in the individual challenges. If you like a challenge, this is a must play level. | 2011-01-14 17:56:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
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