Door Help
Archive: 5 posts
Okay, I've been having a lot of trouble with making door that go up and stay up. If I have a piston as the item that moves the door up then it just comes back down and goes up and down and up and down etc.. You get the point. Anyways i have a grab switch on the door which triggers a piston to bring a key to a key switch which breaks dissolve in which another key makes another key switch trigger the door to open. Looks complex and sexy but I want the door to stay open and not to open and close. An example of what I want is in the God of War - Demon Skull Level... great level by the way... anyways, all help is appreciated ![]() YouTube - Little Big Planet God of War level (onQ) HQ direct feed (God of War level) -Ryan | 2008-11-08 01:59:00 Author: TextureSlaughter ![]() Posts: 12 |
Set the switch that is connected to the door to "directional", then test it. If it is the opposite of what you want, invert the switch and try again. | 2008-11-08 02:10:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
Set the switch that is connected to the door to "directional", then test it. If it is the opposite of what you want, invert the switch and try again. Will try this, thanks a lot. *will edit post with results | 2008-11-08 02:14:00 Author: TextureSlaughter ![]() Posts: 12 |
hmm that's strange it worked with one door... not the other. | 2008-11-08 04:53:00 Author: TextureSlaughter ![]() Posts: 12 |
Okay, I've been having a lot of trouble with making door that go up and stay up. If I have a piston as the item that moves the door up then it just comes back down and goes up and down and up and down etc.. You get the point. Anyways i have a grab switch on the door which triggers a piston to bring a key to a key switch which breaks dissolve in which another key makes another key switch trigger the door to open. Looks complex and sexy but I want the door to stay open and not to open and close. An example of what I want is in the God of War - Demon Skull Level... great level by the way... anyways, all help is appreciated ![]() http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qq1XrYR_T7Q (God of War level) -RyanHere is a video where it is a lot easier. YouTube - EGTV: LittleBigPlanet Expert's Guide: Level Design You connect the grab switch to a piece of dissolvable material offscreen. You put a key on the dissolvable material so when you grab the door, the key is destroyed. You with me so far? Then you have a lock switch on some dark matter underneath the dissolvable material and set it to inverted and connect it to the door. So this is what happens: You grab the door, the key is destroyed, and the switch connected to the door turns on and stays on forever. Set the switch to directional and it will open the door and stay open because nothing will ever tell it to stop. | 2008-11-08 22:47:00 Author: Voltiare ![]() Posts: 646 |
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