Lazer Lockdown
Archive: 2 posts
Lazer Lockdownsanji101 [View LBP.me page (http://lbp.me/v/wj2h39)] This level it pretty hard so don't be to suprised if you die a few times ![]() Since LittleBigPlanet 2 is almost upon us I decided to finish a level which i have been working on and off for a while now ![]() ![]() http://lbp.me/v/wj2h39 | 2011-01-14 16:13:00 Author: sanji101 ![]() Posts: 35 |
here's your feedback! +i like the look of the level. it's pretty basic but it doesn't look bad. -the spring board thing for the second lazer trap is glitchy. taht section took me ages because it wasn't really up to me when i launched up, because the spring would work or not work randomly -i would fine tune the alternating lazers firing so that they don't smack against the metal. it doesn't make sense for lasers to be making a metal on metal noise when they fire. +skip button. i didn't use it but i assume it sends you to the next area. nice for people who can't get through tough sections -in the first fan room i got killed by the wire on the right. kind of annoying because i didn't expect a wire to be deadly. +second fan room was a cool puzzle thing (not really a puzzle but u know, ![]() -checkpoint is too far from the actual trap at the beggining of the water part. i had to swim back several times, which got old. overall pretty fun/simple level. i gave it 4 stars because it wasn't amazing but it was also pretty well done, other than a few buggy spots. not something i'd want to go back and replay but i had fun! for F4F please play ginormo burger | 2011-01-14 17:42:00 Author: harbingernaut ![]() Posts: 126 |
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