Little big UNDERGROUND!! by vampirekittykats
Archive: 4 posts
Hey guys this will be my last level before lbp2 and i put a lot of work into it. Please play it and leave your feedback here, and if you think hearts are deserved they would be greatly appreciated. I spent a lot of time on the logic for the part where you grab the different coloured sponges in the right order to proceed, it is kind of like a lockbox. If anyone wants the logic for that just message me on the ps3! Thats all for now HAVE FUN!!! fun fun fun.... ![]() http://lbp.me/v/wj122r | 2011-01-14 11:04:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I played this a couple times. I enjoyed the look and theme of the level, the beggining was good, the bird looked great. The evil pig thing is funny. We get to the first puzzle room, its kinda like a pachinko thing I think. I wasn't able to figure out how to spawn the ball on my first play, one appeared seemingly at random the second time w/ 2players. In this first puzzle room I came across an issue, you can fly down to the right bottom side of the floor and go right past the deadly gas. There I found some great switch triggers, I can tell you put alot of work into the level. I continued on around the outside boundaries of the stage to find more logic switches and eventually empty level parts. Then found some random blocks and lettering that was left there on the ground in the out of bounds area. The second time me and a second player were able to fly past the gas then up and around the outside and through a crack directly to the scoreboard. I took some pictures you can see on the levels lbp.me page for reference fixing that spot, shouldn't be too hard. I'd say this level has potential. | 2011-01-15 00:41:00 Author: Fated For Failure ![]() Posts: 81 |
Despite the simplistic design and logic it was a very fun and enjoyable level! The humor was a very nice touch and I actually had to approach a few of the puzzles from various angles. Would have been nice if there was maybe just one more room though. :star::star::star::star: Please check out The Infernal Bastille (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=41704-The-Infernal-Bastille) | 2011-01-15 02:58:00 Author: Iudicium_86 ![]() Posts: 167 |
FeeDBaCK TiMe! +i like your bird!, it would be cool if his wings moved ![]() +funny intro -i couldn't figure out what to do at the "puzzle chamber" the instructions are very basic and there is no ball... -okay a ball randomly spawned... -oh, i have to grab the lever thing at the top! +i like the puzzle design but it's kind of annoying -visible dissolve material right after the puzzle room. i think it goes away when you win, though. -ugh. there's a part in the labyrinth where you can get stuck in this tiny little area and not be able to get out of it. one of the green balls brings you there so i assume it's intentional. very annoying ![]() -there's a bit of a tan material showing in the back of the left side of the labyrinth. i don't htink it's supposed to be showing because it doesnt match. -the centepede balls are spaced poorly, making it very difficult to get onto the stairs to the right. -a bomb fell in the "chamber of bad things" and destroyed my "green spongey thing". i guess i can't complete that room now +i liked how you did the color ball puzzle. very clever, it took me awhile to figure out. although, i was about to quit the level tbh. -poor camera angle in the stationary stone spikes. at the top of that pit -that last room felt like one big inconvenience. it was too hectic. i just ran to the middle and spammed paint balls as fast as i could upwards until the plasma balls started firing. then i actually had to move around a bit. speaking of plasma balls, one of the emitters looked like it wasnt making the balls move. they just appeared and stayed on the right side. the front layer i believe. -yeah i could read that but i don't think i'm gonna heart, sorry. i gave it 3 stars. the puzzle parts were cool, but the platforming was bad, and i broke a part of the level. i was still able to finish so i guess it wasn't an important part? for F4F would you play ginormo burger? thanks. | 2011-01-16 04:07:00 Author: harbingernaut ![]() Posts: 126 |
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