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LBP2 Rare T-shirt, Two New Trailers and more!

Archive: 121 posts

Fellow Sackpeople, January 18th can’t get here soon enough! And if you’re like us, you’re counting the days looking for things to do to keep your mind occupied and NOT think about LittleBigPlanet 2 (http://us.playstation.com/games-and-media/games/littlebigplanet-2-ps3.html). Here’s a few things that WON’T work:

Watching the NEW “Action” genre trailer


Getting ready to help us make some Guinness World Records

The first 500 fans who buy LittleBigPlanet 2 at the Sony Style store during the Guinness World Records event (January 17th to January 19th) will get a copy of the game autographed by Media Molecule.PlayStation Lounge at the Sony Style store (http://www.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=550+Madison+Avenue+New+York,+NY+10022&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=38.775203,78.398437&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=550+Madison+Ave,+New+York,+10022&z=16)
550 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Save www.gamingworldrecord.com (http://www.gamingworldrecord.com/) in your bookmarks
Learn how you Tweet us to make some records
Map out Sony Style on your FourSquare account, and stay tuned: We’re working on something special for our Foursquare fans
If you’re attending, then get to know our gaming participants; Gevurah22, Jaeyden & Luge (from The Tester (http://blog.us.playstation.com/tag/the-tester))


Heading to 7-11 and getting your exclusive Sackboy Slurpee cups (http://www.slurpee.com/)
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5205/5352747242_c7047c258d.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/playstationblog/5352747242/)

Friending LittleBigPlanet 2 on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/littlebigplanet#%21/LittleBigPlanet2)
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5010/5352747194_dedae42d68.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/playstationblog/5352747194/)

More ways to keep your mind on LittleBigPlanet 2:

Getting familiar with LBP.me (http://lbp.me/) in prep for all the LBP2 levels
Get addicted to the Sackboy song over in the Land Down Under (http://www.youtube.com/user/LittleBigPlanet2AU#p/a/u/0/UMmr1g4pAa8)
Check out the latest episode of LittleBigPodcast (http://littlebigpodcast.blip.tv/)
Read through the transcripts (http://forums.bestbuy.com/t5/Gaming-Gadgets-eReaders/Little-Big-Planet-2-Developer-Chat-Transcript/td-p/223554) of our recent BestBuy chat with Media Molecule

And don’t forget to pre-order! Why?

Because you can get your hands on some of these cool costumeshttp://farm6.static.flickr.com/5244/5352747702_7618120717.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/playstationblog/5352747702/)
You don’t want to be left out when these two DLC costumes hit the PlayStation Store for 1 week only (Jan 18th to 24th):

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5244/5352747142_ba62f12ec1_m.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/playstationblog/5352747142/)
“Launch Day” SpaceSuit (Free)

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5290/5352765876_0c9689c874_m.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/playstationblog/5352765876/)
“Rare” T-shirt ($4.99)

And while you’re pre-ordering, get a glimpse of the Ratchet & Clank costumes you can get by pre-ordering at Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/LittleBigPlanet-2-Playstation-3/dp/B002I0K780/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1294949598&sr=8-3):


Source. (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2011/01/13/littlebigplanet-2-update-5-days-left-more-guinness-world-record-details/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=littlebigplanet_2_011311)
2011-01-13 20:30:00

Posts: 2266

I shall do all of this. Starting with hitting the 7-11 on my way to work.2011-01-13 20:37:00

Posts: 1090

Gasp! A new t shirt. If i dont buy it i know i will regret it

Lol btw in the ratchet and clank trailer there not wearing the right skin for clank as his eyes and legs look weird
Still wish they came with uk collector edition
2011-01-13 20:42:00

Unknown User

I'll buy the new t-shirt but I won't wear until it becomes really rare. I don't think the green will match my hair though, it's a tough one!2011-01-13 21:03:00

Posts: 2266

Just to be sure, the launch week DLC is coming to the UK store, right? They screwed us over with the christmas stuff so...2011-01-13 21:06:00

Posts: 706

Ratchet and Clank only comes with the regular edition though.
2011-01-13 22:14:00

Posts: 1518

Sackboy cups you say?
Better head to 7-11.
2011-01-13 22:19:00

captain sack
Posts: 88

5 bucks for the t shirt sigh there goes another psn card :/2011-01-13 22:30:00

Posts: 293

5 bucks for the t shirt sigh there goes another psn card :/

Well it is limited so I'm okay with it. Stupid obsession with collectables
2011-01-13 22:33:00

Posts: 706

Hurrah for t-shirts!

I missed out on the LBP1 one, not because I was too late though. I just bypassed it. Foolish me.
2011-01-13 22:41:00

Posts: 1477

Just watched the new Action trailer. Brb need to go change my pants

Edit: Is there a way to get all of the pre-order costumes without buying like 5 copies of the game?
2011-01-13 22:45:00

Posts: 72

Just watched the new Action trailer. Brb need to go change my pants

Edit: Is there a way to get all of the pre-order costumes without buying like 5 copies of the game?

As of right now, I think the only way is the US collectors edition.

Where did you find the new trailer?
2011-01-13 23:36:00

Posts: 734

^check the "source" link at the end of the OP for the videos

Anyway, thanks for sharing... I never check the PSblog.

That week 1 tshirt looks cool, though a little expensive for what it is, but that's not a surprise.

Ratchet and Clank are cool too, but I'm more interested by the in-game costumes seen in the second video :
seems like there's a lot of girl costumes... good thing


- a french cancan costume?...cool
- a Chef cook costume...even cooler!
- lol at the nurse one


- that redhead sackgirl almost look like Jessica Rabbit... that gives me an idea!
- Cool hair of the center sackgirl
- the one in the back look weird.., almost look like she's wearing a wig
2011-01-13 23:51:00

Posts: 1486

once again i refuse to pay 5$ just for a one costume part T-shirt
that's good for nothing more then showing off to other people
of some fake sense that your a little better then them. *mew

I agree dajdaj, I look forward to the in game costumes far more then Rare over priced one piece costumes,
tho i do super look forward to what kind of DLC they'll make for LBP2, :3
i just pray its not all Disney stuff this year xD YooHooho~ *mew
2011-01-14 00:19:00

Posts: 4261

Thanks for that. I don't know how I missed the link.

That vid also gives us our first look at the mandril costume.
2011-01-14 00:23:00

Posts: 734

OMG.......... at 1:01 looks like my chalkboy effects lvl, now if i make it with hologram ppl might not play it =( ahhhhh why!?2011-01-14 00:46:00

Posts: 745

-Cool trailer
-Space suit!

-**** New York!? Aww, nothing cool ever happens in SF... except when they announced LBP1 here for the first time.
... and slowly Fang's heart slowly dies as he realizes he won't get an Mm autograph...

-Pricy T-Shirt (I like shirts but ehh... I personally think even for something rare it's only a shirt with the price of a create pack with useful goods... plus I'm broke anyways)
2011-01-14 00:47:00

Posts: 578

Ratchet and Clank only comes with the regular edition though.

WRONG ANSWER YOU GET ALL OF THE DLC CONTENT with the collectors edition only those who order the regular edition get only ratchet and clank and the 4 animal costumes....
2011-01-14 00:53:00

Posts: 69

Nice! good thing i live in NY. 2011-01-14 00:57:00

Posts: 83

Ratchet and Clank only comes with the regular edition though.

ummm... it comes w/ the CE aswell.

its a preorder bonus from amazon.

every pre-order bonus is inculded in the CE
2011-01-14 00:58:00

Posts: 416

Did anyone else wee there pants when they saw this? And I now can brag at my friend, because I told him to save about $7 in his PSN funds2011-01-14 00:59:00

Posts: 484

Five dollars for that ugly thing? Nowai.

Besides, I'll have no need for any other costume once I get my hands on the Ratchet one...
2011-01-14 01:04:00

Posts: 1702

I'll buy the shirt... It doesn't look that great... Who knows, maybe it's animated! (Wishful thinking...)

Regardless, I've got every costume in the game (except LBP1 Week 1 Shirt, Beta Testing costumes, Prize Crown and Unreleased Content), so not having this would just go against everything I stand for; Obsessiveness, blowing Money, Completionism...
2011-01-14 01:09:00

The Last Stop
Posts: 240

ummm... it comes w/ the CE aswell.

its a preorder bonus from amazon.

every pre-order bonus is inculded in the CE

Not in the UK.
2011-01-14 01:12:00

Posts: 83

The shirt looks like it's animated. =o
Thanks for the info.
2011-01-14 01:20:00

Posts: 434

Yikes, 5 bucks for the shirt? Did I read that right? Gotta think about one for a minute.
Maybe after seeing what it's like for the first couple of people who buy it.. Definitely gonna buy if it's animated, but can live without if it's not, already have the collectors edition coming and that snake head is plenty enough for me to be satisfied, costume wise.
2011-01-14 01:24:00

Posts: 386

The most simple DLC that they make is the most expensive per piece. Although it would be kinda nice to have a tshirt that doesn't look like it's skin tight and doesn't have a big star emblem on the front. I still wish I could have the first one. Also did that Best Buy interview suck or what!? He kept asking questions he already asked and just worded them differently.2011-01-14 01:48:00

Posts: 494

OMG I live in NYC! plus on monday I dont have school and tueday I go home early! I think I will go depends because im a busy person 2011-01-14 02:32:00

Posts: 1843

OMG I live in NYC! plus on monday I dont have school and tueday I go home early! I think I will go depends because im a busy person

You better say hi to us when you get there then. =P
2011-01-14 02:36:00

Posts: 1476

You better say hi to us when you get there then. =P

I will, and I think I can go! I just need to check somethings with my plan and im all good! I will hopefully see you guys
2011-01-14 02:58:00

Posts: 1843

The five dollar rare t-shirt isn't a rip-off at all. 2011-01-14 03:03:00

Posts: 673

Eh, that trailer wasn't all that impressive. It just showed beta level clips I've gawked at on youtube for the past month :l
I got to see some interesting non-dlc lbp2 costumes though, which was nice. I'm not wearing pants so you can see my sack but my sacks on my head because I'm a.... er, nevermind. Sackboy's song was amusing.

I can't make myself buy another psn network card anytime soon. I bought a $20 one the other day for Dissidia, but the tax took it to $21 -_- so I had to buy another card for the tax. I spent the leftovers on costumes and Final Fantasy Vlll. In retrospect, I might should of spared five dollars.
2011-01-14 03:09:00

Posts: 319

I think it's a bit overdone, makes me feel nervous, I kind of miss the simple fun.

LittleBigPlanet has grown so much...
2011-01-14 03:11:00

Posts: 4193

I wish they would give us a dead space costume instead of the space suit. I really like the glowing slits on isaac's visor!
Still, who am I to complain? We get an awesome shirt!!!
2011-01-14 03:22:00

Posts: 607

I think it's a bit overdone, makes me feel nervous, I kind of miss the simple fun.

LittleBigPlanet has grown so much...
What do you mean?
2011-01-14 03:28:00

Posts: 49

Hey guys I got some question for this event.

#1. Do you have to be an specific age to go?
#2. Do you have to go for all 3 days?
#3. Do you have to stay there all day long?

ALso I posted all 3 videos in youtube! http://www.youtube.com/user/Arnald23?feature=mhum

edit: questions answers XD
2011-01-14 03:35:00

Posts: 1843

Really? Why? I already have that one. You would think they could come up with a better one for LBP2, right?
also, the shirt IS animated. You can see it in the first vid that comes up on Arnald23's youtube page at the 0:28 mark or so.
2011-01-14 04:17:00

Posts: 1874

Gasp! A new t shirt. If i dont buy it i know i will regret it

Lol btw in the ratchet and clank trailer there not wearing the right skin for clank as his eyes and legs look weird
Still wish they came with uk collector edition

So it seems.

Just to be sure, the launch week DLC is coming to the UK store, right? They screwed us over with the christmas stuff so...

Yeah... its not like the UK had the 1 week shirt the other time around, or anything, right?

Ratchet and Clank only comes with the regular edition though.

Actually, Collectors edition has them all, m8.

Just watched the new Action trailer. Brb need to go change my pants

Edit: Is there a way to get all of the pre-order costumes without buying like 5 copies of the game?

Again, CE has all.

WRONG ANSWER YOU GET ALL OF THE DLC CONTENT with the collectors edition only those who order the regular edition get only ratchet and clank and the 4 animal costumes....

Jeesh, easy there fella, alm down, just because he got a small detail wrong doesn't mean you gotta go "all caps lock" on him.

Really? Why? I already have that one. You would think they could come up with a better one for LBP2, right?
also, the shirt IS animated. You can see it in the first vid that comes up on Arnald23's youtube page at the 0:28 mark or so.

Really? Why? You'd think he'd realize that he's not the only person playing the game and that just ebcause he has it doesn't mean everyone does, not to mention its the costume thye've promised every LBP game launch, not a specific version for each.
2011-01-14 04:27:00

Posts: 6707

the shirt IS animated. You can see it in the first vid that comes up on Arnald23's youtube page at the 0:28 mark or so.
I guess we'll never get a decent stickerable shirt on this side of the ocean.
2011-01-14 04:36:00

Posts: 494

I guess we'll never get a decent stickerable shirt on this side of the ocean.

If the shirt was blank I would buy it for the US $5.
2011-01-14 05:11:00

Posts: 2513

once again i refuse to pay 5$ just for a one costume part T-shirt
that's good for nothing more then showing off to other people
of some fake sense that your a little better then them. *mew

I agree $5 is overpriced for just a shirt...but I don't agree that it's JUST used as a form of "bragging" or for elitism...regardless of what you think it's still a costume piece...and can be used to create other costumes just like any other costume piece...especially to sticker designers that can make their own shirt designs and such

but again I do agree $5 just for a shirt is overpriced

although tbh I'll most likely get it since I never got the week 1 shirt (not being in UK)
2011-01-14 05:13:00

Posts: 3365

Watch it be as sticker-able as the neon skin The animation is cool though. its all rarepokemontradingcardthatshinesinthelight.2011-01-14 05:19:00

Posts: 319

Oh my god I am so mad right now. When I pre-ordered the collectors edition I ordered for standard shipping instead of wasting 10 extra bucks so I can get the CE two days later. Now the maximum time I have to wait is the 27th. If I miss the spaceman suit because of bleeping shipping I will bawl my eyes out. (And the week 1 shirt)2011-01-14 05:22:00

Posts: 17

How would you miss out? It goes on the PSN store.2011-01-14 05:25:00

Posts: 494

How would you miss out? It goes on the PSN store.

lol THIS ^

honestly it doesn't come with the CD....just download it in the PSN store...and since you didn't "waste" 10 to get the game earlier you can use that money to buy the DLC too
2011-01-14 05:34:00

Posts: 3365

Dont you need a copy of LBP2 to download LBP2 merchandise? I would miss out if my CE arrived on the 25-27th2011-01-14 05:37:00

Posts: 17

cool, i actually will not have $5 to spare at that time of the month. way to go!2011-01-14 05:39:00

Unknown User

GAH! If only I lived in New York! I will be hitting 7-11 soon. The hype is getting so intense!2011-01-14 05:46:00

Posts: 176

Dont you need a copy of LBP2 to download LBP2 merchandise? I would miss out if my CE arrived on the 25-27th

ok let me make myself more clearer to help out...


in short...when LBP2 releases and the DLC is released just go buy it...capiche?
2011-01-14 05:46:00

Posts: 3365

Awesome. Thanks for the info. I'm so glad I preordered and will be able to pick it up the 18th I missed out on the week 1 shirt and the spacesuit costume last time because I bought the game before the system and got my ps3 as a gift late...ONE WHOLE YEAR LATE!!!2011-01-14 05:56:00

Posts: 263

Im really angry cause i pre-ordered normal edition cause Collectors edition was sold out and I am angry2011-01-14 05:58:00

Posts: 50

Must. Have. Rare. Shirt.2011-01-14 06:02:00

Posts: 832

Most EYE-OPENING thing for ME (cause I can read!:hrmf

Rio Carnival Dance-Off by Wex

Venice is Sinking by Gruntos

Penguin Turf War by RTM224

I think you're wrong about this....

ok let me make myself more clearer to help out...


in short...when LBP2 releases and the DLC is released just go buy it...capiche?

Even though I had been following it, I got lbp about two months after release... I was able to purchase dlc for it without the game... about halfway through lbp's llifecycle I started seeing this message on the psnSTORE, must own game to dl content... just saying!
2011-01-14 06:36:00

Posts: 1308

Even though I had been following it, I got lbp about two months after release... I was able to purchase dlc for it without the game... about halfway through lbp's llifecycle I started seeing this message on the psnSTORE, must own game to dl content... just saying!

You can still download anything you want from from the store, I recently got the free AC Brotherhood DLC despite not planning to get the main game for a few months. Any time I see free DLC for a game I may buy I make sure to activate it incase it is no longer free when I buy the game.
2011-01-14 10:45:00

Posts: 6728

Even though I had been following it, I got lbp about two months after release... I was able to purchase dlc for it without the game... about halfway through lbp's llifecycle I started seeing this message on the psnSTORE, must own game to dl content... just saying!

strange...never had that happen to me...now I'm curious to google this sometime

but so far I've downloaded DLC and some DLC without the game (like LostPlanet2) and nothing has occured like that

and even IF it doesn't work...maybe re-downloading it will make it work..

but remember this

purchasing ANYTHING from the PSN store and it goes into your DOWNLOAD HISTORY so you can re-download if anything...so this young man and yourself could purchase the DLC...and when you finally aquire LBP2 download it if you havent already.
2011-01-14 10:58:00

Posts: 3365

omg ! this is so awesome :32011-01-14 11:39:00

Posts: 147

Definitely getting week one tee this time, I can afford it this time round , I swear as each day goes by they are getting slower...2011-01-14 13:47:00

Posts: 224

I'm actually not thrilled with the shirt... but I haven't bought any dlc in soooo long-- I'm all pent-up! Someone say its animated? And yes the days are getting longer.... yesterday an Amazon.com box arrived and just for one second this ol'man lept with the legs of a fifteen year old. (to no avail-- mind you. My knees now ache... it was dresser draw pulls)

I guess you're both right... it might have been the POTC pack!
2011-01-14 14:17:00

Posts: 1308

I'll embed soon...that was 17 hours ago, Mr.Monkey 2011-01-14 14:22:00

Posts: 5112


- that redhead sackgirl almost look like Jessica Rabbit... that gives me an idea!

Dude, that's totally her... so it might be DLC. Also, since we're on the subject of DLC, do you know when the Tron: Legacy stuff will be released since it pretty much missed its target release date?
2011-01-14 15:41:00

Posts: 111

Really? Why? You'd think he'd realize that he's not the only person playing the game and that just ebcause he has it doesn't mean everyone does, not to mention its the costume thye've promised every LBP game launch, not a specific version for each.

I'm NOT saying that at all. My real point was that they already released that costume. You would think that the most they would do with an old costume is make it available year-round, like the costume contest winners. I would've thought they would have had a much cooler (perhaps with a more retro feel, moving parts, and blinking lights) for the new game, not releasing an old one with no modifications.
2011-01-14 15:51:00

Posts: 1874

Where are the two new trailers?2011-01-14 16:05:00

Posts: 176

Was hoping to be able to get the old 1st week shirt (which i missed thanks to my bank...), but I like this one much more 2011-01-14 16:21:00

Posts: 35

purchasing ANYTHING from the PSN store and it goes into your DOWNLOAD HISTORY so you can re-download if anything...so this young man and yourself could purchase the DLC...and when you finally aquire LBP2 download it if you havent already.[/QUOTE]

Ah, thank you I hope I can get a psn card. 4.99 is a bit high though but its still worth it
2011-01-14 16:28:00

Posts: 17

I'll embed soon...that was 17 hours ago, Mr.Monkey

I'm getting there! xD

Okay, I added the Amazon trailer and the three World Record videos to the OP but I'm having trouble getting the Action Genre Trailer, so it might be a while till that can be embedded.
2011-01-14 16:40:00

Posts: 2266

I'll embed soon...that was 17 hours ago, Mr.Monkey

Still quicker than a Sony "soon".
2011-01-14 18:18:00

Posts: 2870

All of this... i... i...

I'm going to go steal a ps3 from this lame game shop near my house, if i don't log on after a week from now, you will know the outcome of my attempt...
2011-01-14 23:05:00

Posts: 1569

I'm a little confused about the auto-graphed copies in NY. Are Media Molecule going to sign the copies there? If so, I'm definitely going 2011-01-14 23:40:00

Posts: 14

Buying two U$ 50 PSN Cards...2011-01-15 00:46:00

Posts: 491

pretty coo. i'll be getting the shirt myself & already have my points for the slurpee sticker pack too.2011-01-15 03:37:00

Posts: 142


why, why do they HAVE to do it in new york? why not canada
2011-01-15 06:02:00

Unknown User

YES THE SPACESUIT is ish happy2011-01-15 06:23:00

Posts: 1117

wow guys I think I wont make it on monday to the show because of some problems but I think I can make it tuesday. I will tell you all the info tomorrow 2011-01-15 13:19:00

Posts: 1843

Here is a bigger picture of the week one shirt, cooler than i expected...


It looks like the circuit board effect similar to that of the Skin in the Beta!
2011-01-15 14:57:00

Unknown User

Hey guys guest what I cant make it on monday but on tuesday I will go and stay around 7pm! I will see you guys in the event!

I cant wait!
2011-01-15 15:02:00

Posts: 1843

2 questions

1. are the week one t-shirt and the space man costume going to be re-released the same day as LBP2?

2. will they both be free? because i've seen the LBP wikia page saying that they are (or were) free when they were originally out.

if this is the case i'll be getting them tomorrow afternoon
2011-01-17 12:10:00

Unknown User

2 questions

1. are the week one t-shirt and the space man costume going to be re-released the same day as LBP2?

2. will they both be free? because i've seen the LBP wikia page saying that they are (or were) free when they were originally out.

if this is the case i'll be getting them tomorrow afternoon

Space man yes and free LBP 1 week 1 shirt no.
2011-01-17 12:13:00

Posts: 6728

Eww. I don't like that Week 1 at all. Doesn't look all that great.

I'll probably get it anyway (might as well) but I don't think I'll use it, I love the original Week 1 too much.

Edit: Oh wait. Is it even available outside of the USA? I don't really mind tbh, UK got the original so I guess its fair if USA gets LBP2 version.
2011-01-17 16:16:00

Posts: 1287

I'm definitely not getting the shirt.

1. It should be free and so should have the LBP1 shirt
2. $5? Are you serious?
3. Still annoyed that the US didn't get the LBP1 shirt at all.
2011-01-17 22:01:00

Posts: 56

I'm definitely not getting the shirt.

1. It should be free and so should have the LBP1 shirt
2. $5? Are you serious?
3. Still annoyed that the US didn't get the LBP1 shirt at all.

If you weren't going to buy the LBP1 shirt, then why are you annoyed that the US didn't get it?
2011-01-18 08:12:00

The Spartan Don
Posts: 56

Whaaaat? I thought the Week 1 Shirt was FREE.
I really don't wanna pay 5 bucks just for that shirt /:
But atleast I can finally get that Space Suit ^-^
2011-01-18 08:23:00

Unknown User

If you weren't going to buy the LBP1 shirt, then why are you annoyed that the US didn't get it?

my thoughts exactly

and the $5 isn't really an issue for me...when i think about it...$5 for a piece of DLC that will NEVER make another appearance again (hence why its RARE) isn't really a bad deal...it's business and now that i think of it...since you won't buy this one it just makes it that rarer since thats one less person with it...

doesn't matter to be honest...the price wont change and it doesnt affect how you play the game so its not really a loss if you dont buy it either...but i know i woulda skipped the LBP1 week shirt if we had it back then and i regret the purchase i wouldnt have made lol if that makes sense
2011-01-18 08:25:00

Posts: 3365

my thoughts exactly

and the $5 isn't really an issue for me...when i think about it...$5 for a piece of DLC that will NEVER make another appearance again (hence why its RARE) isn't really a bad deal...it's business and now that i think of it...since you won't buy this one it just makes it that rarer since thats one less person with it...

doesn't matter to be honest...the price wont change and it doesnt affect how you play the game so its not really a loss if you dont buy it either...but i know i woulda skipped the LBP1 week shirt if we had it back then and i regret the purchase i wouldnt have made lol if that makes sense

Yeah I think I know what you mean haha. (: You're saying you didn't wanna buy the Week 1 Shirt for LBP back then, but now you regret it. Well I honestly don't wanna spend 5 bucks on this shirt thing. (I could be spending those 5 bucks on pizza or something ) But idk it depends on the person, the shirt could mean to someone than another but it just depends on how you see it. ^^
2011-01-18 08:36:00

Unknown User

When you have threads full of people raging that they missed the LBP 1 shirt and threads full of people hoping that there'll be a week 1 shirt for LBP 2 you'd have to be mad to not take advantage of the opportunity to sell an expensive virtual shirt.2011-01-18 08:53:00

Posts: 6728

I could not care less about stuff being rare.
all that matters to me is if i find use for something,
and i always hated when i have use for something yet it was a hard to get thing,
mostly talking about Card games here. xP
but me my self i also have 0 use for a T-shirt and more then likly always will
as it don't fit with the type of characters i like to make. x3 i'm not a type of person to buys all DLC,
i buy anything i believe i could ever have use for.
and that does include most of the DLC, Yohohoo~ but this is not one, it bugs me for things to be rare,
because if i do have a use for something... it is really annoying at that point to get it,
the only Rare costumes should be costumes we make are selfs.

But i guess more Normal people like being able to buy something that makes them feel somewhat more "Special"
I guess there is some weak little sense of it feeling cool you own something "Rare" but me my self
i can't feel like i care that its rare at all unless i made it my self. xD *mew
2011-01-18 18:45:00

Posts: 4261

i guess more Normal people like being able to buy something that makes them feel somewhat more "Special"
I guess there is some weak little sense of it feeling cool you own something "Rare" but me my self
i can't feel like i care that its rare at all unless i made it my self. xD *mew

you could do without the insults to people who want to purchase it...not everyone buys it to feel "special"

maybe some of us like to support a game company that's made history and broken world records by purchasing their DLC and showing them our support? idk about you but yeah LBP2 was possible because of how well sales went and DLC sales and how much we wanted it...so showing them that we still support them by purchasing DLC is still good...not always about feeling "special" :/
2011-01-18 19:06:00

Posts: 3365

you could do without the insults to people who want to purchase it...not everyone buys it to feel "special"

maybe some of us like to support a game company that's made history and broken world records by purchasing their DLC and showing them our support? idk about you but yeah LBP2 was possible because of how well sales went and DLC sales and how much we wanted it...so showing them that we still support them by purchasing DLC is still good...not always about feeling "special" :/

Never thought of it in that way. Tbh, I just buy all DLC that they release so it'll be easier to online create.

I wouldn't be surprised if actually more than half of the people that are going to buy the week 1 shirt is because they want to feel "special" and/or brag about it.

Anyways, I'm buying it, looks nice.
2011-01-18 19:11:00

Posts: 3871

I'm not a huge fan of it's appearance but I like supporting Mm and even though its a lot for DLC, I'd bet that Mm get a bigger percentage of DLC sales than they do actual game sales, so it's good to show your support for a great dev that supports it's games so well.2011-01-18 19:22:00

Posts: 1287

oh? and when i did include you when i was talking about people who are gonna buy it in general?
hmm... hiding something perhaps? all jokes aside.

most people I've known do want this stuff for ONLY "barging rights"
why did people go crazy wanting MM to give them beta?
to help MM make the game a better place for everyone?
maybe 40% did, other 60%? nope, they wanted what they
called "A demo" and people ware going crazy demanding like always
"When will i get meh bugblaster?" Etc Etc, and plus soo your
saying we should waste are money on overpriced stuff just to support MM?
Sorry there's better ways to do that. Unless your saying you'd Buy a
100$ T-shirt Also? just think of it~ hardly anyone would have that then it be so rare~
yeah i don't think so too, that's just silly,
Also would you be saying it be ok if MM made more overpriced stuff that was useful
yet hardly anyone could get it,would that be fair for the people who don't have
that kind of money and have real uses for it? yeah i don't think it be fair too.
But hey. its your right to buy what you want, and honestly its not even that
rare to boot as anyone can get it the first week without limit
plus others can GS with their friends secretly, *mew

you know I'd think as a costume maker you support Costumes being available to everyone ~ ;P
besides Beta costumes anyways, as they are to show the
hard work one did to help MM, and not just by buying overpriced stuff.
tho i think something like a Pin be also better in that case. *mew
2011-01-18 19:33:00

Posts: 4261

.......I'm not even going to bother replying to all of your post because I'm assuming you don't think before you post....take that however you want :/

so when did $100 dollar shirts come into play?

and there is NO other way to support a company then financially....i don't understand what other way you could have made LBP2 happen if nobody purchased DLC

also the costume IS available for everyone...for a freaking week...you're CHOOSING not to buy it...so why question my title as a costume designer when you're the one complaining about a $5 shirt and basically seeing others who purchase it as elitists who buy it to act high and mighty?
2011-01-18 19:39:00

Posts: 3365

.......I'm not even going to bother replying to all of your post because I'm assuming you don't think before you post....take that however you want :/

I did. But everyone got opinions, and everyone thinks different. I just posted what I thought about it, and I think fumetsusozo did that too.

Anyways I don't want to continue this with a flamewar/off-topicness or anything . :I
2011-01-18 19:51:00

Posts: 3871

.......I'm not even going to bother replying to all of your post because I'm assuming you don't think before you post....take that however you want :/

so when did $100 dollar shirts come into play?

and there is NO other way to support a company then financially....i don't understand what other way you could have made LBP2 happen if nobody purchased DLC

also the costume IS available for everyone...for a freaking week...you're CHOOSING not to buy it...so why question my title as a costume designer when you're the one complaining about a $5 shirt and basically seeing others who purchase it as elitists who buy it to act high and mighty?

Yet again your taking what i say the wrong way,
when did i say everybody? i said most. most is not LBPC also,
And being available for everyone is not 1 week. it seems like to me your just saying you want it to be rare,
and that your right and everyone else is wrong, it don't matter if you want to support MM or not,
5$ for a one part DLC is alot no matter how you may want to word it, and i never said you want it your self for barging rights.
so why so mad? i'm only talking about most people in general, Not you, not even most of people here at LBPC.

And also who's being rude to who here?
did i ever say to you, that you don't think before you post?
i mind you i do think a lot in every post i make, maybe you should take your own advice before
telling others what they do or think like perhaps?

all this over a DLC... people really like to make a big deal out of nothing impotent,
All i ever said was I'm not going to buy it, as i feel its way to much money for something i have no use for~
but then you come along and say people like me most not believe in supporting MM
because we believe they are asking to much for a DLC. *mew

But really i don't believe you'll going to listen to anyone Else's opinions on this matter.
So lets end this and just agree to disagree Err?
2011-01-18 19:56:00

Posts: 4261

so when did i say that you don't believe in Mm? seems like you're misreading my post just as i'm apparently taking your post the wrong way

and my issue isn't you not buying the shirt...its you adding that most people buy it to brag and feel important...doesnt matter if it was directed at me or not the whole issue is you're fixated on the fact that the shirt just HAS to be for elitists and for people to feel braggy and special over DLC...its a way to support DLC and its a fun shirt for people to play around with...that is all
2011-01-18 20:07:00

Posts: 3365

so when did i say that you don't believe in Mm? seems like you're misreading my post just as i'm apparently taking your post the wrong way

maybe some of us like to support a game company that's made history and broken world records by purchasing their DLC and showing them our support? idk about you

So unless my understanding of human words have failed that only implies one thing.

And also maybe you just don't talk to or play with non LBPC people a lot,
but alot of like about 50% somewhere do get it to brag. nothing wrong with that mind you,
but it is what it is when it comes to them people that i have seen.
and my advice to support MM? is in anyway you want
but i believe too that buying anything you only have real use for is best,
if you or anyone has real use for The thing, then by all means buy it~ no problem right? *mew
2011-01-18 20:20:00

Posts: 4261

So unless my understanding of human words have failed that only implies one thing.

implies what? that the OTHER people that buy the shirt are just to brag? while SOME OF US who buy the shirt to SUPPORT MM do it for that? then you're correct in your english...if you thought otherwise...id be concerned.....since that statement was for people buying the shirt...you said you werent...so it doesnt apply to you at all :/

And also maybe you just don't talk to or play with non LBPC people a lot

i have a social life outside of LBPC and LBP...a job

and my advice to support MM? is in anyway you want

that doesn't get you a sequel like LBP2....people buying the game and the DLC are what made LBP2...all that money combined with their knowledge that people wanted more is what spawned LBP2....so that "anyway you want" phrase has me wondering what do you think is another method that Mm woulda made LBP2 if nobody purchased DLC?
2011-01-18 20:40:00

Posts: 3365

We can use both DLC in the first game correct?2011-01-18 21:08:00

Posts: 162

We can use both DLC in the first game correct?

You just asked the same question here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=43894-When-Do-You-Think-The-LBP2-DLC-will-show-up&p=736928&viewfull=1#post736928). The answer is still no.
2011-01-18 21:14:00

Posts: 2870

You just asked the same question here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=43894-When-Do-You-Think-The-LBP2-DLC-will-show-up&p=736928&viewfull=1#post736928). The answer is still no.

Well sorry? I just wanted to hear what everyone else had to say... It would kind of make sense to have all DLC available for both games for people that DONT have the game yet.
2011-01-18 21:20:00

Posts: 162

Well sorry? I just wanted to hear what everyone else had to say... It would kind of make sense to have all DLC available for both games for people that DONT have the game yet.

Why woud it be interesting to hear another 10 people say "no."? And you can buy the DLC without owning the game.
2011-01-18 21:26:00

Posts: 3871

I just wanted to hear what everyone else had to say...

It's fine to wait for more opinions (although I doubt they'll be any different), but posting the same question in multiple threads is considered spamming.
2011-01-18 21:31:00

Posts: 2870

Yes. Buy the DLC, wait until your pre-order arrives, and then install it. If it doesn't show up go to your PSN download list.2011-01-18 21:31:00

Posts: 619

Well sorry? It would kind of make sense to have all DLC available for both games for people that DONT have the game yet.

actually that DOESNT make sense...because then what's the point of buying LBP2 if all the DLC can be used in LBP1??
2011-01-18 21:37:00

Posts: 3365

I finally updated the OP with the Action Genre trailer. Only 5 days late, so that's 19.999% quicker than a Sony soon. FACT.2011-01-19 12:48:00

Posts: 2266

The EU store has updated space suit and the lbp 2 shirt are up. Shirt is ?3.992011-01-19 16:54:00

Posts: 6728

I bought the f' shirt and you know what?
I had to do it even without owning the game...
And you know why?
Because next week, it won't be up...but LBP2 won't be released in Italy until next Wednesday.
I'm furious with rage.
2011-01-19 18:00:00

Posts: 5112

wow, and I thought the UK had it bad!
I desperately want that shirt though.
2011-01-19 18:16:00

Posts: 587

I bought the f' shirt and you know what?
I had to do it even without owning the game...
And you know why?
Because next week, it won't be up...but LBP2 won't be released in Italy until next Wednesday.
I'm furious with rage.

If I was you I would order it on amazon or something. It may not come for a couple of day's but odds are you'd get it before the official release date. According to this they do deliver video games to italy. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.html?ie=UTF8&nodeId=524836 . Although probably that occurred to you already. I really hope you get it soon.
2011-01-19 19:20:00

Posts: 67

Anybody know when the T-Shirt will be unavailable in the UK?

I don't want to download it until I have the game. (Friday)

So basically, will it still be up on the PS Store on Friday?
2011-01-19 19:34:00

Posts: 1477

Should be up from now until the store update next wednesday.2011-01-19 19:42:00

Posts: 6728

I don't get why you'd wait and risk missing the shirt just because you don't have the game yet....it's not like you NEED the CD to purchase it....and you'd eventually buy it RIGHT?

just saying...but yeah it's going to disappear tuesday most likely so you have time
2011-01-20 03:44:00

Posts: 3365

Paying ?3.99 for a single t-shirt just makes you look like a gullible idiot.

If I see someone with that week 1 T-Shirt I'm not going to think "Oh wow, they've got the week 1 T-Shirt", I'm going to think "Oh Wow, I can't believe what a gullible idiot that guy is for buying that!"
Kind of defeats the purpose of it's exclusivity.
It'll be rare because most people are too smart to buy it
2011-01-20 17:42:00

Posts: 1970

Paying ?3.99 for a single t-shirt just makes you look like a gullible idiot.

If I see someone with that week 1 T-Shirt I'm not going to think "Oh wow, they've got the week 1 T-Shirt", I'm going to think "Oh Wow, I can't believe what a gullible idiot that guy is for buying that!"
Kind of defeats the purpose of it's exclusivity.
It'll be rare because most people are too smart to buy it

so I'm suddenly an idiot for purchasing that piece of DLC to support Mm sales-wise while also enjoying a piece of DLC?
2011-01-20 17:46:00

Posts: 3365

so I'm suddenly an idiot for purchasing that piece of DLC to support Mm sales-wise while also enjoying a piece of DLC?

Well, if you insist
2011-01-20 17:52:00

Posts: 1970

Yay, my unicorns lol2011-01-20 17:54:00

Posts: 2278

Well, if you insist

i dont...im just asking a question...the fact that you dodged it leads me to believe you purchased the shirt yourself (using your logic)
2011-01-20 19:17:00

Posts: 3365

there isnt a stinking 7-11 within a hundred miles of where i live! T.T that SUCKS! i want a slurpee... and the cup too.2011-01-21 02:26:00

Posts: 585

The shirt is really awesome. It glows up and down too so you can't really remake it either. Went out and bought a $30 card even thought I only need the $5 for this awesome shirt. Worth it because my opinion says its a nice shirt.2011-01-21 12:35:00

Posts: 710

i dont...im just asking a question...the fact that you dodged it leads me to believe you purchased the shirt yourself (using your logic)

I was letting you answer your own question

No I don't have it, and can live with not owning it.

Some people just have more money than sense... and seeing as you only need ?3.99 - that's saying something
2011-01-21 14:47:00

Posts: 1970

I was letting you answer your own question

No I don't have it, and can live with not owning it.

Some people just have more money than sense... and seeing as you only need ?3.99 - that's saying something

yes it says that I have a job, a job that requires at the very least a high school diploma, meaning that the fact that I can afford it with my OWN money without asking mommy or daddy or purchasing a PSN card. so your logic is flawed, or are you telling me that somehow an "intelligent" person can't even afford a $5 item regardless of whether they want it or not. either way you're not really helping your case here with your posting. but feel free to dig the pit deeper for yourself I'm just dying to see how this ends up.

so yes keep insulting me and others just because we bought some DLC to support Mm. keeeeeep insulting
2011-01-21 18:58:00

Posts: 3365

so yes keep insulting me and others just because we bought some DLC to support Mm. keeeeeep insulting

I'm not trying to join in with any kind of trolling or anything, but I doubt MM see much of the money from selling that shirt
2011-01-21 20:47:00

Posts: 223

I love the trailers they just make me.. you know...... PLAY NAO2011-01-27 00:45:00

Posts: 1

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