The Light and the Darkness
Archive: 16 posts
Please tell me of any bugs you find in the level and please give me constructive criticism! I am not willing to do any F4F requests right now because I already have three of them. I will do more F4F requests after I finish the three I have. ![]() Current version: 2.0 F4F Requests: GangSTAR Chicken Wants U Dead -Pt1- Hen Raiser by Pab3000 https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=43631-*FREE*-Plumbers-apprentice-costume Light at the End of the Tunnel by Tupandactylus The Mysterious Planet by Camden1 https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=17888-The-Mysterious-Planet http://lbp.me/v/wh4ny9 | 2011-01-13 00:26:00 Author: GalaxyHero6799 ![]() Posts: 46 |
Just spent a long time trying to beat this level. I willl say you had an idea for an epic quest. Nice cute little village, and directions on where not to go. A bit more time spent on the village and the areas around could pay off. I made it into the mine, but could not read the text before strolling into the door and went to the next area with no way to return and read it. Nice long stairs, but almost too long with nothing else around, and a bit plain, not saying bad, just add more to it. The bear was cute, but did not do much. THe keys leave a light behind, you could fix that by adding a brain to the key (very smal) and have the grab trigger set to one shot connected to the brain vs the dissolve, thus graccing it kills the key with the light, if you have a mag switch on the light you would have to move it onto something else though. THe thing that bounces you up could be speed up a little. The rat things are pretty good with the side platforms to dodge them, but the long stairs are a bit much and tons of walking could be spruced up with backgrounds, movement, obsticles, or such. At the very corner top rights I could see out of your level, and a few times I could see straight corners between the stairs and the floor which makes it look a little less good. The downstairs key ha a bit of stairs too, and I was not sure of what the door was. Returning back up was a little weird with the three triangle platforms to jump on, the middle one to the left was hidden by the shadows. The upper left boss was a good idea, but could use some good corner editing to make him look better. The timing on him was a bit slow, and he moved very little. Perhaps more lighting, caera angles, shakey cam, noised or such to add to him and make him more. The half circle jumps platforms over to him weere a bit simple too, corner editing so they look like something other than circles could help. The black gas you used to close off areas was also a bit flat, adding some edges there coudl help. Well the turtle looking thing was as far as I could get. He just falls and then sits there shooting with no noise or anything. Add some movements, effects, just anything to make him seem more. I got the legs, but after that I was not able in any way shape or form to get the top point. The jumps was too far, I could not swing up him because her shoots every second, and even though I could swing onto the stairs behind, I could not jump on his back to kill him that way. I looked around for other ways to get him, climbing up would not work to the right, could never jump far enough over, no way to climb up to the left since the stairs broke on that side, and no exit out of that area. Maybe no making him 3 level thick would allow him to fall to teh foreground, then you could have him moving, and then the player could use the stairs to attack him from above. Very nice large comcept you have going, can tell you like rpgs. You should do some more work on this level, it is a good start. More details, less walking with nothing going on, faster bounce up, more moving for the bosses, more sounds, use the corner edit, have fun with the camera. Hope that helps, F4F wise choose any of my levels, I am always trying to make them better, if you like RPG style, I never really did anything like that yet, but the "OK Murder Mystery on the Mississippi Express" or the "OK Choice" are more story driven than the others I have made. | 2011-01-14 07:07:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
Thanks for the feedback! I will try to make the level better. I'll be sure to F4F your level OK Worlder soon! ![]() | 2011-01-14 23:50:00 Author: GalaxyHero6799 ![]() Posts: 46 |
-MAJOR UPDATE 2.0- 1. I added more obstacles. 2. I made the turtle boss easier to beat. 3. When you grab keys of light the entire key is now destroyed. 4. Some corner editing were done on some objects. 5. Gas in most places has better corners. 6. You can now see the text sooner before you enter the door to Darkness. 7. Various other bugs or glitches have been fixed. | 2011-01-15 21:30:00 Author: GalaxyHero6799 ![]() Posts: 46 |
Hi I've got it in my Queue. I'll give you some feedback as soon as I've played it. | 2011-01-16 02:39:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thanks! If you want to do F4F (feedback for feedback) just say what level you want me to play so I can give you feedback on it. | 2011-01-16 03:10:00 Author: GalaxyHero6799 ![]() Posts: 46 |
Hi, I know this sounds really lazy but I kind of agree with what 'celsus' had to say. I didn't have a problem with the scroll on the wall so your update worked fine. I did have a problem with the boost up after the bear I think that needs tweaking, a bit more power. The three jumps back up after the lower level were really difficult I suggest having another jump or making the stairs flat at the top? The rat beast backed the 3rd key into the wall and it disappeared so I had to start the level again. I'd suggest having it hang from the wall or put a censor in front of it so the rat beast couldn't go that far back. I pooped my pants at the end when the boss popped out from nowhere! I managed to beat him and finish the level. I like the story and the world you've created but I do think you've made it to big, it felt a bit empty at times because of the size of it, I'd put a bit more stuff in to interact with or make it more compact. F4F - GangSTAR Chicken Wants U Dead -Pt1- Hen Raiser https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=43631-*FREE*-Plumbers-apprentice-costume | 2011-01-16 22:48:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thanks for the feedback Pab3000! I'll see what I can do to make the level better and fix the bugs. And I'll be sure to play your level and give you feedback on it soon. | 2011-01-16 23:17:00 Author: GalaxyHero6799 ![]() Posts: 46 |
Okay, so I just completed your level, and I must say it needs some work, though it is okay without it. The decorations were pretty good, though I would suggest putting more detail into the cave and making it slightly darker, as it was kind of just stone in full sunlight. You need to put some more work in on the bosses, as they looked like you threw them together in 10 seconds(even though my only boss looks like that, just saying a way to improve). That little bit could also go to the giant black thing which I think is a rat design. The turtle boss needs an arena of some sort to fight in, so it can move and be free, not just sit there awkwardly on the steps while I grab its face and legs to death. Not much else, though I do like your wavy stairs, gives the level a nice touch of caveyness. Like celsus said, the gas was a bit flat, and it also got in the way of the robot battle at times due to the gas flying up and making some things hard to see. I really liked the system of entering houses and whatnot, though the multiple places I couldn't visit were kind of disappointing (castle, extra house, and forest), maybe if you made them to be extra areas with harder challenges then it'd be good, or give a sticker out at the end of the level that let's you visit them if yuo play through again, maybe a key of light photo? Pretty good level, has good potential, just need to add a little work here and there. And if you would, please feedback my level Light at the End of the Tunnel. | 2011-01-17 17:19:00 Author: Tupandactylus ![]() Posts: 10 |
Thanks for the feedback Tupandactylus! I'll be sure to play your level and give you feedback on it soon. ![]() | 2011-01-17 17:36:00 Author: GalaxyHero6799 ![]() Posts: 46 |
You might want to wait on that, because in a little while I'll be doing a little update on it. If you wanna just play it now though, go ahead, even though it'd be better if I could just fix a thing or two. | 2011-01-17 17:45:00 Author: Tupandactylus ![]() Posts: 10 |
Nice cute little village, and directions on where not to go. A bit more time spent on the village and the areas around could pay off. I really liked the system of entering houses and whatnot, though the multiple places I couldn't visit were kind of disappointing (castle, extra house, and forest), maybe if you made them to be extra areas with harder challenges then it'd be good, or give a sticker out at the end of the level that let's you visit them if yuo play through again, maybe a key of light photo? Sorry about that guys. The main reason I made those places were for realism and flexibility. Maybe I will add some of the places into this level but I would like to leave them as they are so I can expand on them on later levels. You might want to wait on that, because in a little while I'll be doing a little update on it. If you wanna just play it now though, go ahead, even though it'd be better if I could just fix a thing or two. Ok I wasn't going to play the level right now but I'll be sure to play it after you update the level. ![]() | 2011-01-17 17:55:00 Author: GalaxyHero6799 ![]() Posts: 46 |
Alright, it's updated, so play if you want. | 2011-01-17 20:03:00 Author: Tupandactylus ![]() Posts: 10 |
I'll play it later, right now I'm watching the Little Big World Record live stream! ![]() | 2011-01-17 20:09:00 Author: GalaxyHero6799 ![]() Posts: 46 |
Not a bad level you have here. Pros: -I loved the fact the that it wasn't linear and you had to do some exploring in the cave in order to find everything. -Even though the story wasn't amazing, it explained everything pretty well. It's always good to know why you're wandering around in a cave. -The bosses were OK, but not great. -I'm still not sure what it was, but there was something about the level that made me want to keep playing. Cons -The visuals could use a lot of work. I'd suggest using a few other materials if you can and adding some decorations. Some lighting effects would help as well. -I was a little disappointed that you couldn't go to the forest or the castle. I gave it :star::star::star::star:<3. Keep up the good work! If you get the chance, please F4F one of my Mysterious Planet levels. (I understand if you can't, with LBP2 coming tomorrow ![]() | 2011-01-18 01:30:00 Author: Camden1 ![]() Posts: 83 |
Thanks for giving me feedback! I will try to play your level and give you feedback on it. | 2011-01-18 03:09:00 Author: GalaxyHero6799 ![]() Posts: 46 |
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