Neptunia Part 1 (Preview)
Archive: 4 posts
This level was going to be published in its entirety in LBP1, but with the release date of LBP2 coming up, I have decided to finish the project in there (or at least plan to). It took me almost 2 months to create this with endless hours of testing and fooling with logic. Because of some "disappearing" Speech Bubbles in some areas, you may miss a text or two. Most likely that is not going to hinder you from playing the level. I am not an artist or an expert level creator but I think you'll enjoy this level. This level is fully playable. It is short (mostly because of the thermos). If you decide to play it, let me know if you find any bugs or gameplay issues. Comments are also appreciated. Most of all, enjoy. Some pics below: http://i1225.photobucket.com/albums/ee392/Garak101/Neptunia/th_Neptunia1.jpg?t=1294795677http://i1225.photobucket.com/albums/ee392/Garak101/Neptunia/th_Neptunia2.jpg?t=1294795677 http://i1225.photobucket.com/albums/ee392/Garak101/Neptunia/th_Neptunia3.jpg?t=1294795677http://i1225.photobucket.com/albums/ee392/Garak101/Neptunia/th_Neptunia4.jpg?t=1294795677 http://lbp.me/v/wgjzpr | 2011-01-12 01:52:00 Author: Garak101 ![]() Posts: 101 |
hi! i'm going to do a play through review with pros(+) and cons(-)! -the speech bubble at the start seemed more appropriate to put in the description. but i understand that most people don't read the description...ever ![]() -placing keys where the player almost has to get them +i like title/author intros. idk why but i think they're cool! yours is nicely done. +i like the story. pretty epic. +cool rotating spike trap -i didn't like how the rotating matching puzzle told you when you got each one right. it made it too easy -after walking through the big magic door with the tridents and going to the right it felt like there was something blocking my path. i had to jump around and move back and forth to get through. +more cool rotating spike traps! -checkpoint is to far away from the electric tridents that stab down. there's annoying walk back every time you die there +cool spike/lever puzzle thing -i thought the MGS success music was out of place in this level. overall great level! i hope it gets way more plays. it looks great and it's fun! i gave it 5 stars! for F4F please play ginormo burger. thanks! | 2011-01-14 05:42:00 Author: harbingernaut ![]() Posts: 126 |
Thank you for playing and your feedback, harbingernaut. As for the problem in the door, there was a couple of old switches that shouldn't have been back there..I must have forgotten to erase them. They are gone. That might have been the problem. Other than that, it is probably the camera angle as there is nothing else back there. I think the MGS music fits well when the door opens. But I may change it in the other parts. About the puzzle, I could not find a workable solution on how to do that. I had enough trouble getting it to work the way it is. I plan to add more to this level in LBP2. Just wanted to get it out on LBP1 before LBP2 comes out. Again, thank you for your feedback. ![]() | 2011-01-15 19:55:00 Author: Garak101 ![]() Posts: 101 |
Aha, another 101! I'll definitely play this ![]() | 2011-01-19 18:09:00 Author: Asbestos101 ![]() Posts: 1114 |
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