Can I reset to the beginning?
Archive: 6 posts
I've started playing this game in story mode and a friend would like to also play, from the beginning and without all the items i've collected. I can't find anywhere how to load a new game. Am I being really thick or isn't there the opportunity to load different users on the one PS3??? Any help would be greatly appreciated (as my mate is here now!! ) | 2008-11-07 20:23:00 Author: FSL ![]() Posts: 3 |
Of course you can reset to the beginning(Without deleting your save >_>), just make a new user profile on your PS3, and when you start LittleBigPlanet, you should get the intro level. To make a new User Profile, scroll to the left side of your PS3's XMB (Scrollbar), and "Create new User" I'm 100% certain it works. | 2008-11-07 20:28:00 Author: Forsaken ![]() Posts: 950 |
Cheers Forsaken, off to do it now!! ![]() | 2008-11-07 20:30:00 Author: FSL ![]() Posts: 3 |
Is there anyway to do this (reset to the beginning) and use your same user name? I have even tried to delete all of the saved data for my user, but somehow LBP remembers the state of my user in the story. So I can never actually seem to start from scratch. I guess I will try the new user name thing for now, but please let me know if anyone has any other suggestions on how I could do the reset with my current user. thanks!!! | 2010-01-02 13:59:00 Author: pdietrich ![]() Posts: 1 |
Yup, do as Forsaken said above, then just log into your PSN. Hope I helped! ![]() -plasma | 2010-01-02 16:10:00 Author: Plasmavore ![]() Posts: 1913 |
Is there anyway to do this (reset to the beginning) and use your same user name? I have even tried to delete all of the saved data for my user, but somehow LBP remembers the state of my user in the story. So I can never actually seem to start from scratch. I guess I will try the new user name thing for now, but please let me know if anyone has any other suggestions on how I could do the reset with my current user. thanks!!! Did you delete the game data as well as your profile data? | 2010-01-09 14:18:00 Author: Chicago51 ![]() Posts: 258 |
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