~Chao Adventure~ "Forum RPG Story"
Archive: 72 posts
Chao Adventure. Forum RPG Story. http://webzoom.freewebs.com/chaoswinds/Sozo/Chao%20Adventure%20Logo.png A Chao Adventure was a very fun and popular Forum RPG Back in the good old days in the Chao forums, And I’m Bering it back but taking it a step up, upgraded and balanced it out, More or less, A Ton of Rules added. xD Yohohooho! Chao Adventure is based in a fantasy world filled with little cute soft Chao things, They look somewhat like sack people, but little more cute and not being a doll, ![]() Also they are not the only Beings that live on this planet Also Ton and tons of fantasy beings Inhibit this world, Half animal people, Dragons, Robots, Etc, And Chao are weak little things that most even need a “Caretaker” to survive from day to day life, They normally eat Fruit and Nuts, but lately have also taken a liking to junk food their caretakers eat, Chao are normally 1 of 3 main Elements, Light, Middle, Dark, and 1 of another element, Power, Speed, Flying, Water, Earth, Fire, Nothing, Etc, And Chao take on the looks depending are how’ve they been raised and what they been giving and feed, Also they can take semi on the looks of parts of animals by living with said animal a lot in their life, Chao were made By Sonic Team, and also seem to be forgotten by them, Even thought they have A huge Fan base still to today. 1:Ful in the blank character sheet with the options listed. You start off with 10 points, use the points to give the character Powers and abilities, You may Not give them more abilities then you have points to spend, So No Godly level characters Sorry. A Chao is just that, A Chao, So no Chao that look Human are allowed, Remember This Chao character is not going to be you in Chao form, It is not your persona, however it can be semi based after your persona if you wish to do so As a Chao is raised by you its Caretaker, but still, its not a mini copy of you, remember that, A Chao can have Animal body parts that don’t exceed the Chao’s based shape much, so They’ll look somewhat like costume parts, Chao can have clothes, So Chao are very much like Sackpeople, However they are more limited, Chao all have orbs and wings and normally have a caretaker, Chao are raised normally in a safe protected shut off from outside world areas. In this RPG, Chao die normally at age 20 then turn back in to a baby in a cocoon, not counting special immortal Chao, Chao are easily influenced by things morally and physically unless they are of the immortal breed, 2:Only Writers hand picked by Me “The Editor” are allowed. So No random “put name here” person can write in the RPG, This is to stop the RPG from going in to Chaos&Madness, I want this RPG To be good Fun&Enjoyable for everyone thanks, If you want to be a Writer you can send some samples of your writing while there are Try-outs for Writers open, but not outside of this, Don’t ask me or anyone else If you can get in as a Writer, if you want in, wait for try-outs to be open, Try-outs will be where you send me “The Editor” & the Other Writers Some samples Of your writing, If enough of us agree, you’ll get in, if not, try again next time, However, Not on the RPG Topic it self, PM, VM us them Etc, keep Try-outs off the Topic, thanks, Also unless your one of the writers, you may Not have a character of yours put in to the Story. 3: If story Gets badly made, Writer will get asked to rewrite. If the Story starts to suck, and is going in a Direction that I “The Editor” disagree with, Then the Story will be rewound back to a point in the story were it was good, and then the Writers will have to write from that point, but in a New Direction that Don’t suck, When it comes to this, and hopefully it never does, then I “The Editor” I’m doing it for the best for the RPG to keep it Good&Enjoyable for everyone, There is No disagreeing allowed to the Editor in this case. 4: No characters from other stories. Chao Adventure is based around Sonic’s World, However in this case It is not the same World, So No Sonic/Amy Etc Allowed, However Half Hedgehog&Human “Anthropomorphic” Breeds like Sonic is, Etc, Is Allowed, this is a Fantasy World, So don’t think to limited with how the World works or what’s in it, Just No characters From other series like Batman, Sonic, Sackpeople, Etc as a example, they are not Allowed. Chao are the main Characters here, remember this. 5: Writer turns. Every writer well start off their turn in the story as they see fit, And they can’t start their next turn till at least one other writer has taken a turn. One chapter won’t change to the next even when they take their turn, It won’t be the next chapter till most of everybody in the Writer group has taken at least 1 turn in the chapter and or enough story has passed, So its Not every writer’s turn is a new chapter, I’ll say when its getting about time for it to turn to the next chapter, if not, and I take to long doing so, then when my writers believe its time to do so, they need to tell me, So I can give the oK. 6: Chao Art. Every one Main Chao assigned to a Writer will get 1 Art Drawn by me “The Editor” of their main Chao, You Lucky punks. PS: it may take me a while to get to it at times, as I’m not a very active Artist And I get busy with other things for while at times. 7: Character limits. A Writer may write more then one Chao however, This is for Story reasons, every Chao most follow the Character create sheet, To keep balance a Writer may not create more then 3 main Character Chao of their own, However they may write side characters with out limit as long they don’t use to much Air-time in the story, Villains are like normal characters, when creating or turning A Character in to a Villain they follow the same Character create sheet. In the case of turning a Character in to a Villain, you may change their points To new Powers and abilities but still can’t exceed the max character points they have at use, And the info must be sent in on a Character create sheet and there must be a good enough Reason how the change happened in the story, So randomly changing the character for non Story reasons is not allowed. 8:Chao can get Character points to use for upgrades as rewards. At the end of every chapter I “The Editor” will reward “Points” that can be used on Chao’s Character sheets to upgrade them, however, is will not be lots to stay realistic, Points will only be given out sometimes, Not always, So some chapters will go by where No one or only some get points, it’ll be based on how I feel it works best for the interest of the story, Chao may not get Points in any other way besides when I ”The Editor” give them out. 9: Keep the Writing to the right road, this is a group RPG. You can write how you see fit within the limits, However Keep Your Ego in check, don’t start making your character king of everyone Or believe your Chao is the main character, their Not, Sure you can give them The spotlight when your writing that’s fine, but don’t write other people’s Chao wrong, Don’t make them lose to your character in a battle to make your Chao look good, Be realistic, get to know and understand the other Chao and write them the best you can Without favoritism, Even go as far as talking to everyone with how you plan on writing at times, If you believe it may be important, Remember a Good story is a Consistent one, And I “The Editor” will make sure it stays on a Consistent way of writing. 10:All Writers will be Asked to keep The Main Chao Stats icon in their Forum Sig, And to keep it updated, a Copy will be posted on the Topic for use at some point, So it should not be that hard to keep up with. The Icon will be of the Caretaker’s Main Chao That’ll have basic short info about them. And if the person wants to make their own, that’s fine Long as it contains the correct info. PS: I get busy sometimes so it may take me a while to get to it at times. 11: No longer a active rule for now. Note: This rule is not active, Sorry people I’m to busy to work on it, I have other levels and story for them levels I want to do first. So if enough of the other writers want to do it, all they need to do is Tell me then I’ll most likely give the ok. But I can only give advice. I don’t have the time right now to work on the levels my self. (below is not a active ruling right now) The Story will be Written in Chapters, And Turned in to Film LBP2 Levels. The Editor, Writers&Helpers will be Turning this Story Chapter by chapter In to Film levels on LBP2, However if this becomes to hard, AKA I “The Editor” Am the only one working on it, the levels will be stopped, I’m just a editor So Don’t even Think for a minute I’ll be doing all the work, if it comes down to this at All, The Level and or Story will be stopped being made till I get enough level makers and writers To start it up again, In the Writers Try-outs you can ask to be a Writer or Level-Helper when Try-outs are open,. PS: the Story will be stopped sometimes in order to get the levels up-to date with the Story. PS: If you find the Rules to hard to follow or dislike them, Then that’s just to bad, there is No disagreeing with them, Don’t like them? Then you don’t have to be a Writer, simple as that. Now Lets Party!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGbnM2FDYsQ PS: No i did not make the video. ![]() | 2011-01-10 19:08:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Chao Character Sheet: Name: Gender: Female or Male Age: Normal Chao Age to about 20 years then turn back in to a baby in a cocoon, But Immortal Chao are Ageless, So in the case of a immortal put anything here. Breed of Chao: Pick one of the first 3 elements: Light, Middle, Dark, Then pick a second element, Fire, Power, Machine, Nothing, etc as a example, Any second element You can think up is fine. Personally: Back-story: Put whatever here about the Chao and its life up to the point of it entering the story. Main Hobby: Favorite Food: How much the Chao likes their Caretaker: Abilities & Powers. Points used: 0. Points left: 10. Spend them on whatever below. 5 points: Immortal Age: Chao don’t age or turn in to a cocoon unless they get killed. 1 point: Low level powers: Kinda Speedy, Somewhat Strong, Able to Fly, Can Swim well, High jump, Basic Battle Skills, Etc, theses are Weak level skills as a example, Any Weak level skill you can think up is allowed but will cost you 1 point. 3 points: Mid level powers: Speedy, Strong, Can Fly well, Fast Swimmer, Double jump, Good Battle Skills, Etc, theses are Mid level skills as a example Any Mid level skill you can think up is allowed but will cost you 3 point. 7 points: High level powers: Pants on fire, Macho, One with the birds, Dolphin, Wall jumper, Great Battle Skills, Etc, theses are High level skills as a example Any High level skill you can think up is allowed but will cost you 7 point. Hidden Skills: These powers are Super level and can not be obtain normally, Only “the Editor” can give you the Chance to get a Skill of this level and Only when its offered to you, it’ll cost 10 points, if you don’t have that much At that time then you can’t buy it till you do have enough, Obtaining more Points to Spend: At the end of every Chapter “The Editor” Will maybe give out some points in interest for the story. ----------------------------------------------------------- Caretaker Character Sheet: Caretaker’s Name: Caretaker’s Gender: Caretaker’s Age: Caretaker’s Breed: Human, Half Animal: Dragon, Robot, Etc, most things are allowed. Personally: Back-story: Put whatever here about the them and their life up to the point of them entering the story. Main Hobby: Favorite Food: How much the Caretaker likes their Chao: Caretakers are a Persona of the writer, and don’t need points for powers etc, But still No Godly level characters are allowed, though your not to limited Far as how you can make your caretaker, Still you can’t make them all powerful, So try to keep them balance based on your own opinion ok? | 2011-01-10 19:09:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
(Fumetsusozo) (Editor & Writer) Name: Crazy Mittens Gender: Female Age: 6 Breed of Chao: Dark, Fire, Personally: Generally Lazy, Likes to Dominate others, Jumps to wild conclusions, Easily falls briefly in to despair, Faulty memory, Creative, Can sense others sprits, Lonely, Back-story: Having been raised her whole life in the “Dark junkyard garden” By her eerie caretaker “Rowunk” She is very much a Dark Chao in personality and sprit, Her life long dream is to become the Grim reaper and Rule over life and death, But is left alone to take care of her self half the time by her caretaker, and She just watches shows and day-dreams all the time, for the last some years she’s been Practicing her battle skills so she can go on a misadventure just like her favorite TV show characters. Main Hobby: Watching “Darklord Misadventures” Favorite Food: Anything not from the junkyard. How much the Chao likes their Caretaker: Loves him a lot, is very loyal to him. Abilities & Powers. Points used: 8. Points left: 2. 1 point: Low level powers: (Somewhat Strong) (Basic Battle Skills) (Small Dark Grip) Uses dark powers to grab hold of the opponent and will drain an tiny bit of life force out of them. (Shadow Creep) In very dark areas user can creep around completely unnoticed for short periods of time. (Rookie Junk Skills) User can easily make junk in to useful objects. 3 points: Mid level powers: (Dark Azure Powered) Uses flame power stored over time from an “Blue fireball Chao Orb” To double the power of the user’s abilities and to add an flame element to attacks for a short period of time. 7 points: High level powers: None. Hidden Skills: None. Obtaining more Points to Spend: At the end of every Chapter “The Editor” Will maybe give out some points in interest for the story. Name: Retsnom (Her Nick name is Nom) Gender: Female Age: 100, Immortal age. Breed of Chao: Dark,Monster. Personally: Laid back, lazy, Clingy. Back-story: Taken care of and raised by some nameless Last boss. She had a very dark but happy life, she’d always watch as her caretaker Beat senseless hero after hero, then they both laugh & toss peanuts at the defeated heroes as they run away in shame, she always wondered why they gone after her caretaker what did it do to make them want to kill it in the first place? They just sat there and did nothing yet heroes from around the world just had to always come and try to kill the last boss as it’s something every hero on a adventure has to do as they put it. Well one day her caretaker was running after a dumb hero but was not looking where it was going and followed them straight off a cliff, Which killed both the Lass boss and hero. Left alone Retsnom had no where to go, so she for no reason jumped in a trash-can that got taken to “The Dark junkyard garden” there she found her new best friend… (A TV) where she would from That point on never be apart from the one she loves… (The TV) But Crazy mittens calls Retsnom her Non-blood-Sister because she thinks Retsnom is cool, because of that, Rowunk became her new caretaker, but she don't think much of him, as she won't leave the TV and won't get over her love of her last caretaker, plus she likes the TV far more. Main Hobby: TV… don’t matter what’s on she’ll watch it. Favorite Food: Peanuts. How much the Chao likes their Caretaker: Ignores him. Abilities & Powers. Points used: 10. Points left: 0. 5 points: Immortal Age: Chao don’t age or turn in to a cocoon unless they get killed. 1 point: (Tentacle slap) Attacks her enemies with her tentacle tail. (Mini cleric) Makes a mini cute ball copy of herself that floats around her and heals her very slowly when she’s hurt, it pops like a bubble if attacked. 3 points: (Monster bomber) Makes mini cute ball copies of herself that fly at her enemies That try to attack her then they explode. 7 points: None. Hidden Skills: None. Caretaker’s Name: Rowunk Caretaker’s Gender: Male Caretaker’s Age: ??? Caretaker’s Breed: Half Shadow Fox & Scarecrow anthropomorphic Personally: Mysterious, Crazy, Carefree, Kind, Comical, Information gatherer. Back-story: A being Shrouded in mystery and Shadows, Wares a eerie tall pointy beat up Hat, Cloak and scarecrow clothes that’s filled with metal junk and hay sticking out everywhere, He seems to come and go from nowhere all the time, always creeping in the shadows, He looks as if he’s one with the “Dark junkyard garden” some wonder if he’s the junkyard incarnate, But no one knows for sure, he takes care of “Crazy Mittens” as her Caretaker. though he leaves her here and there for periods of time and leaves to question where he goes. Main Hobby: Comical Stories and Gathering Information. Favorite Food: ??? How much the Caretaker likes their Chao: He loves her a lot, She is very dear to him. Sig Card http://webzoom.freewebs.com/chaoswinds/Sozo/C-M-RPG-Card.png Main Chao art http://webzoom.freewebs.com/chaoswinds/Sozo/CrazyMittens-LBPC-01.png http://www.freewebs.com/chaoswinds/Sozo/Nom-1.png --- (Elsa) (Assistant-Editor) You can also ask her for story advice, ETC, if needed just like the main editor. --- (Doooomguy) (Writer) Name: Flash Gender: Male Age: 7 Breed of Chao: Dark, Machine Personal: Flash is shy, knows Fusion (a special kind of robot magic), and is soon to get his Dark side. Back-story: Flash’s parents died in an battle, leaving Flash nearly dead. But The Factory Of A Chao Tomorrow revived him and now he is half robot. Mike, Flash’s caretaker was assigned by The Creator, to revive him for his first job. Now he looks after Flash like his child, being the first robot he ever repaired. He met Crazy Mittens when he had to get a new leg part for a robot, because he looked in her part of the Junkyard, she got angry at him for stealing parts of her bed. Main Hobbies: Playing videogames, watching Darklord, and spying on Crazy Mittens. Favorite Food: His stomach was removed when he was fixed, so he doesn’t eat. How much the Chao likes their Caretaker: Well, if it wasn’t for Mike, he wouldn’t even be here. So…a lot. Abilities & Powers. Points used: 10. Points left: 2. Low level (1 point) powers: None Mid level (3 points) powers: Mid level flying. High level (7 points) powers: High level Fusion Magic. Hidden Skills: None Trying to get Hidden Skill: Master Fusion Magic. extra story points: 2 have been given out and added to point pool. --- Caretaker's name: Mike Cogchurn Caretaker’s Gender: Male Caretaker’s Age: 17 Caretaker’s Breed: Human Personally: Kind, caring, funny, likes building random stuff and repairing robots. He wears a brown coat and a black t-shirt, has blond hair, and has a massive wrench with a sword tip at the end. For protection. He hardly ever uses it, just keeps it in a glass case. Back-story Being The Creator’s son, he works at the Factory Of A Chao Tomorrow, repairing robots and giving Chao’s robotic parts to keep them alive. Flash was the first Chao he ever saved, so he treats him like his son. He is training Flash so he can master his powers. Main Hobby: Making stuff and training Flash. Favorite Food: Hot dogs. =D How much the Caretaker likes their Chao: He loves Flash like his own son. http://www.freewebs.com/chaoswinds/Sozo/F-RPG-Card2.png http://www.freewebs.com/chaoswinds/Sozo/Flash-02.png --- (theswweet) (Writer) Name:Felix Gender:Male Age: Unknown, physically 3 (15 in chao years) as well as mentally Breed of Chao: neutral, going on hero as well as fire (hey, in the games hero was dependant on what happened!) Personally: Playful, but also Serious when the time is needed. slightly unstable when asked about his past before Jake, also, his wings are currently small and useless. he is a shade of orange, almost like flames Back-story: An amnesiac, that only remembers falling out of the sky with another chao during a storm. his caretaaker Jake, found and took care of him shortly after the particualr incident. Main Hobby: Exploring Favorite Food: Chocolate Cake How much the Chao likes their Caretaker: Loves him as a brother, albeit human Abilities & Powers. Points used: 10. Points left: 0. Spend them on whatever below. 5 points: Immortal Age: Yes, but he doesn't remember it at the moment... 1 point: Low level powers: High jump, Basic Battle Skills, Kinda speedy, Read and Write (can understand written words easily, as well as write. this acts as a slightly stronger intelligence, and is not limited o grammar), Creative (can make clothes out of basic materials) 3 points: Medium level powers : (nothing yet) 7 points: High level powers : (nothing yet) Hidden Skills: going for "Chaotic" (chaos chao, every current attribute owned is boosted a lvl when owned, high ones are skipped over and added to another of choosing) Caretaker’s Name:Jake Caretaker’s Gender: male Caretaker’s Age: 14 Caretaker’s Breed: Human Personally: Serious, but a joker at the same time Back-story: When his parents were drowned in a flood, he ran away from heartbreak. when he found felix he vowed he would spend his life finding his past. he has since accepted their deaths Main Hobby: exploring Favorite Food: Chocolate Cake How much the Caretaker likes their Chao : immensely, as much as a younger brother working on his stuff. will add more stuff soon --- (Catlover) (Writer) Name: Pip and kay Gender: female Age: 6 Breed of chao: middle(pip is a devil chao so she is dark and kay is an angel chao so she is hero so together:middle),fire Personally: pip: adventerous,loud and messy kay: also adventerous,thoughtful and great at thinking of plans. Back story: pip and kays mum was a angel chao who was just like a devil chao, and there dad was a devil chao and when pip and kay were born their mum and dad were gonna get rid of kay because they diden't like angel chaos and she was an angel chao, but pip wouldn't go anywhere without kay so they got rid of them both.Later on a man called Sid (now their caretaker) is looking after them. Main hobby: Pip: Watching darklord misadventure and adventering Kay: adventering Favorite food: they don't mind what they eat(as long as it's not's Sids potatoe salad) How much the chao likes their caretaker: Quite a lot but definitley not as much as they like each other Abilities & Powers. Points used:10 points left:0 Low level: none Mid level: can fly well High level: Fire Blaze,it is a special kind of fire power that hardly any Chaos know, once its used (by two Chaos saying Fire Blaze) the Chaos will be set aflame, it only works if you truly need it, and if you are accompanied by another Chao who has the same power. Trying to get hidden skill: iblis flames Editor note: Both Chao seem to have the same abilities~ Name: Sid Gender: male Age: 16 Breed: human (and a bit dark (read the back story)) Personally: brillent at cooking,bit of a joker and always hanging about with all the girls Back story: Sid left home when he was 15 and moved to a cottage in sunny D medows,he met Pip and Kay laying on the ground while going to pick berries for his berrie pie. Also two years ago when Sid was 14 he was injected with dark poision in his right leg by someone powerfully dark called Akorath and had to walk with crutches ever since. Main hobby: cooking Favorite food: his cooking How much Sid likes his chaos: quite a lot but gets anoyyed when Pip and Kay don't like his cooking but they usally do (well not his potato salad). http://www.freewebs.com/chaoswinds/Sozo/P-K-RPG-Card.png http://www.freewebs.com/chaoswinds/Sozo/Pip-Kay-01.png --- (Tomeh999) (Writer) Name: Jakz Gender:Male Age: 8 Breed of Chao: Dark, Lightning Personally: Hates a lot of things, except for Food, Destruction, and Video Games that involve killing and/or being evil. Back-story: Jakz was a kind chao at first. He was helpful and cared for others. One day Jakz was helping his friend run an errand. Jakz, being fast as he is, couldn't help but run ahead. Without him knowing, his friend stopped and ran back to his home. Jakz turned a corner and was suddenly stopped. A gang of chao surrounded him and beat the ship out of him. They hung Jakz and he was left there to die. One day a man named Krieger came and helped Jakz. Although thankful for saving his life, Jakz didn't really like Krieger all that much. Krieger seemed to friendly, and with the recent experience, Jakz didn't want to be with anybody. Being betrayed, and almost killed changed Jakz, it made him hate everything, and every one around him. But still, after being saved, he agreed to follow Krieger. Main Hobby: Destroying/Breaking things. Favorite Food: Taco How much the Chao likes their Caretaker: Not at all Abilities & Powers. Points used: 0. Points left: 10. 5 points: Immortal Age: Not Used 1 point: Low level powers: (Nothing) 3 points: Mid level powers: Lightning Entanglement (Targeted enemy is strangled by lightning, which gets tighter as the target struggles.) 7 points: High level powers: Electric Aura (Electricity surrounds him, but drains him quickly) Hidden Skills: These powers are Super level and can not be obtain normally Caretaker’s Name: Krieger Caretaker’s Gender: Male Caretaker’s Age: 18 Caretaker’s Breed: Cyborg (Human/Robot) Personally: Krieger is usually friendly, but becomes aggressive every time somebody asks, or talks about the robot body. Back-story: Krieger came from a family of scientists. When Krieger was first brought into their lab, to learn, and do his first experiment, everything went wrong. A machine inside the lab was sabotaged, causing an explosion. This explosion nearly killed Krieger, as it ripped parts of his body off. He was brought back with a half robot body, and now he searches for the saboteur of his first experiment. Main Hobby: Making Machines Favorite Food: Burrito How much the Caretaker likes their Chao: Loves it! (No, not in that way, you dirty, dirty person) working on his stuff. will add more stuff soon --- (Rygalla) (Writer) Name: Soul Gender: Male Age: Immortal, 24 Breed of Chao: Light. Element: Chaos(A Chaos Chao), Power. Personally: Kind and caring, Mischievous Back-story: Soul’s Egg was found in a dark(in terms of brightness) chao garden until it was sought by his caretaker, who rise him like a son however one day the care taker never returned… Soul set out on a quest to find him once again. Whenever he fights or races he always wishes for his brother Rocky to see him do it, he can’t because Rocky died. Unlike normal Chaos chao he has a unicorn horn and angelic wings permanently. Main Hobby: Racing and fighting. Favorite Food: Square Fruit, chocolate bars(Some claim this to be the source of his strength, but it isn‘t) How much the Chao likes their Caretaker: Gee did you read the Back-story? Abilities & Powers. Points used: 10. Points left: 0. 5 points: Immortal age. 1 point: (Basic Beginner qualities) He can run, jump, fly, climb, etc. All on a Beginner's skill level "this ability is always active" (Claw combo) He attacks with his claws to do a multi-hit attack (Taught by a Red Echidna Guy) (Spiral bolt) Soul kicks into the foe with a spinning kick (Taught by a White Bat Woman) he can also dig with this move. (Power Driver) Soul Rams into the opponent with his horn, the move hits twice. (Mini Darkness Barrier) Attacks from Dark Chao are weakened by 30% 3 points: None 7 points: None Hidden Skills: ??? http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af354/Rygalla/SOUL.png --- (junk-Warrior7) (Writer) info will be added later. ------------------------------------------------- (Try-outs are Open) If you want to be a "Writer" just message me off this topic, And I'll see if I want to add you or not. | 2011-01-10 19:12:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Chapter 1: Adventure Prelude. Day1: Opening to a lonely land of junk. In a dark foreboding land hidden from everywhere at who knows where on this planet, Is a dark spooky junkyard garden filled with all kinds of debris, mostly metal bits and bobs, We look upon a clearing where there seems to be all kinds of Stuff, mostly junk organized in a lived in almost home kinda way, though its hard to tell at first glance. Off to the side there’s an old TV that’s been clearly repaired lots of times. Tossed about it are some empty soda cans and what seems to be someone’s clothes hanging around in the junk. To one side there are some evil looking-but cute monster plushies hidden away in an old tire. On top of a nearby junk pile there’s a bed made of old blankets nestled inside an old broken down car. In it’s cracked window there’s a sign jammed in that says “Nest of the Reaper” written very badly. Off a little way from the TV, there’s a small inflatable pool, that clearly needs its water to be replaced. Here and there are some odd trees that had been bolted together as if to keep them alive. From these trees grew some reddish gray fruit that didn’t look all that good to eat to be honest. Some 10 foot away by the pool, there’s a old banged-up rocking-horse that makes eerie squeaking noises. Back close by the TV, in a another junk pile we see a wiggling small… Butt? (Unknown Chao) Oi Oi… Curse it all! Where be that blasted TV Remote?! Why… Why it be always missen When Me needin it?! You see the cute little dark chao going crazy looking amongst the garbage. Then from behind you see a tall shadowy figure with a tall pointy hat and they seem to be covered in junk. (Tall eerie scare-crow thing) YoooOoHohohooOoo!! (Unknown Chao) Eeep! She bangs her head on the junk (Tall eerie scare-crow thing) ?…What you be doing my girl? …Hitting Yo head on Junk again? (Unknown Chao) Oww… Nuu… I be look’n for the bloody TV-Remote, Rowunk! (Rowunk) Hohoo~… So I’m guessing you lost it amongst the garbage… Again, Crazy Mittens~ He looks at her in awe at her forgetfulness, and rubs his hand on his forehand, (Rowunk) Weeeell… don’t worry my girl, you’ll find it someday I’m suuuure. He says in a very amused manner. (Crazy Mittens) Whaa! Tis is nuut funny Row! Me Fav show “Darklord Misadventures” be comen on soon, I needz to watch, No… I Most! Is like my favorite Shuw I wanna see it, I WANNA SEE IT!!! (Rowunk) Oi oi… Shut up already! I get it, I GET IT! … Gees Girl its just a repeat anyways… but I’ll help Ya look, (Crazy Mittens) Yay! Tank you Rowrow! I lovez you. Anyway I think I lose it around here, I was Flipen the channels And nothing was on! So I got mad tossed me soda can at the junk pile… But I’m thinking it may have been the mote instead… (Rowunk) Hmm well… if that’s the case… you may never see it again if you’re not ever sure where you tossed it, Yohohooho~ (Crazy Mittens) NooOOo! She falls on her knees depressed, (Crazy Mittens) I’m… I’M in Despair! This Junkyard of lost dreams Has left me in Despair! She fearfully looks around as if everything is lost in darkness. (Rowunk) Woah! Don’t be getting ready to kill Yo’self or something me Girl, Cool down~ I’m…. I’m suuruee… it’ll show up soon…. Take ya a look over at da TV and see if anything looks familiar, hoho. She looks at the TV and what do you know, right there on top is the Remote, (Rowunk) Crazy Mittens that Stupid Mote is right there on top the TV… Mon. (Crazy Mittens) !!! …. Oh so it is… I guess it was a soda can I tossed after all… Teehee. (Rowunk)…. Ya silly thing. He pats her on her head, she sticks her tongue out and looks dumbly happy. Day2: Boring normal day. We find the little girl waking up in her junk car den, looking still sleepy and lazy. She opens the door and walks down, then on over to the rocking-horse, gets on it and sways back and forth. You can hear eerie squeaking noises coming from it, yet she seems at peace with her eyes shut, and a little smile on her face, A Chao walks by and gets creeped out by the sound. A hair raising noice that feels like it’s trying to consume his soul, and runs off screaming. Crazy Mittens gets off the rocking horse feeling better and goes to look for some snacks to munch on. She looks up at the ugly bolted together trees and an even more ugly fruit falls down close by. She walks over to it and ponders if its worth eating or if she’s hungry enough to eat something so nasty as that thing. She sighs and leaves, goes by the pool and wonders if she should relax in it. She smells it and she sighs, then moves away. Still hungry yet to lazy to do anything about it, she grabs a soda laying by the TV. She opens it and slowly drinks and she thinks to herself this sucks, but then keeps drinking, Bored again she goes over by her tire of toys and pulls out a toy scythe she had made from scrap metal. She looks at it with the most cute evil expression on her little face, Then she looks around hoping for someone she can jab with it. An hour passes by, but no one comes and she gets disappointed. She starts hitting the piles of junk for 20 minutes out of frustration and anger. Afterwards she puts it back up with the other toys, and grabs another can of soda questioning if this counts as food… She puts it back down and picks up the ugly fruit and eats it, even though its horrible. You can almost see tears running down her face as she takes the last bite. After that she’s full, not like she’ll be eating again after that for a while anyways, who would? She then goes sits down and watches some lame sitcoms on TV for some hours. Then she wanders back to her bed car, shuts the door and falls asleep. Day3: The Wicked Idea. Yet another day in the Spooky junkyard garden starts…. You see young Crazy Mittens watching TV as she normally does. The TV show is yet another bad influence episode of “Darklord Misadventures”. She says in a very giddy manner… (Crazy Mittens) Oh Darklord, Yo so great! Always Conquering everyone with an iron fist, and getting all de Girls and everyone always waiting in line to become Ya minion <3 That’s the ticket! Me need Minions to help with my dream of becomen Grim Reaper! Ahhh, Then I’ll conquer Life and death and stuff! Da sprit world will obey me and I’ll rule! KukuKukuu!! Look out world Yo very cute soon to be Grim Reaper Crazy Mittens Is a comen!…. Well, time to be training me think~ Then she walks off to a poorly made practice dummy. (Crazy Mittens) Ha! have at Chu Doll face!!! Her hand starts to glow blue and she punches the dummy. It swings around from the force of the hit and smacks her back tossing her on her butt. (Crazy Mittens) Oww…Curse Chu! I bet Yo secretly working for the goody-to-shoes?! Welp I won’t sit down taken Nu BS from no Practice dummy tha I made! HaaaAa! Eat this Jerk! She jumps on it from behind and tries to bite its face off, only to lose her balance and fall off. She runs around it tossing various junk at it and says it is her surprise junk canon attack. A can she tossed especially hard bounces back and hits her in the face. She falls down like she’s in pain. (Crazy Mittens) Oi…. Come on why you got to be Haten? Wha do I ever do to you? Besides some small kicks and punches… But hey… Some have to feel pain in order for me to get Stronger Ay? Soooo… just let me Hit Che and like it!! She talks to it as if it was not just an object or as if it cared… or as if even if it was alive it should be happy for her to hit it. They don’t call her Crazy Mittens for nothing. Some other Chao walks by, (Chao1) Oh hey its Crazy Mittens… being a freak like normal… (Chao2) oh hey, don’t say that… its not her fault she’s retarded~ (Both Chao at once) BhahaHHahAa!!! (Crazy Mittens) Oi oi, Wha Yu guys think you be saying not to me face? A chill ran down their backs and they slowly turned to see a very mad Crazy Mittens with a creepy shadow aura around her. (Crazy Mittens) That Dummy may be hard to beat, but Chu guys are short of nothing for me to crash~ Then her fists glow blue and she kicks one down on their butt, *Plop* then picks up the other and tosses him off to the side.*Crash* The other chao gets up and tries to hit her, but she does nothing. The hit finds it’s mark… but nothing happens *a Cricket chirps* and Crazy Mittens remains unfazed (Crazy Mittens) Wha was that? Pff I’ve known bugs that make a better hit, She then punches him with a dark blue fist that tosses him back into a pile of junk. *Crash! Bang! Rattle!* (Crazy Mittens) Huh? You guys Rrr Nothing, that was boringz! (Other two Chao) You’re a meanie! You don’t play fair. (Crazy Mittens) Whateverz, I won! Chu two haz to be me minions now. (Other two Chao) You’re dumb! We don’t have to do nothing! Curse you Mittens! They then proceed to skitter off. (Crazy Mittens) See yas tomorrow, Jo and Ko. (Jo) Yeah right! (Ko) You won’t even know when its tomorrow you’re so dumb! (Both Chao) Hahahaa! Crazy Mittens Walks back over to the TV feeling good. (Crazy Mittens) Weeeell that was Fun. I’m one step closer to being Da Reaper <3 From behind, Rowunk creeps his way over next to her from who knows where. (Rowunk) YooOooOo! (Crazy Mittens) Eeep! Hff… hff… Hi… You Di… Did not scare M me… (Rowunk) Umm ok? Anywho, I’ve got to tell you I’m leavening for a week for some this and that who knows what, But don’t Woooorry baby, the week will fly by faaaaasssst <3 (Crazy Mittens) …..Fast? Then why Chu make it sound so sloooow? Waaait… your leavingz me for a week?! NuuuUu!!! Who’ll Pat meh head everyday?! I’m… I’M in Despair! Rowunk leaving me Has left me in Despair! She fearfully looks around as if everything is lost in darkness. (Rowunk)…. Umm Yar… Whateverz, you’ll be just fine baby, Seez Ya <3 (Crazy Mittens) Bu, But I can’t lives with outz chu Row! Out of nowhere he seems to be gone, She just sits there at a loss. What is she’s going to do for a week? She starts hitting some random junk. (Crazy Mittens) This suckz! Wha am I going to do now? She looks over at the TV and sees that “Darklord” is on. (Voice on TV) And remember kids, there’s no better time to start your “world take over” then by going on your first adventure tomorrow! You won’t get anywhere by sitting their all day. Weeell… Not at least till you have made some enemies that try to sneak into your evil base everyday~ Mhaa haHA haa! Then, just then, did a good bad idea creep into Crazy Mittens’s mind. An idea so dark that she could hardly contain her happiness. (Crazy Mittens) That’s it!!! I’ll go on a misadventure and get me some minions! Darklord is right, there’s no better time then tomorrow to start Yo evil dreams! I’ll become the Grim Reaper and everyone willz fear Meh, and pat meh head! Kuuku KU kuu!! … But first TV… Then the toilet… Then a nap… weell… Tumorrow indeed sounds Guud of a place to start… nut today… End of Writer Turn~ ------------------------------------ There you have it Folks the first part in the hopefully soon to come Stories, What will happen next? who knows? You’ll have to wait to find out, Every writer well start off their turn in the story as they see fit, But this is still the first chapter even when they take their turn, It won’t be the next chapter till everyone’s main Chao has had their introduction and some basic beginning story, So Again. It’s Not every writer’s turn is a new chapter, I’ll say when its getting about time for it to turn to the next chapter, if not, then when my writers believe its time to do so, they need to tell me, So I can give the oK. | 2011-01-10 19:22:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Moved to Forum Games per request. Have fun! | 2011-01-10 23:13:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
a Note to anyone who may want to be a writer, someone told me the rules are to hard because I'm asking for great writers, I'm not asking for Pro writers, i just need people who can keep the story on the right flow and is able to write other people's characters right, and has good enough spelling, also has least OK story writing skills. and when i say simple of your work for when you want to join. anything short is best, and if you plan on writing anyways should not be that hard. i most likely won't refuse if you go to enough trouble to send me a simple anyways, its just for to give me a idea that your able to write OK and won't ruin the story. *mew | 2011-01-11 05:30:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Oh the good ole, days with a Gamecube and my SAB2... | 2011-01-14 01:53:00 Author: Nitranon77 ![]() Posts: 127 |
Oh the good ole, days with a Gamecube and my SAB2... haha, does that mean you enjoyed the story? ![]() And yeah i know. been forever. I say SonicTeam need to make online Chao game already~ x3 | 2011-01-14 02:18:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I love chao... i have played every game with them in it... i ****ing hated it when sega gave them the boot from sonic... they were my rewards for doing well in stages, darn it! now the closest to them are the nights wii things... >.< i may jyust have to join, if i can get off sonic adventure dx now! (not too mention SA2B) i'll be back :3 | 2011-01-21 04:04:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
i may just have to join, if i can get off sonic adventure dx now! (not too mention SA2B) i'll be back :3 Cool and take your time, I'm in no rush, i have some friends who are interested but are to busy this month to join, This'll be fun with a group of people. but as i don't have many people joining yet, best to take your sweet time till we get more people interested, Plus I'm little busy right now working on the story for my later to come level series. So i can't deal with this RPG much right now, least not till we got 3 or4 people all together in the group, So just show me a small short example of your story writing skills in a Profile message to me, and then I'll go ahead and add you to the list no problem, but this is just advice, after you join I say wait to do the real story writing after least one more person hopefully joins, Tho you don't have to by all means, So if you can also find anyone else to join sometime just tell me as it would be nice to get this RPG moving someday xD but i'm thinking we'll need least 3 people as I'm to busy to work on this project a whole lot my self right now, Because I'm working on a like i said a level project~ Also feel free to ask me any questions, i don't mind. "mew | 2011-01-22 17:55:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
a Note to anyone who may want to be a writer, someone told me the rules are to hard because I'm asking for great writers, I'm not asking for Pro writers, i just need people who can keep the story on the right flow and is able to write other people's characters right, and has good enough spelling, also has least OK story writing skills. and when i say simple of your work for when you want to join. anything short is best, and if you plan on writing anyways should not be that hard. i most likely won't refuse if you go to enough trouble to send me a simple anyways, its just for to give me a idea that your able to write OK and won't ruin the story. *mew Hey, I would like to become a writer. You remember me right? The fire bounce thing? Yeah. I am a great fantasy writer (I have Level 5 writing in-case you wanna know) and I think your Chao thing is a great idea. I have got an idea for the Chao and Caretaker that is forming in my head right now. I am bursting to write it! Well basicilly that's it so if you have any oppourtiounities (probably spelt wrong ![]() ![]() | 2011-02-12 15:43:00 Author: Doooomguy ![]() Posts: 68 |
Hey, I would like to become a writer. OK sent you a VM. reply with short example of your story making skills. if they are OK. I'll add ya. :3 Edit: thanks. you'll do fine, I'll add you to the list like i said already. | 2011-02-12 15:57:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Just updated my sig - Now it's my advenutre card! But I would reather have Fume design it cuz' mine sucks ![]() EDIT: Yes I know, it's kinda small. Im gonna get the sig upgraded to be bigger. Stupid LBP Fourm rules #grumble grumble# | 2011-02-12 19:44:00 Author: Doooomguy ![]() Posts: 68 |
Caretaker Character Sheet: Caretaker’s Name:Jake Caretaker’s Gender: male Caretaker’s Age: 14 Caretaker’s Breed: Human Personally: Serious, but a joker at the same time Back-story: When his parents were drowned in a flood, he ran away from heartbreak. when he found felix he vowed he would spend his life finding his past. he has since accepted their deaths Main Hobby: exploring Favorite Food: Chocolate Cake How much the Caretaker likes their Chao : immensely, as much as a younger brother --- Chao Character Sheet: Name:Felix Gender:Male Age: Unknown, physically 3 (15 in chao years) as well as mentally Breed of Chao: neutral, going on hero as well as fire (hey, in the games hero was dependant on what happened!) Personally: Playful, but also Serious when the time is needed. slightly unstable when asked about his past before Jake, also, his wings are currently small and useless. he is a shade of orange, almost like flames Back-story: An amnesiac, that only remembers falling out of the sky with another chao during a storm. his caretaaker Jake, found and took care of him shortly after the particualr incident. Main Hobby: Exploring Favorite Food: Chocolate Cake How much the Chao likes their Caretaker: Loves him as a brother, albeit human Abilities & Powers. Points used: 10. Points left: 0. Spend them on whatever below. 5 points: Immortal Age: Yes, but he doesn't remember it at the moment... 1 point: Low level powers: High jump, Basic Battle Skills, Kinda speedy, Read and Write (can understand written words easily, as well as write. this acts as a slightly stronger intelligence, and is not limited o grammar), Creative (can make clothes out of basic materials) 3 points: Medium level powers : (nothing yet) 7 points: High level powers : (nothing yet) Hidden Skills: going for "Chaotic" (chaos chao, every current attribute owned is boosted a lvl when owned, high ones are skipped over and added to another of choosing) Obtaining more Points to Spend: At the end of every Chapter “The Editor” Will maybe give out some points in interest for the story. | 2011-02-13 00:46:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Nice. His amnesia reminds of Shadow The Hedgehog (He cant remember his past). I am just about to finish my character sheet! ![]() | 2011-02-13 08:54:00 Author: Doooomguy ![]() Posts: 68 |
woeh, ok info added guys. keep up the fun and have a good time. haha i may need a Co editor because how busy i am right now. but I'll deal with that later if i have to. well i can't add much story my self right now as I'm working on a level series project. but I'll will add some here and there, just only rarely. also feel free to write about other gardens. as the dark junkyard is not the only one. as this can add a lot to story. but write anything you guys see fit to for the most part. i'm unable to work on the levels for this story right now. as I'm sure you guys know. but if everyone wants to work together go ahead and try. but my advice would be to forget about it for right now. but it's up to you guys in the end. *mew | 2011-02-13 17:36:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Chapter 1 Flash (Day 3) (Ko) Yeah you wont even know when it's tomorrow your so dumb! (Both Chao) Hahahaa! Flash, smiling through his metal skin, pulled the lever as they walked into the middle of his trap. The gates below them opened and they fell through, into the ditch below, trapped. (Both Chao) AHHH!!! (Flash) Gotcha!! He ran over to the top of the hole where they were standing. (Jo) HEY! LET US OUT!! (Ko) Yeah! Our care-takers will beat up your nerdy one if you don't! (Flash) Then tell me why you were mean to Crazy Mittens! (Ko) Because she was mean to us first! Did you see what she did to us back there! (Flash) She was only doing it because you were mean to her first! (Ko) Why do you care any way, toaster head!) Both Chao snigger. Jo gets up and points his finger at him. (Jo) The reason he cares is because he loooooves her!! (Flash) What? No!? I was only wondering because..#mumble mumble# (Jo) What was that? (Flash) Because?because..because she is weak! I thought you might beat her up! Ko, still laughing his head off on the floor, get?s up. (Ko) Us? Beat her up? I think your Creator forgot to give you a brain! (Jo) Yeah! Your not real like the rest of us! You?re a freak! Flash stopped. He kneeled on the floor. He remembered how he nearly died, how a Creator had to fix him and? He ran. He left Jo and Ko, despite their shouts and screams. He kept running until- (Flash) Wait a second, I can fly. Ha, that was dumb. He flew along the city until he found the Factory Of A Chao Tomorrow. Being based off the Factory Of A Better Tomorrow, it helped restore Chao?s to their original form, albeit using Sackbot parts. (Flash) Mike!! MIIIKE!!! (Mike) Flash! I thought you were in your room! Darklord is nearly on! Where have you been? (Flash) I was..watching Crazy Mittens. -He decided not tell his Care-Taker about Jo and Ko- (Mike) Ha ha, I knew it. Anyway, Darklord is on in a minute! (Flash) Ok! Umm...Mike..do you really think I?m Dark? (Mike) Of course. But it, ya know takes a bit of time to settle in! Just because Crazy Mittens and the other Chao?s got hers before you, dosent mean you don't have it. Females get them a year before males. You should get it soon. Anyway, you wouldn?t know Fusion if you didn?t have it! Flash smiles (he doesn?t have a mouth, but you can tell by the pleasant body movements) and waves, then flys upstairs to watch the newest episode of Darklord, every Dark Chao?s favourite show! (Mike) Remember, -he calls from downstairs- you are learning your Machine abilities tomorrow! Something to be excited about! Flash sits in the beanbag Mike made for him out of old sheets and pillows. Mike made most of the stuff in his room. Mike was like his dad. But Flash?s real parents were long gone. (Voice on TV) And remember kids, there?s no better time to start your ?world take over? then by going on your first adventure tomorrow! You won?t get anywhere by sitting their all day. Weeell? Not at least till you have made some enemies that try to sneak into your evil base everyday~ Mhaa haHA haa! (Flash) Hahahaa! Hey ? I?m learning my Machine abilities tomorrow! Maybe I should go on an adventure tomorrow? His brain was filling with so much ideas he short circuited and fell asleep, missing the new episode of Darklord. Crap. (Day 4) (Flash) Woah-oah-oah-oah-oah-oah-oah!! Flash was being shook awake by another Chao-bot. (????) Hey, The Creator called everyone in for a surprise inspection today. All of us Chao?s have to evacuate the building. (Flash) All right, I?m going, you don't have to shove me! The other Chao-bot shoved Flash outside and slammed the door shut. He rubbed his elbow as he looked around the country-side, watching other Chao-bots playing. But Flash felt in an adventurous mood today. All that Darklord stuff must of worked its way into his brain. He wanted an adventure. He flew to Crazy Mittens house (Well, it's not a house really. Just a clearing with junk in it. But I will just call it a house for now) but then suddenly he remembered something. He flew to the middle of the road and, right where he left them, Jo and Ko were sleeping in the ditch. He pulled back the lever and used Fusion to lift them out of the ditch. Then he flew back to Crazy Mittens house and hid behind some trees (that were strangely bolted together). (Crazy Mittens) Chu is no match for me! She musters up all her strength and punches the dummy. (Flash) Wow. She?s so strong. (Crazy Mittens) Hey! Who was dat! Jo and Ko is dat chu? (Flash) Oh no she heard me! Flash rolled into a car and hid under some old, dirty blankets. ?Eww, these smell? Flash thought to himself as he crawled out the other end. (Jo) There he is! Behind the car! (Ko) Yeah I see him! GET HIM!!! Flash jumped back in surprised and fell backwards. Jo and Ko slipped in the wet mud, hit Flash, and they all started rolling down into the middle of the junkyard. They all landed in a heap in front of Crazy Mittens (Crazy Mittens) Jo? Ko? Flash? Wat chu doin? here?! (Flash) Uh?I can explain! (Jo and Ko) OH, YOU BETTER START EXPLAINING! Crazy Mittens watched in bewilderment. Ko?s fist suddenly set aflame as he pointed it at Flash. (Ko) Let?s trash this punk! Jo suddenly rose up in a wave of water, just missing a TV on the ground. (Crazy Mittens) Hey! Watch da TV! She ran next to Flash and ,Flash, wanting to sound brave in front of Crazy Mittens, shouted ?I can take you guys!? (Crazy Mittens) Emmm? Shud I go? (Flash) No! Please help! Um ? I mean ? Well you could stay and fight, I could use the extra back-up I suppose, but don't get in my way! Crazy Mittens smiled her cute but evil smile and her fists suddenly turned dark blue. ------------------------------------ End of writers turn Yeah..hope you liked my story! Anyway, I wanted to get all the Chao?s involved. (Well there is only Crazy Mittens..and Jo and Ko, if you count them ![]() I hope you like it, I prefer Fume?s story to be honest but it's your choice (It is only your choice if you like mine better OKAY!?!?? ![]() Points earned: 2 Chapter: 1 | 2011-02-14 16:43:00 Author: Doooomguy ![]() Posts: 68 |
3 Years Ago... High above the clouds, two chao try to escape the coming storm. they fly with great speed and grace, but the storm is afflicting their flight. the thunder and lightning rages, they both are scared, flying as fast as their wings can take them. Suddenly a stray blue bolt of lightning hits the two head on... KARRRACK!!! "phe-" KARACCCK!!! "-ix!..." KARRRRRACCCCKKK!!! "Hold o-!!!" BZZZTTT!!!! "NO! NO,NO,NO!!! PHE- AAGGHH!!!" KARRACCCK!!! They plummet in seperate directions, one has completely fainted, and cannot move... the other falls, crying out to her partner... --- Day 3: Another abnormal day... (felix)"EEEP!" Felix woke up from the nightmare, shaking... as usual. it was the same nightmare he had beeen having for years, ever since Jake found him. (jake)"Anything else this time?" jake sighed. he had still been asleep, but he wasn't angry. (felix)"no... its always the same... what does it mean jake?" Felix sighed. Jake was like his brother, albeit, a human brother... he had found him, when he didn't know who he was... (Jake)"I don't know, but i do think it holds the secret to how you lost your memory, and what your old life was..." he honestly had no clue, but it did worry him that the dream had always recurred... he yawned (felix)"I don't know jake... its... just so familiar, but not familiar... you understand? i feel like i KNOW who she is... she obviously knew me. but what happened? who were we, where were we going???" they both sighed. (jake)"look, lets go get some food, i think i saw a coconut tree a while back... you hungry?" jake yawned "i know I could use some energy right now." (felix)"yah, me too... lets go" felix got up slowly, still sore from the fatigue. "which way was it again?" he stretched around a bit, and then shook out his wings a bit, he always wondered why he had such big wings in that flash-back... (jake)"if you're done stretching, can we go?" jake teased (felix)"well, DUH!" he felt a bit better, and his emotions seemed to be coming back. "you know i'm ALWAYS hungry! ![]() "ok, lets go!<3" jake said and plopped him on his shoulder. --later-- (felix) "you sure this is right jake? i mean, these ARE dark garden trees..." he questioned (jake) "don't worry, the only difference between hero,dark, and neutral coconuts, is, well... the looks! they taste about the same... and they don't turn you evil, if thasts what you're worried about!" Jake exclaimed, while patting felixs head. "how about you try and knock a few down, it would be good for your strength... plus, i don't think i can reach!" he laughed a bit, and then calmed down enough to speak again "but seriously, those are some tall tree-" (felix) "don't worry!" and he bounded right off jakes head into the tops of the trees! (Jake) "oww... can you warn me next time?" he joked while rubbing his head (felix) "ok...watch out below!" suddenly a smack was heard, and a coconut fell down to earth; followed by two more THUD!-THUD!!-THUD!!! (jake) "oww!-oww!!-oww!!!" jake jokingly teased, since felix couldn't see where they landed, or so he thought... (felix) "i saw that!" he couldn't help but snicker... and then jumped down, using his little wings to glide safely down to the nuts... (jake) "well, lets eat!... hey! save some for me!" they both laugh and dig in Day 4: Wrong place, at the wrong time... (felix) "ohh... too much coconut!" he groaned, at least he didn't have the dream last night... that was a rare pleasure. "*sigh*... hey... jake? do you see that junkyard in the distance?" he noticed it poking off to the side off the road, with the factory in the distance "maybe we could find some tools there... so we can make a tent in case it rains. our old one died about a week ago... don't you think its time?" he honestly didn't care, but he wanted to do SOMETHINg, it was getting boring (jake) "zzzz..." (felix) "of course, your alarm clock wasn't on this morning!" he joked "so you're still asleep!" "*sigh*... i'll just go anyway, won't be hgone long anyways, if i run... he'll probably still be snoozing when i get back... then again..." he decided he wouldn't take the chance of getting seperated from jake today. "JAAAAKKKEEE!!!" (jake) "zzzz......huh? whats up bud..." (felix) "is it ok if i see if i can get us some supplies from that junkyard over there? i'll be back really quick, i promise!" he smiled a goofy smile and struck a pose to try and convince him. (jake) "uhhh... all right... i'll go after you in a bit...i guess....zzzz" (felix) "ok, i'll be back!" he didn't seem to care, might as well stay out of his hair so he can enjoy his sleep in... "i promise!" he ran as fast as he could down to the new adventure! today he would have some fun! ---END OF TURN--- ((btw... only fume can add points, when the chapter is complete!)) | 2011-02-15 04:53:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
---END OF TURN--- ((btw... only fume can add points, when the chapter is complete!)) looks good. but I'll have to read it later. i been little to stressed to sit down & read a lot for short while now. and don't mind doom. he was just reposting the points i give him as a extra. he asked. so i was fine with it. mind you i won't be doing that outside of chapters again most likely. *mew | 2011-02-15 16:58:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Heyz i would like to become a writer, I better post before you end the chapter,i've read a lot of books so im pretty good at writing, and I have a good idea in my head after looking at the other stories. Bye then! | 2011-02-16 18:03:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Heyz i would like to become a writer, I better post before you end the chapter,i've read a lot of books so im pretty good at writing, and I have a good idea in my head after looking at the other stories. Bye then! OK. I'm sure your a fine writer, so send me a sample in a PM or VM. to make it more easy, just full in the character create sheets, back-stories etc. and i should from that be able to see how good you are. good luck and have fun :3 and don't worry, it's to soon to end the first chapter yet. *mew | 2011-02-16 21:31:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Chapter 1 Into darkgate forest part 1 Day 1 6:47pm It was a blazing hot day summers day in Sunny Meadows and most people would go to the beach or on a plane to find somewhere cooler, but not the Drayiz's. Pip and Kay had to make the house look tidy while Sid Drayiz had a lot of work to catch up with. (Sid) Pip I hope you're in the garden picking weeds out of the ground with your sister. He said trying to type on his laptop while hoovering (Pip) Course I am Pip was sitting on the couch watching tv waiting till Darklord Misadventures came on (Pip) Ughhh stupid adverts I wanna watch Darklord (tv) Brush to the left and brush the right,brush every day and every night! (Pip) I know how ta brush meh' teeth you idiots ![]() She scrunched up a piece of paper and threw it at the tv then, finally, the darklord came on. (tv) Now a word from the guy you all know and love- the Darklord! (Darklord on tv)And remember kids, there?s no better time to start your ?world take over? then by going on your first adventure tomorrow! You won?t get anywhere by sitting there all day. Weeell? Not at least till you have made some enemies that try to sneak into your evil base everyday~ Mhaa haHA haa! (Pip) Oh darklord you're so amazing I luv' ya hey! dats it i'll go an ad-ven-ter tomorrow n' get some training to fight meh' enemies (Sid) *Hem hem*. Sid put his hands on his hips as Pip hid behind the sofa hoping Sid wouldn't see her although she was sure he would. (Sid) I know you're there Pip, in the garden NOW. Pip leaped off the sofa and strode to the garden and saw Kay singing her favourite song (Kay) And when the bus is comin..And everyone is dancin- oh hi Pip hehe didn't see you der so umm.... heard Sid shoutin at ya. (Pip) Yeah...Anywayz I waz watchin' Darklord n' he said somin' bout an adventure n' dat reminded meh' we've never been on one before n' it sounds fun. (Kay) But where? (Pip) Thought ya migh' say dat. Pip smiled evilly and as she smiled you could see her sharp little fang. After watering the flowers and picking weeds out of the ground Sid came with some fresh lemonade and ice cream. (Sid) Because you guys worked so hard you can have a rest tomorrow (Pip and Kay) Thanks Sid! They were just about to leave when Sid pulled them back and nearly tripped them over. (Sid) You guys still have one more job to do, remember yesterday you accidentally dropped your big bowl of potato salad (Pip and Kay smiled) Well there's still a mess there and i want you guys to clear it up. He patted them on their backs and smiled as he left, he came back after a minute or so and returned with two mops,one cloth and a bucket of soapy water. (Sid) Have fun! When Sid left Pip whispered to Kay: (Pip) Pfffttt have fun! (Kay) Welll....At least we can see the tv from here. Pip looked at the tv and the credits for Darklord Misadventure was on she got so angry she kicked the bucket of soapy water but all it did was hurt her foot, then she tripped over the mop and fell on the floor. (Pip) Darn iittt...Stupid...Ugh.. Kay covered her mouth with the cloth to stop her self laughing and eventually she stopped laughing and helped Pip up. (Kay)There's no need to hit your foot there's probably another Darklord episode on. (Pip) I bet there isn't. (Kay) Don't be so doubtful, oh and the man on the tv is about to say what show is next (Tv) And next it's Happy Sunshine Park! Pip looked at Kay in an I-told-you-so way, then Sid came in and said (Sid) Come on girls i'm not asking you to do much just tidy the mess you make, and i'm too busy to tidy it up my self- He talked for quite a while then finally he left them to clear up the mess. Day 2 7:13am (Pip) Wake UP!! come OONNN!! AD-VEN-TUURRREEE Pip was jumping on Kay's bed trying to wake her up for the adventure (Kay) Ugghhh.... comin...just a *yawn* few more minutes Kay was so sleepy she could hardly think, so Pip thought some ice cubes will wake her up, so she glided down the stairs and opened the fridge (Pip) Lets see where thoose ice cubes are She looked up and down but coulden't find the ice cubes then she opened the freezer and quickly scraped out some ice into a bucket, then flew back up stairs but Kay was already up and nearly dressed so Pip threw the ice chunks at Sid (Sid) Hey! Hey! im getting up Sid got up and dressed and went downstairs to make Pip and Kay breakfast. (Sid) what do you want for breakfast? the usual? (Pip) sure Sid began preparing the usual breakfast, dinosaur-shaped waffles and syrup. After they had eaten, Kay went upstairs to get a few minutes of sleep while Sid cleared up the plates, then he sat down at the table with Pip. (Pip) Sid, we need six sandwiches, two drinks and ten chocolate bars (Sid) Why do you need all that?!?! Are you going anywhere? (Pip) oh and some chocolate yoghurt Pip wasn't listening to Sid, instead she was building a tower out of cards. (Sid) LISTEN! He shouted so loud that Pip's tower of cards fell over (Sid) Just answer my question (Pip) We were urr gonna go..to..urmm the..we're going to go camping (Sid) Where? (Pip) Errrr...just 'round da village- oh ya know our neighbour dat nice old lady with 12 cats? Well we're gonna visit hers (Sid) I think she would have told me (Pip) She doesn't have a phone (Sid) But sh- wait did you ask for ten chocolate bars? (Pip) Yeah.. (Sid)You're only allowed two, I mean ten! Really you thought you were getting ten- (Pip) does this mean i'm getting the pinic food (Sid) No,well yes,but,maybe (Pip) Thanks! And she ran up the stairs (her wings were tired) and pushed the door to her room that she shared with Kay.In between Pip's bed and Kay's bed there was a dressing table with a mirror, hair brush and a picture of when they were little. In front of the dressing table was a wooden chair with a pillow attached to it (because it kept falling off).Pip stared out the window absent-mindedly, trying to remember why she had gone up in the first place. She was just about to leave when she tripped over and made a loud noise that woke Kay up. (Kay) Pip! What the heck are ya doin! (Pip) Urr... Oh yeah i was gonna say Sid's making our food for our adventure Kay got out of bed and helped Pip up (Kay)I think you keep triping over 'coz of your tail.Oh and did Sid say its okay to go exploring? (Pip) Yeah...He did...Pretty much-anyway i'll go get our food and you get tha sleepin bags (Kay) Okay den Pip flew down the stairs to the kitchen and settled herself on the table (Pip) Hey Sid ya got the food? (Sid) Yes but i want to com- (Pip) Thanks Pip snatched the bag with food in and saw Kay walking down the stairs carrying the sleeping bags. (Pip) Thanks for the food Sid Pip grabbed Kay's arm and ran out the door (Kay) Woah, why chu goin dis fast?!?! (Pip) Wanna get der quick come on (Kay) wait a sec Pip were are we going? (Pip) Dark Gate Forest (Kay)Wait is dat the same place...No..no you know we're not allowed there! We could get killed KILLED!!! AND you know something happened to Sid when he went there...Oh yeah he was INJECTED WITH DARK POISION! Kay wanted to go so much but she was too scared to. (Pip) Don't worry we're powerful chaos we can fly and we have our special power fire blaze remember? (Kay) Yeah but we don't know to use it yet (Pip) Fine it's your choice Pip waited 3 and a half seconds then Kay rushed in (Kay) Ok ok I'm coming (Pip) Knew it! (Kay) What ever anyway, do ya have any sandwiches? I'm starvin (Pip) Sure ya know what i'll have one too. After Pip and Kay finished their first sandwich they heard hooves clip cloping on the ground. (Kay) Hey Pip can you hear thoose hooves? (Pip) Yeah..strange.. (Unicorn unknown) Nyaahh i'm Pinky the Unicorn aannnd yyoouuu guuuuuys loook huungrreeey! (Pip) We've just eat- (Pinky) Corrrmmm ooonnnn, fooollloowww meee uuuuuss uuunniiiiccooorrnnnss hhAAAvve loaoaoaaods of foooooood (Kay) Urrmm yeah..Sure (Pip wispering to Kay) I'm not sure these unicorns are safe to trust (Kay wispering back) I know but i mean they're unicorns, they couldn't even hurt a fly, could they? Pip was unsure about the unicorns and bit her lips intensely (Pinky) Unnicooornn caammppp.Maakkkeee yooouuurrr sseelevvves ccooommfffeeyyy aanndd weee'lll brrriinngg ttthheee fooodd iin ssshhhoortlly. (Pip) Urr thanks... Kay searched for a place to make a tent while Pip looked around the place and saw a blue unicorn with multi coulered hair being kicked and punched by some other unicorns and Pip went over to check it out. (Pip) are you okay? You look all beaten up (Unkown unicorn) You've...They...You have to go! The unicorns eyes were bloodshot, the back of her head got beaten so much it was dark blue and her leg was bleeding like crazy (group of cop unicorns) She's crazy don't listen to her, she does not know what she is saying! Later that day in the afternoon the unicorns started giving out dinner but Pip couldn't stop thinking about the blue unicorn. (Kay) Finally food! (Pip) Don't eat it Just by smelling a whiff of the food Pip felt dizzy (Pip) lets go back to our tents and i'll give you one off the sandwiches in my bag. (Kay) If you insist. Day 3 9:04am Pip couldn't sleep last night,not with those unicorns and when they woke up they were being spit-roasted around a fire on a stick tied with rope, Pip and Kay looked around,there were unicorns sleeping on logs around the fire.Pip knew it was their chance to escape while the unicorns were sleeping, but how? (Kay) Pip can you hear me? (Pip) Loud and clear captain (Kay) You still have the bag with our food and stuff in right? (Pip) Yeah (Kay) Then here's my plan get the bottles of water out of the bag (Pip) Oh i see where this is going Pip managed to get one hand free and handed Kay a bottle of water, who poured out the fire. (Pip) Great idea, but how do we get out? (Kay) Urrmm we could try to break the rope Pip and Kay struggled to break the rope it was too strong to break.Then they heard hooves (kay) Uh-oh I think a unicorn spotted our fire's out. We're dead. (Unknown unicorn) you guys okay? (Kay) ??????? (Pip) Hey you're that unicorn dat got beat up bad Pip looked at the unicorn, one of her her eyes was purple and her leg was bandged. (Unkown unicorn) Yeah come on I'll get you guys out of here, oh and by the way my name's Rainbow Dash but just call me Dash. Dash bit off the rope easily. (Dash) I'll get you guys outta here, (Kay) What about the others? (Dash) Urrr they weren't so lucky (Still) Day 3 10:24am (Kay) Ugghhh i'm sooo hungrey Pip have ya got any food left? (Pip) Lemme check..Two sandwiches,one bottle of water,one empty bottle and two chocolate bars (Kay) I'll take the sandwich then later i'll have the chocolate bar (Pip) Yeah I think i'll have a sandwich too After a while of mindlessly trying to find the exit Dash fell into a dark hole and couldn't get out, and when Pip and Kay flew out they got trapped in a net (???) Aha Pip and Kay one day i thought i might find you (pip and Kay) Who are you? How do you know are names?!?! (??) Ha they don't even know who we are, tell them (???) I AM AKORATH YOUR FATHER hope you liked my new improved story, I left it on a cliff hanger | 2011-02-20 13:03:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
((...i'm sorry, but that story part just seems... wierd really. it would have beeen a bit better if you tried to make it a bit longer each day, and added more detail... it just felt rushed and childishly wierd to me.)) | 2011-02-20 17:55:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
((...i'm sorry, but that story part just seems... wierd really. it would have beeen a bit better if you tried to make it a bit longer each day, and added more detail... it just felt rushed and childishly wierd to me.)) Sorry but can you tell me about what's wrong? I've not had the time and mood for to read any of the story you guys have made yet. my level project is stressing me out. if there's any problems with anyone's writing, just tell me. as I've been little to busy to notice. gonna ask a friend to be a Co editor so i can worry less about the upkeep of this RPG. *mew | 2011-02-21 01:30:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Well thesweet is right, I find that last section very unnecessary with all this, going on an adventure the following day and the other person not wanting to go far into the woods because of danger so they have to camp, pro-longing the adventure even more. Sorry I am a creative writer myself and I simply would not write a story like that. Going on an adventure, people are not going to wait until the following day and chances are if they're too afraid to go into a certain place then chances are they wouldn't want to go on an adventure in the first place. Sure it keeps the story going but people want to get straight to the point and not deal with unnecessary section. I would also like to ask whether you shoudl be scripting these or writing them as stories since they look very scripted to me but if Sozo says it's all right for you to script then fine | 2011-02-21 02:06:00 Author: Elsa ![]() Posts: 164 |
Well Catlover seems 2 people agree. so if it's not to much trouble. i don't want to ruin yours or anyone's fun but can you rewrite your part? and take your time. i worked 4 days on my part. so don't be scared to take time on your work. hope it's no trouble. also if you ever think you may need it, ask the other writers here to help you a little sometimes, but you don't have to, it's just advice. k and have fun everyone. *mew PS: Elsa is my Co editor. shes a friend of mine. | 2011-02-21 02:15:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
If anyone wants any help or tips with what to write then feel free to VM or PM me, though I'm mainly a forum member of LBN I often pop on here because Sozo is a good friend of mine and I'm also one of LBN's most known forum story writers so I'll be happy to offer assistance to anyone that needs it. If the last poster wishes I could always rewrite that for you myself in a more readable and better structured form | 2011-02-21 02:20:00 Author: Elsa ![]() Posts: 164 |
Well Catlover seems 2 people agree. so if it's not to much trouble. i don't want to ruin yours or anyone's fun but can you rewrite your part? and take your time. i worked 4 days on my part. so don't be scared to take time on your work. hope it's no trouble. also if you ever think you may need it, ask the other writers here to help you a little sometimes, but you don't have to, it's just advice. k and have fun everyone. *mew PS: Elsa is my Co editor. shes a friend of mine. Hey, I'm working on making my story better and i'll take my time bye, sorry it was bad, first time RPing. | 2011-02-21 13:52:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Ok after going over somethings. i think maybe the make this story in to levels idea. was not a good idea. as i don't have time for it. and its most likely to much work for everyone else. what you guys think? also i need to rethink some of the RPG rules a little maybe. but not right now. and sorry about not having anyone's Sig cards made yet ![]() I'll get around to it. i just not been in the mood. *mew | 2011-02-25 19:58:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Name: Jakz Gender:Male Age: 8 Breed of Chao: Dark, Lightning Personally: Hates a lot of things, except for Food, Destruction, and Video Games that involve killing and/or being evil. Back-story: Jakz was a kind chao at first. He was helpful and cared for others. One day Jakz was helping his friend run an errand. Jakz, being fast as he is, couldn't help but run ahead. Without him knowing, his friend stopped and ran back to his home. Jakz turned a corner and was suddenly stopped. A gang of chao surrounded him and beat the ship out of him. They hung Jakz and he was left there to die. One day a man named Krieger came and helped Jakz. Although thankful for saving his life, Jakz didn't really like Krieger all that much. Krieger seemed to friendly, and with the recent experience, Jakz didn't want to be with anybody. Being betrayed, and almost killed changed Jakz, it made him hate everything, and every one around him. But still, after being saved, he agreed to follow Krieger. Main Hobby: Destroying/Breaking things. Favorite Food: Taco How much the Chao likes their Caretaker: Not at all Abilities & Powers. Points used: 0. Points left: 10. 5 points: Immortal Age: Not Used 1 point: Low level powers: (Nothing) 3 points: Mid level powers: Lightning Entanglement (Targeted enemy is strangled by lightning, which gets tighter as the target struggles.) 7 points: High level powers: Electric Aura (Electricity surrounds him, but drains him quickly) Hidden Skills: These powers are Super level and can not be obtain normally Caretaker’s Name: Krieger Caretaker’s Gender: Male Caretaker’s Age: 18 Caretaker’s Breed: Cyborg (Human/Robot) Personally: Krieger is usually friendly, but becomes aggressive every time somebody asks, or talks about the robot body. Back-story: Krieger came from a family of scientists. When Krieger was first brought into their lab, to learn, and do his first experiment, everything went wrong. A machine inside the lab was sabotaged, causing an explosion. This explosion nearly killed Krieger, as it ripped parts of his body off. He was brought back with a half robot body, and now he searches for the saboteur of his first experiment. Main Hobby: Making Machines Favorite Food: Burrito How much the Caretaker likes their Chao: Loves it! (No, not in that way, you dirty, dirty person) ((Edit -> Working on my first part)) | 2011-02-26 14:24:00 Author: Tomeh999 ![]() Posts: 763 |
Hey Tomeh! Welcome to the club...gang..team..whatever. You are part of LBPJOURNEY which is awesome. | 2011-02-27 09:52:00 Author: Doooomguy ![]() Posts: 68 |
yup he been added to the list. the more we write, the more it I'm sure popular this story will be i think, then even more will join i bet. | 2011-02-27 14:46:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Jakz and Krieger inside of Krieger's lab. Krieger - Jakz, can you pass me the wrench. Jakz through the wrench at Krieger, hitting him straight in the head. Krieger screamed in pain and left to get a first aid kit Jakz (To Self) - I'll never be able to leave this man. Every time I try he always tells me about how he saved my life, although I hate him, the guilt would haunt me forever leaving on that note. Krieger came back into the room with a bandage on his head. Krieger - I'm supposed to be your caretaker Jakz, don't treat me like that. You need to learn to be more respectful. Jakz - Or maybe you need to learn to catch. Krieger was starting to get upset at Jakz. Krieger - Need I remind you... Jakz interrupted him. Jakz - No, you don't, you say it every time. You saved me, I'm greatful, but that doesn't mean I have to like you. Krieger was hurt by this. He always liked Jakz a lot, and hearing that from him made Krieger feel horrible. Krieger turned around, and silently went back to working on his newest creation. Meanwhile, Jakz decided to go to Krieger's "Experimental Chao Chamber" or ECC. This chamber was a large, virtual reality chamber, which spawns virtual Chao to fight against, or play with, depending on which of the settings are chosen. Jakz decided to train, and put his skills to the test Machine - Type: Battle Training; Area: Underground; Difficulty 9 of 10 Immediately 15 Chao appeared and charged at Jakz. Jakz entangled 3 of them in lightning, and as the others drew closer, he temporarily created an aura of lightning, disposing of another 3. One of the Chao grabbed Jakz from behind, as the others beat him. Knowing it would be dangerous to do it again, Jakz created another aura of lightning, 2 Chao were knocked out. 7 Chao remained, and Jakz was extremely tired. The remaining Chao tackled Jakz to the ground, pinning him and keeping him in place. Jakz became too weak, the 3 Chao which were entangled suddenly became free. Meanwhile, Krieger was still worked on his creation. He turned around to talk to Jakz, not knowing he left. Krieger - Jakz I'd like to say... Jakz? Krieger searched the lab and saw lights flashing from the Chao Chamber. Krieger - Dang it! Krieger looked into a screen, revealing the inside of the chamber. Jakz was still being beat, memories of his past life flashed into his head Jakz (To Self) - No... not again. His heart started to beat faster, he was felling energy pump through his body. A giant Electrical aura sorrounded him and for a second everything turned completely white. After a while, the light went away, Jakz was standing, eyes glowing with anger and power, electrical currents running through his body. Then it stopped, he was back to looking like him normal self. Due to extreme fatigue, he dropped. All the virtual Chao died, ending the match. Krieger came rushing into the ECC. He picked up Jakz and lay him on a bed within the house. Hours passed. Jakz rose up and saw Krieger, worried, watching him Krieger - Your awake! Thank goodness. I told you, you shouldn't test yourself like that. You almost died there. I was worried. Jakz - Why should... *cough* you care? I don't expect you to... *cough* any more after... *cough* I said that. Krieger - That's the difference between you and me, I forgive and forget. You hold onto grudges, but enough about that right now. You need to rest. ((Sorry for the abrupt ending to this part, but I felt like it was getting kind of long)) ((Also, I'd like some feedback, if you need anything changed, please tell me)) ((Made it longer, if it is still to short, then please notify me)) | 2011-03-01 01:54:00 Author: Tomeh999 ![]() Posts: 763 |
Rules been upgraded guys. more or less the same as before. just little changes really. but still give it a look. *mew | 2011-03-01 16:44:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Nice story but I think it's a bit too short, so you might wanna add a bit more to it or somthing ![]() | 2011-03-03 17:11:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I think it's fine, I certainly like the style Tomeh has used with colours for the character names makes it a lot easier to read and look at it and don't forget there will be more to those stories than what's already written. There is never anything wrong with a section being to small or too long as long as the story structure is well structured and that looks very nice to me | 2011-03-05 20:58:00 Author: Elsa ![]() Posts: 164 |
Well unless someone else wants to join as a writer and take a turn... time for someone else to take their next turn... not me, someone else ![]() | 2011-03-06 06:33:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I'm mainly a forum member of LBN I often pop on here because Sozo is a good friend of mine and I'm also one of LBN's most known forum story writers If you dont mind me asking, whats LBN? | 2011-03-06 14:45:00 Author: Doooomguy ![]() Posts: 68 |
If you dont mind me asking, whats LBN? It's a LBP forum. it's not as cool as LBPC~ ;P | 2011-03-07 01:20:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
If you dont mind me asking, whats LBN? LittleBigNetwork.com it's another LBP site but it's a lot smaller than this one so people are more noticed on the forum and welcomed a lot more, people make friends quite quick on that forum but due to it being small it is very quiet at times, which I why I came here, not just because one of my friends uses it now but also LBN is quite quiet and this is the second best LBP forum I've been on. There was another forum I used to like but it's really gone cold since I went on it last. | 2011-03-07 01:44:00 Author: Elsa ![]() Posts: 164 |
Also no more off-topic stuff... long as it has to do with the Chao RPG in someway or form it' fine. but other stuff should be left to VMs, OK? *mew | 2011-03-07 05:21:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Also no more off-topic stuff... long as it has to do with the Chao RPG in someway or form it' fine. but other stuff should be left to VMs, OK? *mew Could you anwser these questions? So when are you gonna do the chao art? (or are you not?) and when do we?/are we? gonna write the chapter 2? Oh and you don't have to anwser the questions i just wanna know the anwser, bye. | 2011-03-08 16:00:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Could you anwser these questions? So when are you gonna do the chao art? (or are you not?) and when do we?/are we? gonna write the chapter 2? Oh and you don't have to anwser the questions i just wanna know the anwser, bye. Asking me things is fine. Art will come sometime soon after Doom sends me his designs that he told me to wait on before i draw his chao. Chapter 2? i'm trying to think what way to go about it. 1: after everyone's chao get together. 2: after we get least one more writer. 3: after one more round of story turn from everyone. 4: after we get a badguy chao. i'm thinking of going with least 2 and 3 for now. there you go. free to ask more if anything comes to mind. *mew | 2011-03-08 16:08:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Character sheet for my new Chao is done and put up with the rest on page1. http://www.freewebs.com/chaoswinds/Sozo/Nom-1.png ~Story time~ (Day 4 Part 1) Let go of my TV! Earlier that day before Flash met up with Mittens, You see Mittens looking happy in a naughty way by the TV. (Crazy Mittens) Heh~ Now where to start? She looks beside herself and thinks something feels missing. (Crazy Mittens) Tis odd… is there nut someone else here in front of da TV like always right there? I’m sure there was….. HmMmm… She looks down by her feet, then sees a… Pocketball?!. (Crazy Mittens) OhhHh… Now me remember… Flashback to 5 days ago… You see Mittens happily running around in the junkyard. (Crazy Mittens) Yesh! Darklord is about to start! Gotta hurry, todah’s episode is a special, Dardlord enters a PIE CONTEST! … oh boy this is gonna beh Great~ She runs up to the TV only to find someone using it. Now this I mind you is not abnormal as this person in question Is always using the TV… and when I say always I mean this person never leaves the TV even If it’s the end of the world and shadow monkeys are attacking and what not. This person is a cute young looking Chao girl by the name of “Retsnom” or “Nom” for short, She’s a odd little girl… Purple hair, Black skin, A somewhat long snail like tail… Oh and lets not forget her Ex-caretaker was a Last-boss who was super powerful and stuff, They lived happily together, till the Boss fail off a cliff and died one day anyways, Now she lives here with her new Caretaker Rowunk… Well to be more honest “The TV” As it’s the only thing she pays notice to… she’ll watch it no matter what’s on, even If it’s “Puff & Fluff ‘s RainbowQuest show,” and that being a show almost any Dark Chao Would sooner cut out their own gut then watch. (Crazy Mittens) Oh no me forgot about her…. Rats it’s impossible to get her away from the TV for long… She never lets anyone even poke it with out goinen crazy like on them. I mean I nuw how she feels, Da TV is better then a blueberry milkshake In the middle of summer, and she’s awesome when she talks, love her voice, or maybe it’s just because anyone’s lucky to hear more then a word or 2 out of her every month … heh~ Mittens slowly tries to reach for the TV’s buttons. (Nom) …….GhrrrRrr!…… Nom’s Tail pulls up high and she has the most angry look on her face, Mittens backs off fast, Then wonders how she is going to deal with the TV obsessed friend, as there’s no way she’s going to try that again anytime soon. Nom knows how to put the fear in anyone. Mittens thinks to her self that if only She could get Nom away from the TV, but the question is how? Surely just asking her won’t work? Mittens is puzzled as to what to do, normally Mittens does not have to worry about it as Nom never changes the channel, But mittens changed the channel the last night in order to watch the movie “Axe monster ‘s revenge part2”while Nom was a sleep, Only now does she see the error in doing that. Then Mittens kicks a pile of junk out of being mad, then a red and white ball comes failing down next to Mitten’s foot, (Crazy Mittens) Huh? Wha this be here? Hey I knuw this…. I seen this somewhere before… Oh ohh I know, it’s a Pocketball! It used as storage for monserthings for when peuple are to lazy to take care of their pet…. Or for when the pet gets in the way…. Waaaaitt… Me just got idea. Mittens grabs and tosses the ball at Nom. It hits her, sucks her up in to it, then makes some dinging sounds then clicks. (Crazy Mittens) Yahoo!! It worked! KukuuKu ku~ Sorry Nom old girl… I R having a show to watch, but don’t worries, I’ll let you out when it’s over K?~ The Flashback ends. (Crazy Mittens) Oops… I guess me forgot to let her out, My badz, Teehee~ Mittens picks up the ball and pushes the button on front, The ball jiggles a little then pops out Nom on to the ground from inside it. Nom looks around oddly and seems scared. (Crazy Mittens) Errr…. Hii… heh. (Nom) Huh? Who are you? Where am I? What am I doing here!? …Are you a Hero? (Crazy Mittens) Whut? I NUT been so UNSALTED! (Nom) What!!? You want my salted peanuts? YOU CAN‘T HAVE THEM!! (Crazy Mittens) ….. (Nom) THEIR MINE!! (Crazy Mittens) I DUN’T WAN YO DUMB NUTS!! (Nom) Ohhh…. Err why not? Their great <3 (Crazy Mittens) Oh for the love of…. Loooook! Clearly you been wutchen that TV to long… Yo R like meh Non-blood Sister yeh hear? We do everything together…. OK I lied, we only watch TV together… (Nom) TV!? WHERE!? (Crazy Mittens) Oi… you dunt remember meh? yet you did not forget about dah TV?… That’s just cold girl. But whatever forget about that. Listen to tis! I’m gonna go on a adventure to become a Grim reaper and take over the world N Stuff! Dardlord would be so proud to see that, I bet he’d even pat meh head! (Nom) Sounds Fun. (Crazy Mittens) You should come with meh, you always used to talk about how you’d Like to become a Loss-boss and beat Heros N whateverz~ (Nom) …I Did? (Crazy Mittens) Err yeah…. You see there was this one time the power gone out Last year and you said tha, also we talked together for a bit, you were so CoolO I started calling Chu me Non-blood Sis~ (Nom) Ahhhh….. Nope, No idea, Can’t remember. (Crazy Mittens) Ya did not last long, TV came back on some hours later, And lost ya to da TV again. But we promised one another we make are dreams come true Nu matterz whut ya hear?~ (Nom) Really? You care that much about my dreams?…. I never had anyone care about me so much for a long time now…. Last was my wonderful caretaker… Wait…. Sister?…. Yay SISTER! I’ll help you Sister! I’ll make all your dreams real too! At that moment Nom jumps and clings to Mittens like a koala, (Crazy Mittens) Opf… To..oo….Hheea..v..vy…G..Get OFF! (Nom) I‘ll never let you go… You won‘t fall off any cliffs and leave your big-sis lone forever while I‘m here to protect YOU! Mittens then fell flat on her face with a very happy and clingy Nom on her… (Nom) Yay sister! Lets never be part little-sister <3 (Crazy Mittens) AgggG! BAack to froM which Ya cAme CHu nuT!! Mittens pushes the button on the Pocketball that re-sucks Nom back in to it… At this point Mittens’s back feels sore, Mittens thinks to herself that maybe getting a clingy person like Nom away from the TV and by mistake getting Nom to cling to her was a really bad idea, Then Mittens gets up, puts the ball in her coat and walks off to take a nap. (Crazy Mittens) Oi…. Me hope tomorrow… DON”T SUCK!…. Meh back is a like killen me~ Hopefully a short nap then a bite to eat will fix me up good, I wonder if a rerun of (Attack of the Beaver-blob) is on tonight? --- (Day-4 Part-2) There’s no better sister then one you can keep in a Pocketball~ Later that day You see Mittens & Flash in silly battle poses facing off Jo & Ko in battle, Mittens gets her self pumped up and her fists glow blue. (Crazy Mittens) I don’t know whay you punks are picken a battle with meh again, It’s not even been a week, but I’ll make sure you dummies regret it like always~ ((Mittens thinking to herself)) Oh my, oh my, this no good…. My back is still sore from before… I better make short work of them or this may not end well, least I got Flash here, I think he can fight? I mean what else is a robothing good for? Besides opening soda-cans, Heh~ But if not, then I’m in serious trouble, but I can’t let a little thing stop me from my goal. (Flash) You ok Mittens? Your moving and acting a little strange…. (Crazy Mittens) Hehheeh… Dun’t wooorrrry Robo dude~ It… it’s nuoth…ing… Nothing, Just had waked up little soon today tis all~ (Flash) Well… Ok then… if you say so. (Jo) heh… look at them cowering in their boots. (Ko) Yeah like little babies. (Jo&Ko) Lets get them!! Ko rushes at Mittens and fire punches her, the hit knocks her back, Jo attacks Flash with a metal-pipe he had picked up beforehand. Flash moves out of the way then kicks Jo on to his face. (Flash) Mittens! Your hurt! I knew something most be wrong, there’s no way weak guys like them are a match for you. (Crazy Mittens) Shut upz… me just was not looking, he got lucky. ((Mittens thinking to herself)) Oh for the love of darkness…. Not good… I can hardly move After that last attack… and my vision is starting to get cloudy. (Ko) Ha! I knew you most have been just lucky all them times you beat us. (Crazy Mittens) Shut yo hole punk, even nuw you got Nn…Nothing on Meh! Mittens runs at Ko and tries to punch him, but right as she does her blue flame Goes out, and the punch only pushes Ko back a tiny bit. Mittens then pulls out her Junk-scythe fast and knocks Ko over. Flash runs to Mittens worried if she’s OK, At the same time Jo gets up then attacks with a water-wave that knocks both Mittens & Flash back In to a junk-pile, Flash starts to get back up, but then Ko gets up and fire punches Flash. (Jo) Heh don’t you even think for a second think that we’ll go easy on you guys today. (Ko) We are so mad! Yesterday we were stuck in a hole for the whole bloody day! (Jo) So we are not in a good mood. (Ko) yeah so today we are really pushing the paddle to the metal! (Jo) Yeah, so get really to lose! (Jo&Ko) Ahaahahaa! (Flash) Oh rusty bolts! that last attack knocked out my batteries. (Crazy Mittens) …. Me lose? Can‘t happen… Wait… I almost forgot! I still have my Sister Nom! (Flash) Who??? And you have a Sister?! (Crazy Mittens) It’s a long story… she’s not my real sister or nothing, She’s the girl who is always in front of the TV. (Flash) Huh? THE CREEPY COUCH POTATO GIRL?! (Crazy Mittens) Yupz, that’s teh one. And I always wanted to say this…. Go! … Pocketball! Mittens tosses the Ball she had in her coat-pocket on to the ground, And Nom pops out of it. (Nom) Huh? Sister! What happened to you?! Why is by beloved Sister hurt?! (Crazy Mittens) forget about me, beat up them guys over there! They hate Me… And err oh yeah they hate TV too! (Ko) We do? Hey…No we don’t! (Jo) Who is that? (Ko) Who cares? Just knock her out of the way, nothing is going to stop us from winning today! (Nom) Did you losers hurt my SISTER?!! And you hate TV?! No TV hating morons hurts or even pokes her and lives if I have any to say about it!! (Ko&Jo) Ehrrr…. You think you take us on?…. (Nom) I Think nothing you little soon to be corpses, I’m not the kid of a Lost-boss for nothing. Now lets get it to it! Nom jiggles a little then the Orb above her head glows, and two mini ball like copies of her self grow out from it, And float around her. ((End of Writer turn)) | 2011-03-15 17:49:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Another awesome story for another(?) awesome thread! Yours was funny, and now that I think about it, they were all funny. I better make mine funny. Well funny enough. At least, like, 3 laugh-out-louad moments...maybe 2....1...maybe less than 1. Anyway, who's turn is it next? Do you decide? Or do people ask? And is the "Last Boss" caretaker for Nom, the bad-guy Chao? I mean you might make it come back to life. But that would be dumb. And last but not last, should I PM this sort of stuff to you? Or leave it for everyone to see here? P.S ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That, is a new internet meme. | 2011-03-15 19:47:00 Author: Doooomguy ![]() Posts: 68 |
^ Yeah to make it not to spamy best to talk with VMs, that's not a rule or anything. but like i just did, i most likely will reply with a Vm if anything is asked here. *mew PS: to anyone who may had missed it, i posted a new story part today on the last page, enjoy~ | 2011-03-15 20:34:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I might join but one question... Do the Chao need caretaker(s)? That is all | 2011-03-16 02:35:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
((I'll get my next part in tomorrow ![]() | 2011-03-16 02:47:00 Author: Tomeh999 ![]() Posts: 763 |
Here he is Name: SOUL Gender: Male Age: Immortal, 24 Breed of Chao: Light Element: Chaos(A Chaos Chao), Power Personally: Kind and caring, Mischievous Back-story: SOUL’s Egg was found in a dark(in terms of brightness) chao garden until it was sought by his caretaker, who rise him like a son however one day the care taker never returned… SOUL set out on a quest to find him once again. Whenever he fights or races he always wishes for his brother Rocky to see him do it, he can’t because Rocky died. Unlike normal Chaos chao he has a unicorn horn and angelic wings permanently. Main Hobby: Racing and fighting Favorite Food: Square Fruit, chocolate bars(Some claim this to be the source of his strength, but it isn‘t) How much the Chao likes their Caretaker: Gee did you read the Back-story? Abilities & Powers. Points used: 10. Points left: 0. Spend them on whatever below. 1 point: Basic qualities, He can run, jump, fly, climb, etc. normally(this ability is always active) Claw combo: He attacks with his claws to do a multi-hit attack Spiral bolt: SOUL kicks into the foe with a spinning kick he can also dig with this move Power Driver: SOUL Rams into the opponent with his horn, the move hits twice Darkness Barrier: Attacks from Dark Chao are weakened by 50%(If this isn’t ok 33%) 3 points: None 7 points: None Hidden Skills: ??? His picture http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af354/Rygalla/SOUL.png | 2011-03-17 00:51:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
^seems i got confused, was thinking you were asking to be a writer? but you told me you did not want to be one? well if you do want to be one, just message me up but for now unless you change your mind I'll be removing you from the list of writers. as I'm little unsure what you were wanting if becoming a writer was not it? Edit: seems he whats to be a writer after he found out he was able to be one after all. So he's added back to the list now. Edit2: New Art of Doom's Flash is up. PS: Come on already people, Upload some stories~ | 2011-03-18 02:24:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Chapter 1 Day of the Dayrikuu. Day 1 10:24 Shivers ran down Pip and kays spine. (Akorath) "I guess I should be leaving, have fun Diala." (Diala) "Oh I will." Diala turned her head over to Pip and Kay,"Haven't seen you guys in a while miss me?" She said in an ice cold voice. (Pip) "No, n I never will,ya fatt pig." Pip grabbed the net that she was trapped in and shook it aggressively (Pip) "Now-let-ush-out-ya-hag." (Diala) "Thats no way to speak to your mum." As she talked her voice grew deeper and darker. (kay) "Your not mine or Pips mum." (Diala) "And your certainly no daughter of mine" Diala smiled just like Pip dose, and everything went black.Kay was scared of the dark, and though she dosen't want to admit it, Pip was too.Everything was pitch black and silence Pip and Kay hugged each other in fear of what might happen next-then a ear percing roar broke the silence and everything was clear again,immediately Pip stopped hugging Kay, so she didn't look like a "wuss" and started searching for were the sound came from while Kay was thinking. On the ground there was a ditch, in the ditch there was Dash~who seemed to be chewing on something, beond that were trees,trees and you know what? More trees, but no sign of Diala so Pip thought she must of fled, but then there was another loud roar and it came from above them so they looked up,to their horror they saw a massive dragon towering over them, the beast was so huge it nearly blocked out the sun,(Diala) "I've always wanted to show you my little *pet* Dayrikuu,you know his teeth are so sharp you wouldn't feel a thing coz' you'd already be dead! Ha Ha Ha!" (Kay) "Oh shut up already no one cares what you have to say, and you think thats funny!?!? My pet rock is more funny than you." Diala was very surprised by what she said even Pip was, Because she's always nice-a plan, this must be part of one of Kay's plan. (Kay) "Can we get this over, I can't stand to see your uglyness,it's too much to deal with." (Pip whispering *giggling*) "Hehe so whats your plan?" (Kay whispering) "I'll tell you all in good time, right now though, we have to survive." Diala was so angrey her face started to go red, as she waved her fists in the air fiercely (Diala) "I was gonna kill you by Dayrikuu breathing fire in your net, but now i'm gonna torcher you with Dayrikuu's sharp claws." Thrashing thunderously Dayrikuu lanched his claws at Pip and Kay. All the way on the left side of the net were Pip and Kay (Kay)"On the count of three we run all da way to da left of the net,one-" Dayrikuu was no more than four meters away "Two-" He was so close they could smell his revolting fish breath "THREE!" Pip and Kay just got out in time, leaving Dayrikuu breaking the net off.Pip and Kay flew out of the net (Pip)"...Soo what do weh do now?" (Kay)"Ummm we... Well i guess we could keep flying till he gets tired..." (Pip)"I gu-" But before Pip could finish her sentence Dayrikuu swooped behing them just missing their heads (Kay)"Woah-Com'on lets go" Pip and Kay were side by side as the wind carried them(Pip)"This is a piece of cake." (Kay)"Hmmm talking about cake-" Kays tummy rumbled (Pip)"Don't worry after this is over-wich it will be soon i mean Dayreka should be tired now- We can get something to eat." (Kay) "Err Pip, its DayrIkUU not DayrEkA" (Pip) "Yeah sure whatever" But as they got deeper in the forest the wind stopped blowing and the sky went darker 12:04 Dayrikuu was gaining on them,their wings were tired and stiff of all the flying,they felt like they haven't eaten in weeks and as they thought it couldn't get worst...It did. (Pip)"*Wheeze* K..Kay... *huff* dead... *phew* end..." (Kay)"*Puff* W-wha'! *hugh*-" Their heads felt dizzy as they fell to the ground... Everything was spinning in a blur.... *THUD* Pip and Kay opened their eyes and looked up, Dayrikuu fell head first into the ground making Diala fall into some mud (Diala)"Oh you mindless salanmander,*spit* You made me get mud all over my clothes. Just go,and I NEVER want to see you ever again!" She croaked,wiping the mud out of her eyes.Though the dragon thought she ment it and flew off.(Diala)"No wait don't go!" But it was already to late Dayrikuu had left.Then in the distanst, Pip and Kay heard clip-cloping.At first Dash was a tiny blue speck but as she came nearer she was more clear then she came closer and closer they could see her holding something in her mouth...A purple bag with a white skull....Pip's bag! As soon as Dash came, she emtied the bag and out came coconut sandwiches.The sweet smell of coconut filled the air and immediately Pip and Kay stuffed the sandwiches in their mouths hungerily (Kay)"Hey wait a sec *munch* I thought there were nun san- *munch* ichez left *munch* hmmm these are goood...Errr....Yeah so why?" (Dash)"Well when you were in the net,Pip's bag dropped and fell in the ditch I was stuck in, then after a while of trying to get out of the ditch I noticed a little tree stump and I thought i could use Pip's bag as a whip, so I swung it around the tree stump and-after a while- I finally got out of the ditch. Now it was a while since you ate, so I whipped up some sandwiches and put that in Pip's bag." (Kay)" What did you eat?" (Dash)"I had some sandwiches when I went inside" Pip searched in the bag and found the chocolate bars that they hadn't eaten (Pip)"Thanks for not eating the chocolate bars" (Dash) "Sure" (Dash thinking to herself)"I have no idea what she is talking about" (Pip)"So do ya have a home we can stay at for a while?" She said swinging her bag over her shoulder (Dash)"sure hop on and i'll take you there" 12:16 (Dash)"We're here." Dash stopped and Pip & Kay jumped of her. The house Dash lived in was quite small. The house was light blue colour with white stripes. Inside the house there was a table (with four chairs), an oven, a sink and an other door, beond that door there was a room and a comfey looking bed, next to the bed was a closet, on top of the closet were three sleeping bags. (Dash)"Oh you can use those sleeping bag's by the way. Just ask me if you need anything i'll be in the kitchen making lunch." 13:22 After lunch Pip and Kay were full so they made their beds and got ready to take a nap. (Pip)"I know everything is gonna be finnee Kay ![]() ~Fin~ | 2011-03-22 18:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Good job Catlover~ was a fun read. feels little random to me though... had little hard following what was going on, could just be me though. *mew PS: i look forward to what everyone will write. besides from Catlover & Doom I've not heard( Far as story planing goes) from the others in a while. | 2011-03-22 22:25:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I see the story is still going on well though looking at the last one by Catlover that kinda got confusing after the thud, you right the names partly like scripted and also put the text in speech bubbles in the middle of a sentence like a normal story, which looks really confusing to me. Maybe this will explain it better It started off fine then suddenly we had those things in the middle of a sentence, that type of writing is fine when it's set out as a script like ELSA: Hello SOZO: Hello Rather than Elsa sees sozo ELSA "Hello" Sozo looks round and notices Elsa has just spoken to her SOZO "Hello" That's kinda where it eventualy went after the thud section and it's really hard to follow | 2011-03-23 01:26:00 Author: Elsa ![]() Posts: 164 |
Yoho it's been ages~ Well seems all my writers left for vacations or got bored or just forgot. well not sure what this means. to be honest everyone's story has not gone very far yet and some have not started at all... it be very easy for me to just take whoever off the writers list and just write off everyone's characters so people who may join this game later won't have to worry about writing characters from people who are not even here anymore. Or even i could start this whole thing over and just put out a edited version of what i have already made. but if people keep showing no interest. I'll just have this topic closed. *mew | 2011-05-05 21:54:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
I'm still here, but others need to write first.![]() | 2011-05-07 06:38:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
just subscribing. don't mind me ![]() | 2011-05-23 22:05:00 Author: nerzdadestroyer ![]() Posts: 1527 |
well not that i have any new story to add... still waiting for my writers to come back or wait for new writers. plus I'm planing on rewriting some things later as i got new character designs for my girls. http://www.freewebs.com/chaoswinds/Sozo/CrazyMittens-02.png http://www.freewebs.com/chaoswinds/Sozo/Nom-2.png | 2011-05-24 06:58:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Woah, sorry for the loooong wait. Yea it would be fantastic to make a Chao Online, I simply LOVE chaos! I had a white sonic chao that ran like sonic cause its running was so high! Also id like to join! | 2011-07-05 06:37:00 Author: Nitranon77 ![]() Posts: 127 |
. cute, i liked it ![]() | 2011-07-05 20:20:00 Author: nerzdadestroyer ![]() Posts: 1527 |
I like it aswell ![]() | 2011-09-05 15:58:00 Author: zzmorg82 ![]() Posts: 948 |
I like it aswell ![]() who you talking to?? can't be me. I don't have a cat sig. | 2011-09-05 16:02:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
who you talking to?? can't be me. I don't have a cat sig. Whatever it is.... | 2011-09-05 21:30:00 Author: zzmorg82 ![]() Posts: 948 |
Whatever it is.... http://www.freewebs.com/chaoswinds/Sozo/CrazyMittens-02.png http://www.freewebs.com/chaoswinds/Sozo/Nom-2.png it's a Chao... it don't look anything like a cat.... | 2011-09-06 02:41:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
it's a Chao... it don't look anything like a cat.... Whatever it is... | 2011-09-06 02:48:00 Author: zzmorg82 ![]() Posts: 948 |
Whatever it is... umhuh... And like I said it's not a whatever. it's a Chao. As the name of the topic point is about. it's kinda mean to call it a whatever. :/ *mew Edit: is no one interested in this RPG anymore??? no one is commenting about the story or is writing at all anymore for ages now... | 2011-09-06 02:53:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
i know how it feels when a thread you enjoyed so much starts to die :/ sorry to here this. i would if i knew what a chao was :s | 2011-09-06 16:17:00 Author: nerzdadestroyer ![]() Posts: 1527 |
i know how it feels when a thread you enjoyed so much starts to die :/ sorry to here this. i would if i knew what a chao was :s the OP shows and says what a Chao is. Knowing anything past the OP is not needed. *mew | 2011-09-06 16:32:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Isn't this a choa.... 0_0 http://images.wikia.com/rknztales/images/c/ca/Chao.jpg | 2011-09-06 23:19:00 Author: zzmorg82 ![]() Posts: 948 |
Isn't this a choa.... 0_0 http://images.wikia.com/rknztales/images/c/ca/Chao.jpg Yes that is what A chao looks like. I even posted a video to show that. The Chao in my Sig is a Dark chao and the basic dark chao look like this. http://images.wikia.com/sonic/images/a/a8/Dark_chao_2.png and as I'm a artist I like to add my own look and ideas in to my art. so my chao are little bit more tall then in the Sonic arts. and their designs are custom made. so I added hair and outfits ETC. *mew | 2011-09-07 02:26:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
oh.. there was no vid when i read the op first 0_0 i knew that they are little things from the sonic team but where do they come in in the sonic stories? | 2011-09-07 16:05:00 Author: nerzdadestroyer ![]() Posts: 1527 |
but where do they come in in the sonic stories? they came from mainly Sonic adventure 1 and 2. | 2011-09-08 01:11:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Wow, just reading back at my posts. I suck at RPing. I guess this was the first Rp I went to, ah well. | 2012-08-04 09:46:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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