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Archive: 10 posts

Hey forum,

I just published a new level! It's called "Platformer." I think it's a pretty fun level. I will get to as many feedbacks as possible. I published this because it was just sitting there in my moon and I thought I should post it before LBP 2's release. Thanks for all of the plays! Oh and do I post my feedback for you guys on here or on your level? Thanks for the help.

Oh, I have also heard of republishing your level many times in order to get more views, is that a good way of doing it?

2011-01-10 00:41:00

Posts: 176

i like this level. i don't have anything special to say about it. it's just a simple and cute little platformer. there weren't any bugs other than the area with the two L shapes and the square that were all grabbable. the two that you can move had really glitchy physics. they'd stop sliding or rotating for no visible reason.

i gave it a 4 out of 5 because it was good but not very ambitious.

for F4F please play: ginormo burger
2011-01-10 01:25:00

Posts: 126

i like this level. i don't have anything special to say about it. it's just a simple and cute little platformer. there weren't any bugs other than the area with the two L shapes and the square that were all grabbable. the two that you can move had really glitchy physics. they'd stop sliding or rotating for no visible reason.

i gave it a 4 out of 5 because it was good but not very ambitious.

for F4F please play: ginormo burger

Thanks for the play! And the L's were pretty glitchy unless you just pushed them one way without stopping. I'll get to your F4F as soon as I can
2011-01-10 02:22:00

Posts: 176

- Jetpack didn't emit due to bad guy's arm being in the way.
- First blue L block not glued down.
- Blue sponge ball on a rising chain got stuck at the curved yellow arrow.
I had to do a super skilled awesome ninja jump from the two previous balls to jump up and grab it back into positon.

Was about as exiting as your title and level description.
Do need to return feedback, but you may want to check out the level in my sig, it will give you some tips of what and what not to do when building a level.
Keep at it.
2011-01-10 09:34:00

Posts: 2513

Thanks midnight. I there any way to get more plays out of my level? I can never get past the 30's 2011-01-10 15:58:00

Posts: 176

Hello, I decided to give you feedback on your level, well, because I did I'm writing this as I play along, so hopefully you'll know what I'm talking about:

OK, my immediate thought is that the camera angle shows the platform is a big rectangle. Extend it to the left so you can only see the material past the pillar. Swinging along over the electricity is nice, but instead of moving the checkpoint, you could attach a winch to the glass and have it pull it back once it goes to the far right, or you could have it going up a slight hill, so it naturally rolls down. I feel perhaps the close level gate could have been earlier, but not too much of a problem. The enemies were cool, reminded me of the thing from the creature brain tutorial. you can't pull the blue sleigh past the checkpoint, making it useless, move the checkpoint or delete the sleigh. I laughed at the "INSANE AIR" bit, which is good. I kept falling out of the lift, I didn't really get how it works. The creature was cool (if completly harmless), but I shot the arm in a position that left it very difficult to hit the head. Nice domino effect thing. The pushing the block thing was cool, but the door was difficult. Really liked watching the ball go through the thing, with another domino effect at the end. The car looked cool, but the switch was too big and it kept setting itself to the middle, meaning I'd have to pull it back again and again. If the machine only works once, make it so the checkpoint it sends you to activates, so if it doesn't work they can pop themselves and carry on. And that's the end.

Overall, a very nice level. Gameplay wise it was fun and varied, though it was lacking graphically. I gave :star::star::star::star:

For F4F, could you play my level Explosive Adventures please? The link is in my sig (you give feedback in the thread of the level your giving feedback to).

Also, as for more plays, participating in F4F is a good idea, but don't just wait for them to come to you, go out and give feedback on other people's levels, then they'll do the same to you. If you improve, the level will become better and more people will play it

Oh, and I think republishing doesn't work anymore.
2011-01-10 19:54:00

Posts: 1893

Kirbyman62, here is my review of your level:

I'm writing this as I am playing. The info and picture about the level make it seem really interesting. Here we go: Sweet bomb character! It made me laugh. The level looks good visually. In the first part with the bombs flying into the red sponge, if you didn't make it deep enough you would get trapped. *I think it's great you made your own times bombs. Cool puzzle type thing. I fell for your trap in the race . It was a short race. Really great ideas with the paintinator. The cancel powerup could be evaded hehe, although it is useless. I used it to explode the bomb character in the next scene. The secret areas were a great way to get more plays. All in all, loved the visuals, characters, and ideas of the level. 5/5. Good job.
2011-01-11 01:18:00

Posts: 176

Thanks for taking a look at my level!! I already fixed most of the things you noticed.

First I wanna say I really enjoyed your level as I am a big platforming fan. I do however recommend that you change the name and description to something more exciting. It would definitely improve the amount of plays on the level. Anyway I liked the opening part as well as the sponge that launches you into the air when you grab it. The boss was pretty neat but was a little too easy. I'm not sure what was going on with the big stone block when I killed the boss but you seemed to have fixed that with the jetpack. The little puzzle section was cool and I was very impressed by the big glass machine with the dominoe effect used to open the door. Overall a really fun level. Keep up the good work!!
2011-01-11 05:34:00

Unknown User

Lol, you gotta post Kirbyman62 feedback on his thread, if you're not sure how to find it click under his name where it says "My Creations" and it should show up, check the one with the latest date.

I'll try play this in the next day or two
2011-01-11 06:17:00

Posts: 49

Well I played the level and here is my feedback.

-The first race with the sleds or whatever didn't work quite right... they just went crazy all over the place.
-The other race with that thing with those giant wheels also didn't work right.
-The obstacles aren't all that original...
-Bad camera angles.

+It's pretty fun.
+The boss fight was okay.

It's an okay platforming level and is fun to play. I say improve the scenery because the scenery for this level was kinda... empty.

Well um... F4F my level "that search for more skills" The link is in my cheap signature!
2011-01-11 10:12:00

Posts: 144

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