Archive: 3 posts
I was inspired to make this lvl because my bro were asking me to play something that were about shooting and shooting, and that it where hard too, so i tryed to fallow those points to make it , Hope you like it, and all feedback is wellcome ^^. http://ic.lbp.me/img/fl/d2c81c9339654c85eb00c35a3b6535d3c6af61e6.jpg http://lbp.me/v/v4z75f | 2011-01-09 04:32:00 Author: khar ![]() Posts: 6 |
here is my review for mechabase: -i'll start out by saying almost no one likes limited lives. i'd suggest switching to infinite checkpoints so people don't get annoyed when they get to the end of your level and die and have to start over. -the starting area was a little dark. it was hard to see where i was going but other than that the starting area was pretty well done. +i liked how you had to go get the gun and then it came down and you redid the area with the gun! -the elevators seem a bit shakey. maybe reduce the detection radius on the player detectors on the elevators so they don't move without you actually on them. -the gun that pops out of the wall and shoots down at you on the elevator seems a little cheap. it's possible to blow it up before it comes out but it's very difficult. -having the walls (with the green triangles) explode is kind of dangerous. i died once by standing too close to one of the walls while shooting it. i don't feel like something like that should be a hazard. i don't know if it was intentional or not, though. it looks cool but it ruins the game play a bit. -in the part with the boxxes that you have to hide behind while the plasma balls shoot at you, you can shot up and arch the paint balls down at the gun and take out the gun and all the land mines without having to dodge any plasma balls or do any timing to get through. -i feel like there should be a checkpoint after this section. right before you get the jet pack. just so i don't have to walk through all those boxxes and jump the gap to get back to the jet pack again -after you fall down and get another paint gun, you can destroy the first turrets you see without them shooting back at you. i'd set the detection radius up on them so that they shoot at you from a little further away. -i lost all 4 of my lives immediately after this section. i couldn't figure out where to go. i got past the electrified spinning things and jumped off to the right (the only way other than back the way i came) and immediately got killed by like 3 turrets. you definitely made a difficult level! a little TOO difficult if you ask me ![]() for F4F please play: ginormo burger | 2011-01-10 00:13:00 Author: harbingernaut ![]() Posts: 126 |
Hey I checked out your level earlier. It was a pretty cool level, I like the MGS materials you used, and the lighting that you had to make it feel like a base. I thought the weaponry you placed around was pretty cool and interesting as well. I thought for the most part it was quite a bit difficult. Not just that obstacles were hard to anticipate, but it was hard to tell where you were actually headed a lot of the time. I would make a few distinct camera angles to give some hint on direction your supposed to go. Not bad level, a number of touch-ups would improve some rough edges in my opinion! Good job though! ![]() | 2011-01-13 23:49:00 Author: Jayhawk_er ![]() Posts: 403 |
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