Call of Duty Future Warfare
Archive: 39 posts
Ive been reading alot of stuff recently saying that the next Call of Duty would be set in the future. I thought is was fake at first but ive been hearing soo muvh about it. Even at school. It said that is going to be made by Sledgehammer Games. I was never really a big fan of COD but I always though that one that takes place in the future would be a cool Idea. Whenever I bring that up people say that would be a stupid idea because the first things they think of are lazer guns and whatnot. If they do make it im not expecting lazer guns to be in it. Just normal type guns that havent come out yet or something. And more futurist killstreaks and attachments on guns, and a more futuristic setting. One thing i really like about this idea is that they wont be using the same old wars lie WWII or the Vietnam war, they can make up a new war to keep it fresh. Oh and did i mention that there would be space marines!? Well I knoow i didnt mention that so that was a pretty stupid question to ask :/. Anyway, here is an article on IGN talking about it. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/113/1133245p1.html | 2011-01-09 04:18:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
25 Killstreak - Death Star ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Didn't infinity ward sign an xbox exclusive deal for the next Call Of Duty though? Correct me If I'm wrong, I dont really stay in the loop with these things. | 2011-01-09 04:29:00 Author: MrFunctionality ![]() Posts: 637 |
>say that would be a stupid idea >would be a stupid idea >stupid idea >implying that all current COD's weren't stupid ideas Edit: I sure hope so, Mr. F. Keep that garbage off my system. | 2011-01-09 04:30:00 Author: Voltergeist ![]() Posts: 1702 |
I don't know, this might be interessting, It would be awesome if they did like a Shattered Horizon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqsU5nWLguU) type thing, y'know with more weapons, kill streaks, perks and such, but even then I think everyone would be sick of COD after 7 games of it. 3 Kill streak = Audio simulation | 2011-01-09 04:38:00 Author: Merc ![]() Posts: 2135 |
but even then I think everyone would be sick of COD after 7 games of it. You vasty underestimate the stupidity of the average COD player. Two weeks from now, they could release a retextured Black Ops for double the normal price, sell it with shirts labeled "Moron", and it would be a hit. It's times like this where you can see why capitalism works - it's built on the sturdy foundation of dumb people having money. ![]() | 2011-01-09 05:11:00 Author: Voltergeist ![]() Posts: 1702 |
it's built on the sturdy foundation of dumb people having money. ![]() that makes LBP the opposite of COD then, correct? as it is built on the foundation of 'smart' people having money. Two weeks from now, they could release a retextured Black Ops for double the normal price, sell it with shirts labeled "Moron", and it would be a hit. I do hope that doesn't mean they'll release a new COD game every year for 20 years. | 2011-01-09 05:57:00 Author: Merc ![]() Posts: 2135 |
Nothing better than milking a franchise... if you got it going, might as well. | 2011-01-09 06:00:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
The 'far-distant future?' Wow. I predict that this will be another game which my brother will get, and I will dislike. Maybe they'll add 'COD: Vampires,' or 'COD: Witches.' | 2011-01-09 06:38:00 Author: tomodon246 ![]() Posts: 624 |
No matter where it's set, it will be a disappointment unless they do something different, or better yet, take a few years break, then do something new ![]() | 2011-01-09 12:05:00 Author: jeperty ![]() Posts: 486 |
Well the next COD game is supposed to be Modern Warfare 3 made by "Infinity Ward" or at least what's left of them. It is rumoured to be a prequel to COD 4 and be centred around the character of Ghost. Sledgehammer is supposedly developing a call of duty title, but it is also rumoured to be a different genre, either RTS like Halo wars, or an RPG type game. Although there was also the rumour of a subscription based title which might be their game. This one might be set in the future ![]() | 2011-01-09 12:41:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
What's this I see? Halo? Oh wait... | 2011-01-09 12:49:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
@CODhating Ever think it's just a game? It's not you spending your money, there are still good games. Don't get this thread locked. This thread is for discussion about the possibility of a COD set in the future. @OP They just couldn't let go of the ISS level, could they? ![]() | 2011-01-09 15:09:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
Man, all of you are making such a big deal of it. Honestly. Activision is smart for continuing to make them, and the ones who buy it even though they "hate" the games are the ignorant ones. I'm with Clay on this one. Anyway, I don't think it would be that bad. I think they could get away with a less over-the-top version of Killzone or something of that nature. | 2011-01-09 18:52:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
*cough* Brink *cough* Anyway, I dont find this so appealing. A Ghost-centered CoD game, though, is something I would find interesting. :SH: | 2011-01-10 01:04:00 Author: ThePineapplizer ![]() Posts: 769 |
Last year I read an article where Activisions 2nd in command denied that they would ever have a subscription service on their Call Of Duty Franchise. I found it suspect at the time, as I know Activision propensity for fleecing their customers. Then I read the other day that actually, Yes, they will be having a subscription based model on future COD titles ![]() The quote from Bobby Kotick "Gamers want to give us their money!" is so very prophetic. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier FTW ![]() | 2011-01-10 10:18:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Nothing better than milking a franchise... if you got it going, might as well. I think it won't matter what they make next. People will consider it milking. | 2011-01-10 20:13:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
Last year I read an article where Activisions 2nd in command denied that they would ever have a subscription service on their Call Of Duty Franchise. I found it suspect at the time, as I know Activision propensity for fleecing their customers. Then I read the other day that actually, Yes, they will be having a subscription based model on future COD titles ![]() Source please? | 2011-01-10 20:40:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
Wait, wasn't Infinity Ward fired? Doesn't that mean they can't use the name Call of Duty? I don't follow this type of news, so I don't know much about it. | 2011-01-10 23:32:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Wait, wasn't Infinity Ward fired? Doesn't that mean they can't use the name Call of Duty? I don't follow this type of news, so I don't know much about it. Infinity Ward isn't a person, so Infinity Ward can't be fired, but the main people all left. So a new staff was hired, which will probably be better then the old staff anyways. | 2011-01-10 23:43:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
Infinity Ward isn't a person, so Infinity Ward can't be fired, but the main people all left. That's what I meant. But I thought it was the company itself who got fired, and Treyarch was the only one left. :/ Eh, hopefully the new guys can make a better sequel than the old ones (like an actual good campaign? ha!) | 2011-01-11 00:06:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
That's what I meant. But I thought it was the company itself who got fired, and Treyarch was the only one left. :/ Eh, hopefully the new guys can make a better sequel than the old ones (like an actual good campaign? ha!) Only about 2 or three people got fired, the rest who aren't there left IW of their own accord. | 2011-01-11 09:11:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
Then I read the other day that actually, Yes, they will be having a subscription based model on future COD titles ![]() Source please? IIRC, this is the story I read a little while ago. Essentially a Financial Analyst stated that it was a betrayal of shareholder trust to not charge subscriptions for online multiplayer: Considering that each of the publicly traded publishers exists to maximise shareholder value, we view their reticence to monetise multiplayer as a betrayal of shareholder trust, and can only hope that each implements plans to address the impact of increasing free multiplayer going forward. Even if we are mistaken and charging for multiplayer doesn?t result in packaged goods growth, we think that investors will be satisfied if publisher revenues once again begin to grow due to contribution from multiplayer monetisation. In our view, monetisation of multiplayer is one of the greatest opportunities for the publishers, and we think that it would be a serious strategic error to pass on this opportunity. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=279261 He's not actually affiliated with anyone involved and is simply voicing his opinion / predicting what Activision should do. Unless there is some developments beyond this, this falls into the realms of speculation. I can't actually find the original source for this quote, just crap games "news" sites referencing (or copy/pasting from) other crap games "news" sites because they don't know how to actually report stuff. | 2011-01-11 11:50:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Source please? I read about it here (http://www.metro.co.uk/tech/851733-call-of-duty-subscriptions-coming-from-activision-this-spring). But like RTM said, It's a prediction of a market analyst, not direct from the horses mouth. Still, it's looking more and more likely that they will. | 2011-01-11 13:03:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Wonder how far into the future it'll be set, 1000 years? 100? Next week? | 2011-01-11 14:34:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Next week? This, a call of duty game that is set a week after release would be awesome XD it would be scary if it all became true. | 2011-01-11 14:48:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
This, a call of duty game that is set a week after release would be awesome XD it would be scary if it all became true. It's funny going back and playing some of the old skool Ghost Recon games... They are all set in the distant bleak future of 2008/2009 etc ![]() | 2011-01-11 14:52:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
This, a call of duty game that is set a week after release would be awesome XD it would be scary if it all became true. It's funny going back and playing some of the old skool Ghost Recon games... They are all set in the distant bleak future of 2008/2009 etc, when America went to war with Mexico... remember that? ![]() | 2011-01-11 14:53:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
I doubt the next one will be set in the future, I assume it will be more along the lines of this; http://andrearf.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/7-21-07-army_squirrel.jpg | 2011-01-11 16:08:00 Author: Limesta- ![]() Posts: 559 |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raven_Software Apparently they're making Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011) but its wikipedia so I don't really trust it yet. Edit: Yep seems people are editing it for fun ("Black ops 2") nevermind ![]() | 2011-01-11 16:20:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
I read about it here (http://www.metro.co.uk/tech/851733-call-of-duty-subscriptions-coming-from-activision-this-spring). But like RTM said, It's a prediction of a market analyst, not direct from the horses mouth. Still, it's looking more and more likely that they will. How is it seeming more and more likely? Speculation that Activision will start subscription based CoD titles has literally been going around since Call of Duty 4. This is nothing more then "another one of those days." Activision knows that they are no where near close of a good company right now to start a subscription based CoD game. Though Black Ops has been turning the tide, CoD games are known for their bugs/glitches/and the time it takes to get them squished/patched. Take World of Warcraft for example, I played the game for a good 1-2 months and can honestly tell you from my perspective that you definitely get your moneys worth from the game. I personally am willing to pay 10-15 dollars a month for a subscription based CoD game, if and only if they follow the steps Blizzard has taken with World of Warcraft. And in my opinion that would be, free DLC and on a regular basis, bugs/patches fixed ASAP, a much more strict punishment on hackers/cheaters, etc,... I know Activision is one of the greediest corporations out there, but we all know they are not stupid. And they must know that if they want us to dish out a monthly 10-15 dollars. That they have to make **** sure the game we are paying for is worth it. Like I said, this is all speculation, the only REASON that this seems more likely now then ever is because Treyarch has shown great improvement on listening to the community with Black Ops, there have been a handful of patches out for the game and they all have been amazing, it truly shows that they are listening to the community. And in my opinion it is a big step forward for Call of Duty's horrible reputation. | 2011-01-11 20:10:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
25 Killstreak - Death Star ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Didn't infinity ward sign an xbox exclusive deal for the next Call Of Duty though? Correct me If I'm wrong, I dont really stay in the loop with these things. No... I only remember them having exclusive deal to Black Ops downloadable content for a year by the cost of 15 million dollars. Even if it becomes exclusive... I'll propably buy it because luckily I have XboX. | 2011-01-14 11:43:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
No... I only remember them having exclusive deal to Black Ops downloadable content for a year by the cost of 15 million dollars. Even if it becomes exclusive... I'll propably buy it because luckily I have XboX. Microsoft signed a deal with Activision the big daddies of both Treyarch and Infinity Ward, but I don't know how long that contract is so it might expire before the next Call of Duty comes out or it may not, however the contract states that Xbox gets exclusive deals. Again I don't know if the contract will expire by that time though. | 2011-01-14 17:20:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
That's what they're spending your XBL subscription money on, one-up-manship on Sony. Not hosting their own servers or doing bigger multiplayer games like MAG, but just making sure that PS3 owners get content later. Money well spent ![]() | 2011-01-14 17:49:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
That's what they're spending your XBL subscription money on, one-up-manship on Sony. Not hosting their own servers or doing bigger multiplayer games like MAG, but just making sure that PS3 owners get content later. Money well spent ![]() It's Microsoft. 1,000,000 dollars is nothing to them. http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b54/tyz250/dr_evil.jpg | 2011-01-14 18:53:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
That's what they're spending your XBL subscription money on, one-up-manship on Sony. Not hosting their own servers or doing bigger multiplayer games like MAG, but just making sure that PS3 owners get content later. Money well spent ![]() In game voice messaging, cross-game voice messaging, Party Chatting with up to 12 other people (I believe) when no one has to be in the same game AT ALL. Getting exclusives earlier then Sony, even if it's only by a month. A much cleaner, faster, smoother XMB. Trust me when I say this, the XMB on the PS3 takes AGES to load all your messages, all your friends, their avatars, and their gamerscore, takes AGES to load the "compare trophies" or whatever they call it. On the xbox? It's almost instant, everything is almost instant. You get what you pay for, and frankly, when your not paying for something, you get something that isn't that good. I mean you can't even use spaces in your PSN for goodness sake. And to be honest, 5 dollars a month is a very good price for what I get over the PSN. And the "server" thing your talking about? Ask someone that has Black Ops on the XBL how their experience was the first month. Good? Now ask someone that used the PS3 version. I have a lot of friends that said it was absolutely unplayable on the PS3. Oh and the fact that you can't play split screen online on the PS3 but can on the XBox 360 is another thing to ponder about. Anyways, to stay on topic. I hope this game is set in the future but hope they don't make it another Halo. | 2011-01-14 20:49:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
Oh and the fact that you can't play split screen online on the PS3 but can on the XBox 360 is another thing to ponder about. Yes you can... | 2011-01-15 15:48:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
Yes you can... Online? No you can't. With a guest? Maybe, but not with two PSN accounts. I remember having this conversation with someone on the Black Ops thread, and then going on the Googlez to see thousands of PS3 users complaining that Xbox 360 got it and they didn't. Maybe it got patched in later, so I dunno. | 2011-01-15 17:05:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
No you can only do online with a guest PSN. But split screen online works crappy anyway. | 2011-01-15 17:12:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
Halo with Killstreaks!? Hmmmm Thats enough for me to buy it!!!! http://files.sharenator.com/epic_face_My_thoughts_on_sharenator-s35x35-71399-580.png | 2011-01-15 17:21:00 Author: Jovuto ![]() Posts: 2345 |
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