Weekly Creator Interview Episode 41: xQziCyFlaMeZxQz
Archive: 6 posts
Hello everyone, here's the 41st creator interview, this time I interview xQziCyFlaMeZxQz, I know there aren't as many questions and answers as I did with Morgana but this is because I sent the questions to this creator before making more questions plus you may wonder why xQziCyFlaMeZxQz said his favorite levels by anyone, not by him, it was just some confusion, but anyway, time for the interview. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=29158 1. Out of all the levels, objects, or something else in Little Big Planet you've published whether they're still up are no longer available to play, which would be your favorite? Its hard to say which level on LBP is my absolute favorite but a level I really like is Miglioshin's Platforms Madness. Its not very knowned to the LBP community but Its really good. Its a platformer/puzzle level and its really hard. Like not impossibly hard but it is hard. If you dont like really long hard levels then this is definitley not for you. I usually dont like really hard levels but this one is so fun and creative. I think all the checkpoints are only 4 live checkpoints so that adds to the difficulty. It took me days to finally complete it all because i would play it like 3 times, get really far, then loose, then come back the next day and try again. So anyone who sees this shouls really try it. Even if you hate really long, hard levels its still worth a try. 2. Are there any levels, objects, music or something else in Little Big Planet that you're working on and if so, you could you give us some information about it? (This could be anything like the title, theme, plot, pictures or even a trailer) Im actually working on a couple of levels. Im working on Forest Facility, Aqua Storm, and The Wharehouse. Im most likely not going to finish any of them becuase LBP2 is so close to being released. I really dont want to see them go to aste so I was thinking of just putting all of the levels that I was working on all in one level so people could see but I dont know if I will do it or not :/ 3. Are there any levels or creators in Little Big Planet that inspire you to keep creating or that you at least like? No certain person inspires me on LBP. What inspires me to create better is pretty much any great level I play on LBP. A long time ago when i first thought I wat getting good I would start to see levels way better than mine which would make me think "Hmm..... i guess im not that good after all." And then once I thought a matched up to those levels then I saw even better levels and again thought the same thing. So that would basically just happen over and over again and its still that way for me. 4. When and how exactly did you get Little Big Planet? I got LBP the first christmas after it came out. The reason I got it is because my friend told me i could make levels in it and I love making levels in games. So I got it for christmas and it looked REALLY stupid. When i started playing it..... it was still stupid to me, but after i got far in to story mode....... I still thought it was stupid lol. Honestly I dont like LBP's story mode. What really got me into it is the first level I played. I clicked quickplay on accident and I went into Wriggler World that one theme park level and it was so beast so then I got super hooked and then I just loved the game. 5. How did you get the name xQziCyFlaMeZxQz? Well if you couldnt tell already in between all that craziness it says iCyFlaMeZ. I wanted to name my account something unique that ive never seen before and I just thought iCyFlaMeZ was an awesome name, but I dont know what I was thinking when I put the xQz part. It makes it look kind of cool but people always call me Quincy or Quzicy or X..Q...guy lol 6. Is there anything or anyone outside of Little Big Planet that inspires you to create or that you just like? Sometimes if i realy want to find an idea for something I could make on LBP I will really pay attention to my surroundings everywhere I go. Even if im at school just sitting in classing doing a silent activity I might just try to think of something i could make on LBP. I got the idea to make Danger in the Subway by a dream lol. 7. Are there any tips or tricks you could provide for creating(This could be a basic tip like to not use too many corners if you wanna save thermometer or something more detailed like certain stickers tat help or well, any tips you find useful. It could be about lighting, stickers, music, objects, platforming, saving thermometer, etc.) If you wanna get good at creating then try creating a real level with your friends. Even if they arent good at creating will still make you alot better because you all have different ideas and when you guys all work together to incorperate those ideas it forms new and better ideas and you just basicall get overall better at creating. Well I kinda just made that up myself but i really think thats a good way to get better because it REALLY helped me thats for sure. My friend Dastardly7 who wasnt that good at creating helped me make Part 1 of Danger in the Subway and although he wasnt that good he was great at giving me ideas and I think he made me a lot better creator 8. If you could add or change soemthing in Little Big Planet or in Little Big Planet 2 that you haven't heard being added or changed, what would it be? On LBP I really with they kinda had a myspace/facebook type thing actually in the game. I always though that would be so cool. I know it sounds like a weird idea but i bet you LittleBigPlanet sounded like a weird idea at first too. 9. Are there any other games that you enjoy that you're currently playing, used to play or just a game that you're lookinng forward to besides Little Big Planet or Little Big Planet 2? I love Ratchet and Clank games, they have always been so fun to me. Ratchet and Clank 1 was the first game that really got me into gaming. I have all of them, I just hate the PSP ones, they were made by a different company so they werent as good. I also love Kingdom Hearts. And a game that ive been super hyped about recently was Final Fantasy XIII. Yeah I know alot of people hate that game but its great. That game is just soo fun to me. I dont really like Call of Duty Games that much. I only play them onn XBox with my friends in real life. The only First Person Shooter i really like is Halo. Other games I like include: Uncharted 2, Gears of War, Jak and Daxter, Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars etc... | 2011-01-09 00:37:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Thanks alot for posting this =) | 2011-01-09 04:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Nice work draonvarsity ![]() | 2011-01-09 04:35:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Good job on the interview, and congatulations to xqzicyflamesxqz for getting interviewed. | 2011-01-09 04:47:00 Author: Xx_Mr_Orange_xX ![]() Posts: 115 |
Thanks a lot guys ![]() ![]() | 2011-01-09 04:53:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
theese interview things are very cool! It helps people get noticed in the community and is really interesting to see how other creators feel and think when they are creating ![]() ![]() congrats on the interview xq guy ![]() | 2011-01-10 16:20:00 Author: littlebigveteran ![]() Posts: 69 |
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