copying my moon to new ps3 slim
Archive: 2 posts
Hi, my 60 gig phat ps3 died (yellow light of death) BUT i got it fixed & all data, and games intact! ![]() | 2011-01-08 19:30:00 Author: primo468 ![]() Posts: 4 |
Actually that is really simple. Whether or not you have made your level copyable, you can copy all the levels that you published to your moon. As for the ones, you didn't publish, I don't know but would like to, since I have the same prob. ![]() EDIT : I found out how to do it. Mine had yellow light of death too! Got it fixed for $75 plus tax and everything was ok! (games, data, levels, etc..). Then I transferred everything from old ps3 to new ps3 slim with ethernet cable (took 3.5 hours but it worked!) Only problem is the "My Moon" levels were not copied to new ps3. So, I am gonna publish them first from old system then i will copy them from new system. Hope this helps! That should solve your problem. | 2011-01-09 08:12:00 Author: Super_Dork_42 ![]() Posts: 1874 |
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