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Archive: 16 posts

i invented this new material and i call it jiggle material (CRAPPY NAME) it is really cool and it doesn't stop moving has a weird shape2011-01-08 10:41:00

Unknown User

One of these again, look its a case of prove it or it didn't happen. In this case you will have to publish it to prove it. Chances are its just a material were the textures have stretched though in which case it is nothing new.2011-01-08 10:54:00

Posts: 2662

actually I already did publish it2011-01-08 11:03:00

Unknown User

actually I already did publish it
Well thats good, its just when people say they have made new materials the thread goes way down hill until someone approves or disapproves the statement. I just don't want to see this thread go that way
2011-01-08 11:18:00

Posts: 2662

oooo ok then2011-01-08 11:37:00

Unknown User

Finally, the holy grail of materials. I'll check this out.

Edit: Sorry, man. This isn't a new material, or even a glitch. It's just supersizing a square of material, cutting it smaller, and repeating. That's how you make mirror materials.
2011-01-08 14:48:00

Posts: 607

finally, the holy grail of materials. I'll check this out.

Edit: Sorry, man. This isn't a new material, or even a glitch. It's just supersizing a square of material, cutting it smaller, and repeating. That's how you make mirror materials.

hwat are you taking about mirror im talking about jiggle
2011-01-09 09:13:00

Unknown User

Upload a pic?
I'm assuming its what Dragon said, simply a variation of the mirror glitch, actually, not variation, but just another effect created by the same creation method than the mirror glitch.
2011-01-09 09:34:00

Posts: 6707

I thought it would just be the texture glitch, You stretch it to much and that object wont even be stopped by dark matter.2011-01-09 12:09:00

Posts: 2662

2 things its not a texture glitch and i dont have a camera just play the level go to create and see for yoourself2011-01-11 15:26:00

Unknown User

2 things its not a texture glitch and i dont have a camera just play the level go to create and see for yoourself

I'm afraid this is a texture glitch. Extreme resizing of a texture is a texture glitch.
2011-01-11 19:33:00

Posts: 631

'Playing the level' won't work if we can't find the level easily.

lbp.me link?
2011-01-12 05:27:00

Posts: 624

I believe this is the level: http://lbp.me/v/wckzzz2011-01-12 05:33:00

Posts: 4193

2 things its not a texture glitch and i dont have a camera just play the level go to create and see for yoourself

Wow, you don't have the camera tool of LBP?
You can just take an ingame pic, upload it to PS3, go to the PS3 Internet Browser enter Tinypic.com upload the image(s) and post the [IMG} code, simple as that.

Hope that helps!

If not, then can someone else just upload a pic if you're playing it anyways?
2011-01-12 06:56:00

Posts: 6707

hey guys its mirror meterial AKA dragon matter, only unstablized, sorry its not new, it appears to jiggle because it has been deleted and resized, and or cut away with explosives, not new sorry... if you want to know how to do it everytime...
1. take a meterial out (you can change later, wont affect it it will still be glitched)
2. cut away the meterial till theres only a TINY crumb left
3. take tiny piece and enlarge it till its big...
4. keep doing this until it starts jiggling even in your popit, (ps, another way to check and get a stablized version is to keep it on tin foil or darkmatter, it will change suddenly, dont have time tonight to take a pic but... you will know when you see it... trust me!
2011-01-22 04:08:00

Posts: 209

Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's called the Mirror Glitch and has been known for a long time. If you do it to the tin foil material it makes a mirrored surface.2011-01-22 07:29:00

Posts: 1874

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