Journey of Light
Archive: 10 posts
After spending a lot of time searching for decent stages without using the cool levels or the mm searches but I couldn't even find one good level. So I spent some research on the mm levels to see why they are so good then I came up with Journey of Light which has a unique storyline of which sackboy needs to restore the light of a forgotten world by defeating the Shadow Beast. The stage also features unique uses of light which the nane is named for. http://lbp.me/v/w9v1mt | 2011-01-07 11:14:00 Author: TheDesertDrifter ![]() Posts: 72 |
Ok, It's not a bad level but the visuals could use some work, some places look a bit basic. Other things that could be problems: The rotating circle part was a little annoying when you fell, maybe have a checkpoint half way up The boss' hand attack would kill you, then you spawn directly into gas about 4 times before the hand moves away. The paintinators at the boss need to be stuck down, I managed to kick both off the platform which kills the level. I felt the boss was quite repetitive, try lowering his health or introducing some other attacks or something. I rate it 3 and a half stars, rounded up to 4 ![]() Please try my 'Deadly Complex' level and give feedback, the link is in my signature. | 2011-01-07 16:51:00 Author: Radishlord ![]() Posts: 706 |
the level has been updated the bosses health has been reduced to half and the paintinator problem has been solved | 2011-01-09 02:15:00 Author: TheDesertDrifter ![]() Posts: 72 |
here's your lbp.me link: http://lbp.me/v/w9v1mt i queued it. expect a review soon ![]() | 2011-01-09 04:08:00 Author: harbingernaut ![]() Posts: 126 |
thanks for the link mate! | 2011-01-12 08:50:00 Author: TheDesertDrifter ![]() Posts: 72 |
Hi there ![]() Plain and simple, and to the point, NICE level! Some unique puzzles/platforming, and some nice touches to details in there. Varied, no annoying parts, all original artwork/work (apart from maybe the MM trees?) and great use of lights and logic. It's always good to get some ideas from others, so here goes.....(How much thermo have you got left?) 1. It's quite plain in places, a few flowers and plants would make the world of difference, even if your thermo is almost full you should be able to add plenty of stickers, as very few have been used in it so far. 2, The boss fight is a bit boring, and just consists of shooting and dying shooting some more and dieing lots more......no skill involved. Id's suggest getting rid of the gas on the left hand, maybe have it swinging a giant axe or something (THAT can be avoided by maybe a dip in the floor or something to hide behind. Maybe the second hand could do something too.....perhaps, you have to shoot it, to open a weak spot on the main body (get rid of plasma spawning from it) That way it could be fun to decide when to jump out from cover, quickly shoot off a few rounds on the hand before ducking back out of reach of the second hand...make sense? See how skill could come into play? In a real world, I'd have given you 8.3 out of ten, but seems it is out of five, I gave you five stars.....do please message me if you decide to play around with the boss fight, I'd be happy to add my views. If you could F4F my level 'House of the flying diggers' I'd appreciate it. Shade_seeker | 2011-01-12 14:32:00 Author: Shade_seeker ![]() Posts: 328 |
I am writing this as i am playing: right off the bat, the scenery looks pretty cool. I like the simplicity. Also, i wish you would have told us that the white crystal rocks were to be collected. I like how the lights interqct with you! Cool effect. The boss was kind of annoying because if you died the gas killed you like 5 times, and there was no way of avoiding the lasers except if you stand in just the right spot. Cool ship and thats the end of the level. I gave it a 4/5 because of the boss and dying persistently. God job! For F4F, please play "Platforms." i already have a thread on it. Thanks! | 2011-01-13 00:48:00 Author: QuAcKeRz12 ![]() Posts: 176 |
I just finished playing your level. It was pretty fun, and pretty interesting to use light as a theme. Also, any time you add collectable objects that effect something in a level, it def. adds to it. The boss was a bit annoying (due to lolgasdeaths), but was still a good challenge. Still, maybe tweak its health down a bit, so it doesn't take forever (or lots of button-mashing, as I did) to get it down far enough. So yeah, I enjoyed it. A few problems, but overall it was a fun challenge and gave me something to do for a bit. 4/5 from me. Ok then, as for a level for you to give feedback to, try Grassland Platformer. It should be a nice, simple challenge for you. Link to it is here: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=43399-Grassland-Platformer | 2011-01-13 03:32:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
QuAcKeRz12 the guy in the start holding the light already tells you to collect the lights as a side mission I will be adding more detail such as foliage, environmental upgrades and stickers to increase visuals but the boss will later be worked on when LBP 2 comes out so there might be new tools that will give the boss new attacks and control the timing of the attacks as well | 2011-01-13 03:53:00 Author: TheDesertDrifter ![]() Posts: 72 |
The level has now been heavily updated with the thermometer to approximately 95%. -The obvious update is the increase of foliage across the level which are mainly light-based, -Now the bosses health has been reduced again for less button mashing which will increase the chances of acing the level. -More bubbles have now been placed across the level too achieve higher points. -There a few extra animals added to bring live to the stage. Note that the bosses moves have not been updated until edited in LBP 2. | 2011-01-15 11:20:00 Author: TheDesertDrifter ![]() Posts: 72 |
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