Survival level, scoreboard or retry
Archive: 3 posts
Hello, Me and my two kids have a blast playing LBP, my question, sorry if it's answered already, but I could find it....When we play a survival level, sometimes when our sackboy bites the dust, we go to the scoreboard and other times we get the "retry or continue" dialog box. What makes the difference??? Everytime we have what would be high score, we get the dialog box, no scoreboard love. Thanks, dallasweb | 2011-01-06 02:26:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The times when you get a retry screen rather than going to the scoreboard may be due to a poorly designed survival challenge, which doesn't utilize various ways of making sure that sackboy ends up at the scoreboard when they die. Some of these techniques are having a checkpoint move to the scoreboard so you spawn above it when you die or simply having the scoreboard triggered by a switch. A lot of what I said isn't really relevant, though, if you are playing the same survival over and over. But if you're playing different levels, then it is most likely the level design. | 2011-01-06 04:55:00 Author: zynax555 ![]() Posts: 170 |
when you play a servival (note: one that is made post leardamer), the checkpoint goes away somehow. dapending on how it is moved out of the way, it could be distroyed. then, there is no place to spawn, so the game thinks you dont have any lives and it goes to the box. It is not you, the creater did not do a good job makeing it. | 2011-01-07 21:06:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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