Well, we hit 800+ active members
Archive: 16 posts
Seems launch has brought in a lot of members for the forums, eh? Most awesome. ![]() GO LBPC!! | 2008-11-06 21:31:00 Author: aer0blue ![]() Posts: 1603 |
Congrats, LBPC! Now if we could only get those 800+ people to post more often... | 2008-11-06 21:33:00 Author: Voltiare ![]() Posts: 646 |
Ahem, 800+ active members. There's a difference ![]() And copy-cat ![]() | 2008-11-06 21:40:00 Author: Forsaken ![]() Posts: 950 |
Ahem, 800+ active members. There's a difference ![]() And copy-cat. D: I made a thread like this when the site hit 1000 Members. xD Yeah, ACTIVE! Though "active" means those who have signed in in the past 30 days, so they're not really "active"... They just signed in at least once during those days. | 2008-11-06 21:47:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
yay for LBPC!!! wasnt there already a thred on this for 1000? and by the way yes the release of LBP did bring more members obviously because people were looking for a forum to chat about it. and for me when you type in Littlebigplanet forum this is first | 2008-11-06 21:55:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
to tell the truth i REALLY REALLY dont want all of those members to post actively, if they did, the forums would be in shambles, your post would be seen by no-one because it would just get lost in with all the other posts, the forum would lose its personality, and really great designers would just go unnoticed. I've been in a forum like it, it was horrid | 2008-11-06 22:05:00 Author: Gondito ![]() Posts: 1082 |
i doubt we will ever come to a point like that. but i learned to live through it i post in the bungie.net forums :kz: and yeah it is overly hyperactive | 2008-11-06 22:07:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
to tell the truth i REALLY REALLY dont want all of those members to post actively, if they did, the forums would be in shambles, your post would be seen by no-one because it would just get lost in with all the other posts, the forum would lose its personality, and really great designers would just go unnoticed. I've been in a forum like it, it was horrid Yeah, I hope we don't get into that too... I would prefere the small, organized community that respects each other deep down that we have today. I... don't want this site to be corporate, I want it to be family-like like it is today... | 2008-11-06 22:27:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Yeah, I hope we don't get into that too... I would prefere the small, organized community that respects each other deep down that we have today. I... don't want this site to be corporate, I want it to be family-like like it is today... I see what you guys are saying. The IGN ones are just insane. | 2008-11-06 22:46:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
For some reason I only see the same people every time I come on here <_< | 2008-11-06 23:08:00 Author: Coltfirearms ![]() Posts: 269 |
For some reason I only see the same people every time I come on here <_< That reason is that the same people you see here are the ones who always come to the site, and are the closest in our bizarre, dysfunctional family. | 2008-11-06 23:09:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
yay to bizarre, dysfunctional family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 2008-11-06 23:32:00 Author: Go,Mouse! ![]() Posts: 388 |
Sorry guys. Yes, I did mean Active members...not just members. ![]() Still, wether they all post or not, it just goes to show that our site is a pretty good source for LBP info and news. People are attracted to it for a reason. | 2008-11-06 23:46:00 Author: aer0blue ![]() Posts: 1603 |
Still, wether they all post or not, it just goes to show that our site is a pretty good source for LBP info and news. People are attracted to it for a reason. Obviously the reason so many people are joining is because of Donkey Show's Level, The Azure Palace....I mean, he did put the link to lbpc in the description..<_< xD Of course, I'm just kidding. | 2008-11-06 23:51:00 Author: Forsaken ![]() Posts: 950 |
Obviously the reason so many people are joining is because of Donkey Show's Level, The Azure Palace....I mean, he did put the link to lbpc in the description..<_< xD Of course, I'm just kidding. well im sure his level is attracting people how wouldnt it? the most epic level and the creator put a link to here so ![]() | 2008-11-07 00:00:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
to tell the truth i REALLY REALLY dont want all of those members to post actively, if they did, the forums would be in shambles, your post would be seen by no-one because it would just get lost in with all the other posts, the forum would lose its personality, and really great designers would just go unnoticed. I've been in a forum like it, it was horrid *Runs his hands through his hair just thinking about this possibility.* | 2008-11-07 00:06:00 Author: Mark D. Stroyer ![]() Posts: 632 |
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