Thinking of moving my lbp1 levels to new acc.
Archive: 4 posts
Opinions, please. As Luos_Desruc's acc does not have a valid email, not a real password.. its only a matter of time before I get a pw prompt or a ps3 that does.. and When that happens anything I made on that acc. will be lost with the acc. For that reason I am thinking of moving my levels from the desruc acc. to my new luos acc. So, I should do this right? | 2011-01-03 19:25:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
if you're not able to re-register the old email, then yeah. i moved a bunch of stuff to other accounts through lock/copy & it's annoying. I wish we could just send level back ups through PSN | 2011-01-03 19:30:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
It would be sad in a way to start over, but wow.. you do have a ton of incredible levels to stuff your socking with. Since you have no way to reclaim your password, that might not be a bad idea. Whew... really tough decision. What about your DLC though? I would at least keep that other account around to be sure I held on to that, but maybe remove the levels for confusion? I guess though once you do have to move to a new ps3, the old account isn't going to do you any good unless Sony can help you out somehow. ...of course that would be a hard sell. "Hi I am really Luos and I need my password. ...oh and my email is invalid as well. ![]() | 2011-01-03 19:31:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
What about your DLC though? I was smarter on that, I used my brothers acc. (which does have a working email and pw) to buy DLC, and even gave my bro a PS plus acc. So no worries there ![]() Also, I tried the whole "Hi I am really Luos and I need my password. ...oh and my email is invalid as well." To the dutch/EU sony dept. and the USA sony dept. both could not help me whatsoever. One bigger problem though.. I need to re-ace whole LBP1 from level 1 and up. So.. if people would like to help me ace the whole game.. Id mucho grande appreciate it! | 2011-01-03 19:36:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
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