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Handle With Care - A BlurredBlitz Production.

Archive: 1 post

Handle With Care

A BlurredBlitz Production

Produced By: BlurredBlitz & (Hopefully if he is willing) Drayden6436

In Association with LBPC

Deticated to CREATion ReBORN Clan.


My name is BlurredBlitz.

I have came up with this crazy sick idea after playing a level on LBP that was made almost ENTIRLY out of cardboard.

So after playing this level, I went off trying to ace the story levels and I played The Subway.

At the beginning you are spawned with a group of cardboard boxes decorated with masking tape and packaging stickers such as This Side Up, Keep Dry, and the Handle With Care sign aka as Fragile.

If you take impact on these boxes, they make a shattering glass sound.

This is where I got more ideas and the name to my level. This is even where I got the inspiration to make the level badge.

There. I have enclosed too much information. I don`t think CC will sponsor this (although I have requested that it may when people test it and give feedback to me and to him.) And I`m not entirely sure if Drayden will help. You need to see his levels though. Check out Aimlessly Gazing. That level needs way more hearts than it has for it`s quality! <3

Anyways, I am hoping that I can get this project completed in less than 2 months. 1 month for completing it and the other (or less) will be for correcting anything that is broken.

Hope to see this one on the Cool Pages (Not so much the one on LBP although I woulden`t mind that)
2011-01-02 01:15:00

Posts: 5

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