Missing an item on Meerkat Kingdom
Archive: 11 posts
I have gone through the level many times and it seems that i cannot find one of the items on it. I think its a sticker button thing and the sticker is an oval shaped... thing... The item is the one on the second column, second row from the bottom. Any help will be greatly appreciated! ![]() | 2008-11-06 16:51:00 Author: Tommo120 ![]() Posts: 7 |
The get the sticker "Voodoo Face" from "Swinging Safari" somewhere. Use that on the oval shape with 2 holes (the eyes) | 2008-11-06 17:27:00 Author: Ozymandias ![]() Posts: 223 |
Where abouts in the level is that? | 2008-11-06 18:10:00 Author: Tommo120 ![]() Posts: 7 |
Nevermind, i got it. Thanks | 2008-11-06 18:15:00 Author: Tommo120 ![]() Posts: 7 |
I need help I connot find any sticker switches other than the one right before the entracnce. help? | 2008-11-06 19:28:00 Author: Sage ![]() Posts: 2068 |
I need help I connot find any sticker switches other than the one right before the entracnce. help? After meeting Meerkat Mum you see a meerkat that pops up to block you. You will see in the background a small cave sort of thing you can jump into. After bringing Stipy Tail back to her you will be in an area with a bunch of meerkats that launch you. It's in this area. if you reach the checkpoint in this area you've gone too far. Turn around and bounce on the two meerkats to the left and you should see it. | 2008-11-06 19:35:00 Author: Ozymandias ![]() Posts: 223 |
Thanks alot! you should post a guide.![]() | 2008-11-06 19:49:00 Author: Sage ![]() Posts: 2068 |
Problem is, I have every item... so now when i see a prize bubble all I see is the color of my popit rather than the item... so I have no clue what anything is =/ | 2008-11-06 19:50:00 Author: Ozymandias ![]() Posts: 223 |
I am missing one item too, but a different one. On the chart, it's the one on the fourth row down, far left space I believe (I'm at work but IIRC). I have the Brady guide, and I have all the 43 items that it lists for the level. But there are 44 apparently, because the game says I am missing one. Can anyone help me? What is the item on the fourth row, far left, and where do you find it? Thanks! | 2008-11-06 19:51:00 Author: chuckm1961 ![]() Posts: 10 |
aww ohh well . Keep helping us Ozymandius!![]() | 2008-11-06 19:52:00 Author: Sage ![]() Posts: 2068 |
to chuch it may be the one above the meerkats that launch you when you bounce on their bellies. the second one will launch you way up to a ledge where there is a item. or during the race maze thing there is a little white block you can pull out and there is an item there too. | 2008-11-06 23:23:00 Author: kit07 ![]() Posts: 84 |
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