Weekly Creator Interview 40: Morgana25
Archive: 16 posts
Hello everyone, Dragonvarsity here. Just like for the levels, Ill try releasing a new creator interview every week. I've already released a bunch but this is the first time I'll try to make a schedule for posting them but I'll still count the others, making this the 39th one, this time with Morgana25. Here it is. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28899 1. Out of all the levels, objects, or something else in Little Big Planet you've published whether they're still up are no longer available to play, which would be your favorite? I'm pretty proud of my Dragons of Myth series. I had a lot of fun putting those together and since I love dragons it's sort of a sentimental favorite of mine now. My last level in LBP1, Fire and Ice is my current favorite to play though though. 2. Are there any levels, objects, music or something else in Little Big Planet that you're working on and if so, you could you give us some information about it? (This could be anything like the title, theme, plot, pictures or even a trailer) I have a bunch of stuff up in the air right now. Had a few projects I was working on in the beta that aren't done and may not live to see the light of day depending on how things turn out. But nothing in LBP1 at the moment. 3. Are there any levels or creators in Little Big Planet that inspire you to keep creating or that you at least like? Oh lots of people inspire me to create. Too many to name them all. Whenever I play a really good level though I'm always energized to get to work on my own stuff though. There's something about the LBP community that just encourages creativity. I love seeing where people continue to push the boundries of design and gameplay. 4. When and how exactly did you get Little Big Planet? I bought it at the end of October in 2008 because I thought it looked cute. I'd just finished spending a year and a half emmersed in Oblivion and was looking for something fun and light since I had been playing Dead Space and Mirror's Edge. The first was dark and scary which was cool but I couldn't play it at night.... they did such an amazing job designing the psychological horror parts of that game, and the second one was frustrating me since I was trying to get the Pacifist trophy (not firing a gun the whole game), so ya, needed a change. 5. How did you get the name Morgana25? Well it's been my email name since 1998. My friend in college used to say in a sicophantic, nasaly voice, "very good Lady Morgana" when I was being a little demanding and I sort of liked it so when I had to choose an aol screen name I used it. Picked the 25 as Morgana was already taken since my birthday is on the 25th. 6. Is there anything you use as sort of a symbol for you in Little Big Planet? (This could be anything like an object that could be hidden or regularly placed in your levels, one that you just have in create, etc.) Not really a symbol. I know some creators do, like comphermc always has his ducky (it's in several of my levels showing his major influence and help on some of my levels.) I just sort of use the same costume all the time. I have two versions of it but ya, I guess my sackgirl is sort of my symbol. 7. Have you had any glitches or bugs in create that might've been devastating or just downright weird? If so, could you try explaining some? Well, the worst one was on Chroma Stone Chronicles - Cerulean's Gem. I had to completely rebuild the level from scratch because I got the "Failed to Load Level" bug back before they fixed that. I couldn't get it to load at all. Stunk because it was practically done and I was testing it when it got corrupted. The other nasty bug I had was when a friend's guest placed a "Sun Glitched" object in my level and I wasn't aware of it. When they are placed you can't select them to delete them so spent the better part of two hours moving Dragons of Myth Teotihuacan piece by piece to a new crater on my moon then fixing broken parts. Really upset me but in the end it all turned out ok. 8. Is there anything or anyone outside of Little Big Planet that inspires you to create or that you just like? Well I like color and dragons and lights so you could say those inspire me. I like telling stories in my work so Myth and stories influence me the most I'd say. I'm a graphic designer in real life so a lot of my love of fonts and graphic sensibilities influence my levels too. 9. Are there any tips or tricks you could provide for creating(This could be a basic tip like to not use too many corners if you wanna save thermometer or something more detailed like certain stickers tat help or well, any tips you find useful. It could be about lighting, stickers, music, objects, platforming, saving thermometer, etc.) Well, I'm not a fan of underlit levels. So a tip for that would be to use lights to add color, accentuate textures and add mood to levels that feel flat or dark. For stickers, layers is the key. Start with your base color and just start layering stuff until it looks the way you want it to. That's a lot of fun too. The most general tip I'd give is when you make a level, play through it periodically to see if it's fun, works well and looks good. You can never test too much! 10. If you could add or change soemthing in Little Big Planet or in the Little Big Planet 2 Beta that you haven't heard being added or changed, what would it be? A way to track individual players would be nice for bonuses. Having a little more control over sackbots would be nice too... they are dumb for the most part and getting them to actually do what you want can be a bit tricky. Ya, not much else to suggest until I've actually played LBP2. 11. What is your greatest achievment(s) related to Little Big Planet (This could be anyting like winning a certain contest, getting one of your levels an MM pick, getting a certain amount of plays or hearts, etc.) Well, the thread GrantosUK started to get the community to get me a crown is still my most cherished memory. I love reading that thread when I'm feeling down. Getting to go to PAX was pretty much the highlight of my LBP experience though. I'd never been to Seattle before and getting to meet CC, comphermc, and Jaeyden was awesome! Tom and Spaff were really nice too. Such an adventure! 12. Are there any other games that you enjoy that you're currently playing, used to play or just a game that you're lookinng forward to besides Little Big Planet or Little Big Planet 2? I like playing, and yes I use that term loosely, guitar on Rock Band 3 right now when not playing LBP. I'm looking forward to Dead Space 2 and hope I don't get too scared to play it. Also I saw some footage of the new Elder Scrolls game and I'm super psyched to see that one when it's released! But until then I'll be playing LBP2 as much as I can! | 2011-01-01 16:03:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
great job, and cool interview . I am looking forward to your next interview ![]() | 2011-01-02 05:03:00 Author: vezonfan01 ![]() Posts: 293 |
Thanks for the interview Dragonvarsity ![]() | 2011-01-02 07:02:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Its actually GruntosUK now, but NVM ![]() | 2011-01-02 19:19:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
That was most definetely a pleasant and cool read ![]() | 2011-01-02 21:08:00 Author: Keldur ![]() Posts: 628 |
Ha ha, I met Morgana25 the day she gets an interview! Nice one by the way! ![]() | 2011-01-02 21:21:00 Author: iBubek ![]() Posts: 682 |
Seems supiciously identical to her Spotlight interview tho... ![]() | 2011-01-02 21:29:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
It's an LBP urban legend that if Morgana is one of the first 5 people to play your level, it can never be attacked by H4H. | 2011-01-02 23:33:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thanks everyone for the nice replies, I' glad you liked it ![]() @Silverleon: Yeah, I know most of my questions are like those in the spotlight itnerviews, jsut couldn't think of much new stuff x] Besides jump_button, I tried staying away from itnerviewing those intervied by the spotlight crew since besides new info. on upcoming project s and maybe enw tips learnes, why read my interview when you could read a bigger version of it from LBPC but I just decided "What the hay?". @ NinjaMic: I didn't know LBP had urban legends, but that was funny. ![]() | 2011-01-03 00:33:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Its actually GruntosUK now, but NVM ![]() Sorry Grant.... I mess your name up all the time... and while sober too! Mea culpa for both ![]() @ Ninja - rofl! I wish I could. I'd play them all for people... oh wait, I did that for a year and a half ![]() @ Dragonvarsity - you could ask me.... um.... what's the least amount of sleep I got before going to work after playing LBP... answer would be 4 hours. ![]() | 2011-01-03 03:05:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
"friend's guest"....lol ![]() Great read, as always. A good inside look at Morgy's creative process, with some great tips, too :3 Can't wait to see her ongoing (and potential) projects come to fruition! <3 | 2011-01-03 21:19:00 Author: claptonfann ![]() Posts: 228 |
Boooo, I don't like this creator! Booooooooo! <3 ![]() | 2011-01-04 05:50:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
What I am interested to know is if Morgana is actually having a life or she's just the magical mother or happiness in LBP? ![]() | 2011-01-04 15:51:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
rofl - well I still go to work.... um, and I eat. That's about it besides LBP ![]() | 2011-01-04 15:56:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
That was a really nice read - thanks Dragonvarsity. It's a while since Morgana's Spotlight so it was cool to have another interview even if some of questions may have been asked before. I lol'd at the urban legend bit! And it looks like Morgana is going to see even less of a life outside LBP now she's a mod - maybe BabyDoll has some tips on how to remain sane under those conditions! ![]() | 2011-01-04 16:44:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
Thanks everyone else xP I'm glad you enjoyed the interview, stay tuned for this Saturday's one (There, I've said "stay tuned", feels good ![]() | 2011-01-04 17:19:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
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