LittleBigVid #8 *Special Guest: TheCheezeTheif*
Archive: 8 posts
Sorry sackfolk, the video is uploading! Just thought I'd say a couple of things before the video is online: 1. The art that got sent in has been filmed, but it was on Theif's iPod Touch and he's ill today so he can't send it to me ![]() 2. Some times the camera goes a bit wonky a cuts out Theif's face, so apologies for that. 3. There isn't any footage of levels as Movie Maker doesn't accept MP4 movie files, so the video Taffey sent me didn't work, instead though, we have Theif talking about a couple of levels, LIVE, whilst he was playing them for the first time! Back onto the Good News: Theif has the latest iPod touch, so maybe in the future, we'll have a live streaming LittleBigVid! Maybe for LBP2 or for a big numbered episode... maybe 25? We had lots of fun yesterday filming so we hope you enjoy it too! Once it's online.... It's almost the 7th January so hopefully, I will have an interview with AceCreator soon! CheezeBo & TheCheezeTheif | 2011-01-01 10:29:00 Author: CheezeBo ![]() Posts: 832 |
It's alive... what? no.... It's LIVE! Go to the link here: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=42592-LittleBigVid-8-*Special-Guest-TheCheezeTheif* | 2011-01-01 15:23:00 Author: CheezeBo ![]() Posts: 832 |
great! you should have a jokes section in the future....? | 2011-01-01 16:06:00 Author: jimydog000 ![]() Posts: 813 |
Everyone still likes the LittleBigVids right? Because a lot of people don't seem to be watching them now? ![]() | 2011-01-01 18:32:00 Author: CheezeBo ![]() Posts: 832 |
I like them! I still watch them! | 2011-01-01 19:23:00 Author: unXpectiD ![]() Posts: 1132 |
Same here. I watch them everytime, but I don't post. | 2011-01-02 00:13:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
OK. Thanks guys it was probably just because last week was Christma thats why it only has about 70 views! Hopefully everything will be back to normal before LittleBigVid #9 | 2011-01-02 07:24:00 Author: CheezeBo ![]() Posts: 832 |
yeah... well that interveiw with ace should be popular. remeber to advertise lbv there. just in case | 2011-01-02 11:53:00 Author: unXpectiD ![]() Posts: 1132 |
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