Weekly Level Roundup Episode 1
Archive: 9 posts
Hello everyone, Dragonvarsity here. some of you may know me for ym creator interveiws which I've posted here at LBPC and on my blog. I also post levels but don't really post em here but now I will as I will now be posting a level roundup every week, being much more organized than I used to be. Anyway, here are the levels for the week. 1. "A Broken Paradise (Spotlighted)" by metalhead_as This level doesn't take much time to complete but it's bursting with visuals with a magnificent use of stickers like roses, mushrooms and vines and also some great materials that when combined, makes a fun and amazing theme. Throughout the gameplay, there are some nice mechanics helping you get across the fire below like platforms with a thin stick attacthed to a floating circle that keeps rotating counter clockwise and some other things. As you continue, you'll find a not-too-complex-but-still-pretty waterfall and it ends riding a minecart. The minecart design was simple and the ride was short but still, it added up to be a gorgeous level with a fine choice of stickers and materials while still having some fun gameplay. Here are the pictures of the level. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28715 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28714 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28713 2. "Elemental Enigma: Burning Liquid" by royal_pirate Your journey continues in Elemental Enigma, leaving off right where you were in the previous level. Thhis is by far the ebst one yet in the series, as it's details are great for all the gamepay fit in. The stonelike architecture fits in very well and it doesn't stick with one theme as you'll go in and out of caves. There are a load of red butterflies, guiding you to secrets and there's a great 2 player challenge in the level tht you'll find. Plus, there's some rpetty cool designs you'll find and even a little ducky but he won't lead you to a prize. Some might be confused when in the cave near the beginning but you jsut have to look around a good bit before excaping. After all the heaps of gameplay the level ends with one awesome boss battle with some brilliant lighting effects and it doesn't go by in a breeze but it does take a while to defeat the creature known as Octanius. After the boss is defeated, you have a little talk with him and then continue on and purify the water around you. The area at the scoreboard's okay but to the right of the boss is definitely the greatest looking part of the level, especially with the thing glowing at the end that you have to go inside. But although royal has become one of ym favorite creators, the EE levels barely ge any plays as "Elemental Enigma" The Intro" has 143 plays, "Elemental Enigma: Cathedral De Ignis" has 57 plays and this newest addition, "Elemental Enigma: Burning Liquid" has only 15 plays. Here are the pictures of the level. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28558 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28560 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28559 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28561 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28557 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28562 3. "Trail Mix - Score Challenge" by L1GhTmArE In L1GhT's latest level, this time being a score challenge, you will travel through a beautiful forest made of materials such as basic stone, silk pattern, Newspaper and much more, but try not to get too distracted from the beautiful trees, the leaves falling, the butterflies flying past you or the campfire scent or you'll fall in one of the many pits of spikes or worse, not be able to use a good strategy to be able to make the biggest combo and taking the highest score for the level. Once getting all the points you can find or that you'd like to collect, head over to the scoreboard over at one of the cabins to claim your score. If you feel that you've lost your way, don't worry for there are signs ot show you where you are plus some signs even are named after some of the people who helped in different ways like Sabre_ or zynax555. Here are pictures of the level. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28720 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28719 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28718 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28717 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28716 4. "Obsidian Depths" by Lockstitch In Lockstitch's newest level, he makes things a bit darker, this time using a similar theme to the one in "The Darkness" in "The Wedding" World. You start out in a coffin, roaming around your environment like usual. The level's filled with more contraptions to help you along the way like a swinging platform attacthed to a gigantic, ringing clock and one awesome bridge created from some platforms and all that sprung up from beneath. There's definitely more story in "Obsidian Depths" than any other levels so far by Lock and as you play through the level, you'll notice a bunch of little patches with faces on them. It's actually a neat thing he did, see, there's a material which is basically a chess or checker board patternedmaterial with two colors and each color has a face so there are 2 faces. He used both faces and sticked a light behind the faces. Here are pictures of the level. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28728 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28727 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28726 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28730 5. "The Unknown Depths of the Cavernous Catacombs" by SX_shookie99 Now, I will admit, I like all of shookie's levels that I've played by him but I did like some of his odler levels more than some of the most recent levels of him, no offence but his latest level definitely outdoes some of the latest. The story for the level was nice plus has a recognizeable face if you've played another level by him known as "The Mysterious Mines of Misfortune" but you no longer can't sadly because it was moderated a while back. I liked the design for the prototypes for their mechanical weapon. Another thing I'll admit is shookie isn't the best with bosses but I really liked both the scorpion and mechanical weapon bosses. The ways to kill them weren't very unique but still, in no way was it frustrating and doesn't take too long but doesn't end just like that, at least for the mechanical weapon. Here are the pictures. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28723 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28721 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28722 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28724 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28729 6. "Sackboy saves Christmas" by Fotosynthesis1 Oh no, christmas is very close but the elves need to be woken up by their alarms to truely know, not by you. Journey through the elve's home made of Red and Green Floral Fabric with the help of presents, white angels, bells and a few mechanisms in Foto's newest level. There are some fu, little mechanisms like one that a presen'ts hung onto, letting you move it, candles moving left and right and some rotating candycanes. Plus the clock to wake up the elves was well designed and for that matter, so were the elves. Here are the pictures. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28882 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28885 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28883 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28886 7. "Atlas Industries" by PacJonno Jump on cubes, run on conveyor belts, ride through tubes and talk to a crazy scientist along the way in PacJonno's latest level, "Atlas Industries". You've lost your way here and must find your way through only to face their boss. There's a lot of fun, factory-like challenges with some awesome posters and bluepritns amde by PacJonno himself to fit the atmosphere of the level and although the ending boss' design isn't very complex, it's still a good boss witht wo attacks, plasma balls and throwing bombs. Here are pictures of the level. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28731 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28732 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28734 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28735 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28733 8. "The Magical Forest" by ALS_TheGamer If there's anything magic about this level, then it would have to be how the amount of visuals that was put it and the amount of gameplay put in got in and even more magic, without any lag(at leas for 1p.) The level is filled to the bone with pant and flower stickers/decorations and a great deal of lighting from the lpurple flowers trigged by grabbing or getting near to the red rubies hung below some of the platforms to the yellow lights ung all around the place. Plus, you'll meet some friendly frogs to help you across and you'll be sliding your way down to the scoreboard at the very end, I mean, who doesn't like an awesome slide down to the scoreboard? http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28873 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28874 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28875 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28872 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28878 9. "Rise of the Blood Moon" by SeanM_TheJoker As for our last level, you start in a library, wih a great story talking about a Dark creature that lived on a red moon, destroying what he could but then was tricked by the four greatest creators. /time passed by and they rgew weak, hiding the seal which got a crack milleniums later and then you wake up to find out that was real and begin your journey. This level reall manages to pull off some stunning visuals also, and to start off with the visuals, the lighting with a great purple night lighting and some awesome lanterns made by the creator himself. The environment is beautiful, filled with vines, mushrooms, riverbanks, heck, even giant plums. The level screams nature, in a great and vibrant way. I would suggest adding a checkpoint right around where you can see three moons, one being the newly created red moon. Although things do get a bit more mechanical in the level once you meet a robot called "The Platformer". This defintiely makes it on the list for some of my favorite levels and I will try to keep an eye on this series. Here are pictures of the level. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28887 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28888 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28889 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28890 | 2011-01-01 01:38:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
That was a great read, thank you for posting this. I hadn't heard of any of these levels before. They all look so good, I cant wait to play them! A small suggestion though: Maybe cut back on the pictures to 3? Anymore and you might give away too much. | 2011-01-01 03:11:00 Author: Darkcloudrepeat ![]() Posts: 606 |
Thanks Dark and yeah, good idea, might do that plus I'll try putting pics in spoilers from now on, infact I'll edit the OP, putting pictures in spoilers. | 2011-01-01 03:24:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Thanks very much for this, a lot of these levels slipped my eye, I've qeued them all up! Oh, and if you look at the left side of the third picture of Trail Mix, you can see Boo cabin. Guess who that was named after? ![]() | 2011-01-01 03:35:00 Author: booXely ![]() Posts: 654 |
I think you mean left of the fourth but yeah, real cool how he put names of those who helped as names of locations | 2011-01-01 04:05:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Oh, and if you look at the left side of the third picture of Trail Mix, you can see Boo cabin. Guess who that was named after? ![]() Idk, probably me. | 2011-01-05 22:10:00 Author: zynax555 ![]() Posts: 170 |
the parrot is named after you | 2011-01-06 11:28:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
the parrot is named after you LOL Thanks for including Trail Mix in your round up ![]() | 2011-01-06 23:37:00 Author: L1GhTmArE ![]() Posts: 519 |
More great levels to play is never a bad thing! Thank you much for this list and keep 'em coming! | 2011-01-08 16:41:00 Author: Dorktron2000 ![]() Posts: 33 |
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