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LittleBigPlanet Script Language

Archive: 5 posts

Whenever I want to make something on LittleBigPlanet, I always do somewhat of a sketch, but in a programming language I devised for the game's creation engine. Last night I just finished writing the code for a musical score in the game that uses a few of the drum sounds and one (still undetermined as to which) tone generator sound bytes. I only wish it wasn't so much work to get from Code to Level!2010-12-29 00:59:00

Posts: 11

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Woah that is pretty awesome looking. I don't understand the concept of how it works but I saw the different instrumental sounds such as snare and hi-tat
It looks complex so I wish you luck come the time of lbp trying to fiddle that into a music sequence
2010-12-29 03:24:00

Posts: 715

Thanks for your wishes, I'll need it!2010-12-29 03:41:00

Posts: 11

that looks amazing! if onyl i could understand it haha. im sure its amazing2011-01-12 23:33:00

Posts: 68

I don't see the point in drawing out a level. Rather struggle through it later.2011-01-12 23:54:00

Posts: 1030

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