The Castle
Archive: 1 post
The CastleMalyatrax http://lbp.me/v/sxt4c6 Journey through The Castle and collect all the power orbs. Get the highest rank and battle your way through monsters. Complete the quest, become a hero... Yo (or whatever it is the cool-kids are saying these days ^^ ) Reader, and thanks for 'droppin' in' and 'checking my well wicked' level. (Does this make any sense? I thought this is how the 'well cool dawgs' spoke...) Anyway, my level... First off, it's been published for quite a while, but I only just thought to add it into the level showcase. I think it's quite a good level, and I put a ton (that's an imperial ton, I refuse to go metric) of work into it. There are loads of extras and hidden 'bits' for you to find and unlock. It's got 3 stars, but I think it deserves more, so hopefully by publishing it here I can get more people to play it and ,hopefully, get people to see it as I do... If you're already raring to have a go, here's the LBP.me link so you can add it to your queue :> http://lbp.me/v/sxt4c6 SOOoooo... Here's the basic story: You wind up i a castle in the middle of nowhere, with no explanation as to why your there (I don't know, maybe sackboy just likes going into spooky, moodily lit, arcane ruins on a week-night ![]() Logic wise, this is the most advanced I've ever done, with a system that relies on points to gain levels, and with events happening at certain levels (such as doors opening, staircases appearing, inter-dimensional portal pushing whatsit thingy activating...) and a station at the start of the level showing you your current rank. There is a way of escaping from the confines of the level and getting to see the logic, and the little stage where I photo'd the level patch ![]() Hope you can get to playing it and have as much fun as I had making it. Hopefully you won't throw the controller down on the floor and start yelling at the screen halfway through it like I did! ![]() So you know...: HEART 5 STARS H4H EPIC JUMPS'N'BOMBS YEAH!!! (All the cool-kids say that don't they? What they don't? Darn....) So enjoy ![]() Malyatrax 28685 28686 28687 28688 28689 | 2010-12-28 01:09:00 Author: malyatrax ![]() Posts: 130 |
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