Annoying problems with Ipod touch. Helpz
Archive: 8 posts
I recently got an ipod touch and am learning how to work it. I downloaded some music from the itunes store app on the ipod, but the music doesn't show in my player. can't find any recollection of it. Once the music downloaded it disappeared completely. I've tried looking on the internet for some help but it only gives information on the pc/mac version of itunes, not the one in the ipod itself. Would love if anyone could help in any way, otherwise I'm out 13.99... ![]() | 2010-12-27 15:23:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
Have you tried going through purchased items? (Music>playlists>purchased) That should show you everything you've bought on your ipod... If it's not there, I'd recommend trying to download it again; it should be free, but if it doesn't come up with a notification asking you if you want to pay again, there was a problem with actually purchasing it... I don't know without seeing it :/ | 2010-12-27 15:38:00 Author: Keanster96 ![]() Posts: 1436 |
Because I've never purchased anything beforehand, the playlist etc is unable to be selected. It does tell me do I want to purchase it again. Are you sure it won't charge me again? edit: Now when I bought it again and began downloading again,it's all showing up! It's not fair.... How do I cancel the download? edit2: Now I have 3 copies of each song somehow? and theres no delete button.... | 2010-12-27 15:44:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
edit2: Now I have 3 copies of each song somehow? and theres no delete button.... If you're running the newest version of the ipod firmware, there should be an option at the top of the playlist to edit the playlist, through which you can delete songs ![]() | 2010-12-27 18:48:00 Author: FlipMeister ![]() Posts: 631 |
Thanks I fixed up the playlist but then in 'songs' at the bottom it still has doubles.... and I have 41 of the same album in the albums section... | 2010-12-29 14:00:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
Lol this is comedy gold! Keep us posted Quinn ![]() | 2010-12-29 18:02:00 Author: ladylyn1 ![]() Posts: 836 |
![]() ![]() I payed the devious ****'* at Apple, ?7 to update my Ipod touch. Sadly the update deemed my pod unworthy of it's awsomeness and felt so insulted that it sent my Ipod into a coma. R.I.P my love | 2010-12-29 19:17:00 Author: MrFunctionality ![]() Posts: 637 |
Ah the biggest disaster yet! The album contains an N-Dubz song! My ipod is forever tainted by that drunk smurf they call Dappy.... | 2010-12-29 23:08:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
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