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Al's crazy fun house of failures

Archive: 4 posts

In this thread, I will chronicle and tell tales of the many incomplete, failed, and broken projects I've accumulated while playing little big planet alone. I'd chronicle the successes, but there isn't a whole lot of those, so I thought this might be more interesting!
It's also a learning experience in using video recording and editing software, so any tips or advice on that side is really appreciated!

I've only uploaded one video right now, but I'll have more very soon!

Al's abandoned hoverboard prototypes!

These were made when I suddenly had a desire to make things more sack-sized, such as my first sackboy push mower(seen briefly above).
The latest model was stable enough to fly with some practice, but lacked balance and control. I had plans for the next model, but I was quickly distracted by my next ambition, bipeds! (spoiler: I failed!)

Al's attempts at bipedal locomotion!


This video shows a few of my failed attempts at understanding the function of bipedal legs, and one attempt at an actual mech.
I never made it past the cockpit, but the original model had plans for jump boosters, kneeling, primary and secondary weapons, and a deployable shield. Completely destructible!

A far cry from Sehven's designs, but the important thing is to have fun building and failing, right?
right D=?

"Breating Forest" level

Yes I know this place is for objects, but I want to keep it all under one thread.
This is one of a few levels that I did and never released. Apparently I stink at fixing minor bugs, which is why this never made it out of production.

I have many, many failed projects to cover! Most are quite old, so hopefully any viewers will get to rediscover everything with me.
2010-12-27 04:46:00

Posts: 17

Dude I really dig that hoverboard.
You tried sticking some floaty on it to dampen the movement?

Also I dig your video. No pod, no 1 minute long flashy intro.

It's just the stuff in the title, and I like that.
2010-12-27 08:37:00

Posts: 236

That was awesome, you obviously got pretty good at jumping forward a layer before getting crushed when those boards flip...honestly, though, some of those prototypes are REALLY close to being fully functional...a section in a level with those would be a blast, as long as both the board and player respawn upon failing.2010-12-28 20:16:00

Posts: 152

Seriously?! I didn't think they were that great, other than their size. To fly one of these takes a lot of practice, and they lose control when you try to correct any movements :I
Floaty was a consideration, but was out of the question when I realized that literally nothing could fit on the board without making it ugly or bulky.

Next up, bipeds! sort of.
Al's attempts at bipedal locomotion!


This video shows a few of my failed attempts at understanding the function of bipedal legs, and one attempt at an actual mech.
I never made it past the cockpit, but the original model had plans for jump boosters, kneeling, primary and secondary weapons, and a deployable shield. Completely destructible!

A far cry from Sehven's designs, but the important thing is to have fun building and failing, right?
right D=?

The first post will be amended as I release new videos.
2010-12-28 23:36:00

Posts: 17

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