Non-Lethal Spikes
Archive: 3 posts
I have found a new glitch that allows you to touch spikes and not die. It is simple to do. Steps: 1. Place some spikes in the level. 2. Use the unlithalize tool on each spike. Now the spikes are not lethal to your touch. This can also be used in a different way. If you use different lethal tools on different spikes, each spike will have a different type of lethality.(I'm talking about the Large Spikes.) | 2010-12-24 15:36:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
Great Cory! I think it can be useful in many ways - imagine you used Flame Tool on a spike - so now you won't die immediately by touching the spike, but jump away, as from real fire. | 2010-12-24 15:41:00 Author: izhuk ![]() Posts: 174 |
Logical, yet secretive... Nice find Cory! | 2010-12-24 17:14:00 Author: Random ![]() Posts: 673 |
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