!GhostSack Tutorial!
Archive: 7 posts
!GhostSack Tutorial!chinook3 A very detailed guide on how to create GhostSack (Founded By Hazbell). And what he is immune to or dies to. In a later update it will explain every possible thing about him! !GhostSack Tutorial! (http://lbp.me/v/vxv00r) http://ic.lbp.me/img/bl/68ccb558a884901e68d0b0291a89bbcf2b40bbaf.png Please post things that I should include in an update, or improve on this level! !ANY COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS ARE WELCOME! I would really like it if someone would record my level and post it here ![]() | 2010-12-22 05:37:00 Author: chinook3 ![]() Posts: 453 |
nice someone else finally found out but i found it was boring me anyway ![]() | 2010-12-24 18:13:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
!GhostSack Tutorial!chinook3 A very detailed guide on how to create GhostSack (Founded By Hazbell). And what he is immune to or dies to. In a later update it will explain every possible thing about him! !GhostSack Tutorial! (http://lbp.me/v/vxv00r) http://ic.lbp.me/img/bl/68ccb558a884901e68d0b0291a89bbcf2b40bbaf.png Please post things that I should include in an update, or improve on this level! !ANY COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS ARE WELCOME! I would really like it if someone would record my level and post it here ![]() I'm the one who taught you how to make it, and I said DON'T make a level or distribute the information. <_< >_> | 2010-12-24 18:34:00 Author: GreatWhite000 ![]() Posts: 673 |
interesting. i'm not going to go through the effort to do this but i might look for vids of it. and i'm not trying to be rude but i have to ask..."don't steal this glitch"? i can't see how anyone could try to take ownership of a glitch. plus you said someone else discovered it and now you've published it so it's not like it's a secret anymore... | 2010-12-24 23:41:00 Author: harbingernaut ![]() Posts: 126 |
This.....is......TURRIBLE!!! Now we'll have ghost sacks here and there! (PS, Hazbell is POed) | 2010-12-25 00:33:00 Author: Xero Space ![]() Posts: 249 |
Haha... Hazbell is not mad, he let me create this level. So, yeah stay out of my businesses, and the level is now closed due to -DR- getting physco on me about it. And, Xero Space haha... Hazbell IS on my PSN friend list... shows what you know. | 2010-12-27 02:30:00 Author: chinook3 ![]() Posts: 453 |
what is this i don't even? did i miss something? why are people mad that this information got out? i really would like to understand ![]() | 2010-12-27 02:53:00 Author: harbingernaut ![]() Posts: 126 |
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