To lock or not to lock, that is the question
Archive: 9 posts
I am working on a story-driven series of levels and I was wondering how the community thinks about having to unlock every next level before being able to play it. Do or don't you mind and if so, why? | 2010-12-21 09:31:00 Author: Antikris ![]() Posts: 1340 |
I think that would make a fairly interesting level...! But in LBP2, you can do level links to sub-levels anyway. Do you mean like a treasure hunt? I think yes- that would be a brilliant little quirk to make your level stand out! Also, the plane and clock tower in your sig look awesome!! You made them? ^_^ | 2010-12-21 10:05:00 Author: Weretigr ![]() Posts: 2105 |
I'd say lock too, but the problem with locking is that if the next level isn't finished yet, you cant put a key there, so people will need to replay the first level once the second level is out, in order to get the key. you could get rid of this by using under construction levels, but still. | 2010-12-21 10:28:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I'd say lock too, but the problem with locking is that if the next level isn't finished yet, you cant put a key there, so people will need to replay the first level once the second level is out, in order to get the key. you could get rid of this by using under construction levels, but still. Or releasing them all at once ![]() | 2010-12-21 10:47:00 Author: Weretigr ![]() Posts: 2105 |
I'd say lock too, but the problem with locking is that if the next level isn't finished yet, you cant put a key there, so people will need to replay the first level once the second level is out, in order to get the key. you could get rid of this by using under construction levels, but still. Perhaps this is the reason that I often see people put the keys to their other levels at the start of their level? Do you mean like a treasure hunt? I think yes- that would be a brilliant little quirk to make your level stand out! No, I meant the exact same way that LBP's Story Mode works: you finish a level and that unlocks the next one; the key to the next level is a reward from the earlier level. Also, the plane and clock tower in your sig look awesome!! You made them? ^_^ Yep! Thanks ![]() | 2010-12-21 12:18:00 Author: Antikris ![]() Posts: 1340 |
If the first level is good, people will probably want to keep playing them and unlocking them so that they can play the next. If it isnt too appealing however, they may not be motivated, or they may be annoyed that they cant just skip to a certain one. Ive felt that way sometimes. It all depends on how the level is. | 2010-12-21 16:28:00 Author: ATMLVE ![]() Posts: 1177 |
There are two main problems with locking levels, which I really noticed when releasing LBPCTG. 1) The key bug. Ick, this stupid thing keeps players from enjoying your series, as they have to wrestle with keys in order to play your levels, and sometimes might not even be able to play at all. Before we unlocked all the levels, there were plenty of people who could only view level 1. 2) Reduction in plays. Requiring people to play one level before reaching the next, before reaching the next, etc etc. can really reduce the plays on your levels. We had probably 1000 plays on level 1, and maybe 20 on level 13, because people had problems completing levels, or gave up earlier on. Each level thats open also provides another chance for a player to get hooked on your series. If I was to go play one level in a series, and enjoyed it, i'd probably go back and play the other available ones as well. So I'd say keep them open if you can. | 2010-12-22 01:54:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
I think the key bug is too big to ignore. It comes up time and time again in the posts on LBPC whenever keys are involved. If the key bug gets fixed + all you levels are completed (key leading to an under constrction level is so annoying) I say lock em. | 2010-12-22 03:36:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
I feel that you should start with the first of the series that way you don't get mislead by going to the 2 or 3 one first. ![]() | 2010-12-22 06:34:00 Author: robotixpro ![]() Posts: 354 |
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