What was your funniest memory in your school years?
Archive: 59 posts
Something that you remember that still makes you laugh ![]() I remember tripping over Black ice whilst I was on my psp after school Bursting out in laughter ![]() | 2010-12-20 16:03:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Graduation Day is my funniest memory because I thought I would die before then. HAHAHAHA SUCKERS, YOU COULDN'T BREAK ME!!! | 2010-12-20 16:07:00 Author: KILLA_TODDZILLA ![]() Posts: 653 |
But know im in Middle School | 2010-12-20 16:07:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Once, I got sent out of a maths lesson for being an idiot. I was waiting outside the classroom in the hallway when I noticed a bit of paper from a display was hanging off from the wall. I went over to it and tore it off. Just then a teacher came round the corner and saw me doing this. "What are you doing!?!!?" they shouted at me. "Im just fixing this display..." "Don't answer back!" The teacher interrupted. "You asked me a question!" I replied. What followed was an awkward silence, where I stood, staring at the teacher watching her try to think of a response. She could not however and walked away, tail between her legs. Oh how I laughed.......in detention. -_- I think this will be the first of many entries in this thread! ![]() | 2010-12-20 16:54:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
We brought catch phrase to school to play during lunch. Lets just say it got... out of hand.... XD | 2010-12-20 17:12:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
Once, I got sent out of a maths lesson for being an idiot. I was waiting outside the classroom in the hallway when I noticed a bit of paper from a display was hanging off from the wall. I went over to it and tore it off. Just then a teacher came round the corner and saw me doing this. "What are you doing!?!!?" they shouted at me. "Im just fixing this display..." "Don't answer back!" The teacher interrupted. "You asked me a question!" I replied. What followed was an awkward silence, where I stood, staring at the teacher watching her try to think of a response. She could not however and walked away, tail between her legs. Oh how I laughed.......in detention. -_- I think this will be the first of many entries in this thread! ![]() Sounds like it was a rhetorical question..... | 2010-12-20 21:50:00 Author: KILLA_TODDZILLA ![]() Posts: 653 |
Kindergarten; We were doing simple math problems and the teacher asked "If Y=X-2+5 is 58, what is Y?" I answered the teacher's question by saying "Well, I know, but do you?" The teacher looked at me with a "Srsly?" face, with which I replied with a "umad?" Ah kindergarten, i'll never forget the day I learned Algebra in there. | 2010-12-20 21:55:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
i got sent out of R.E before i even stepped in the room i still hold the record for being the fastest to be sent out of class . time to beat 0.00 seconds ![]() | 2010-12-20 22:12:00 Author: howMUCHforBOUNTY ![]() Posts: 623 |
Shouting a 'Tarzan call' at the end of 'All creatures great and small' First year at school was fun. | 2010-12-20 22:17:00 Author: Jedi_1993 ![]() Posts: 1518 |
It's between my buddy electrocuting himself, when we broke the clock hanging in the hallway, when we broke the clock in the English room, when I put a hole in the science room wall using pvc pipes and springs, when we went on the camping trip (just everything about it), or when everyone in my class gathered in a staircase in a hotel to pictochat on our DS's and my screen name was VannaUmp (everyone kept screaming who's vannaump!?, and it echoed throughout the hotel). You know what, I will summarize this into Field trips. But in detail... -Camp: During the winter (12:00a.m.), in nothing but our underwear all the guys took off from the cabin and explored the woods (when you first hear it it doesn't sound funny, but once you visualize 30 guys running through the woods, during the winter, at night, nearly naked with flashlights...yeah) -Road trip to Ohio: When I was in one of my friends family's car we looked over to our right and before us was none other than an elderly women on the highway jamming out on a harmonica as she drove(I took a picture). -Ohio: Me and some of the class went to this stake house. Eventually we got bored waiting for our food so we made the nastiest beverage ever.It was mountain dew, coke, salt, tons of artificial sweetener, a whole bottle of hot sauce, used napkins, chips, salsa, and bread. We let all of this dissolve into a nice consistency, and one of my friends was kind enough to drink it. He barfed all over the bathroom. Priceless... To hard to narrow down... | 2010-12-20 22:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I got into a fair amount of trouble when I was in highschool. A fond memory of mine is freshman year of high school when I stayed up playing games the whole night before. We were reading Romeo and Juliet in my English class the next day and it happened that I sat in the front row, in clear view of our teacher. I fell asleep around 6 times during that day's class... every time the student teacher had to wake me up, she got more and more annoyed until she was basically screaming at me by the end. Detention was just as exhausting... 30 minutes of reading. | 2010-12-20 22:21:00 Author: Creekey ![]() Posts: 116 |
I got into a fair amount of trouble when I was in highschool. A fond memory of mine is freshman year of high school when I stayed up playing games the whole night before. We were reading Romeo and Juliet in my English class the next day and it happened that I sat in the front row, in clear view of our teacher. I fell asleep around 6 times during that day's class... every time the student teacher had to wake me up, she got more and more annoyed until she was basically screaming at me by the end. Detention was just as exhausting... 30 minutes of reading. One of my friends in English class falls asleep whenever we are reading through Romeo and Juliet ( I kind of like the story ). He snores pretty loud to so...the teacher takes notice, but I think she understands. English is nap time ![]() | 2010-12-20 22:26:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Lol, yeah I enjoy Romeo and Juliet but I had read it before, so I didn't think it mattered if I fell asleep through a story I'd already read. The funniest is when people fall asleep in class and wake up and there is a puddle of drool on their desk! I've seen that a few times. ![]() | 2010-12-20 22:46:00 Author: Creekey ![]() Posts: 116 |
Well, in 5th grade or so, I snapped a plastic ruler in half and a piece flew up and landed in my cranky, 70-year-old teacher's hair. She got really mad and made me write the national anthem over and over again in recess detention. I cried... ![]() | 2010-12-21 00:07:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
Well, in 5th grade or so, I snapped a plastic ruler in half and a piece flew up and landed in my cranky, 70-year-old teacher's hair. She got really mad and made me write the national anthem over and over again in recess detention. I cried... ![]() Pretty sure thats illegal. | 2010-12-21 00:19:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
Pretty sure thats illegal. Crying? Or writing the National Anthem over and over? Doesn't seem illegal at all :I | 2010-12-21 00:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
In the U.S you can't force patriotism on someone. Also, it says god, so thats forcing religion too. All acts involving The Pledge of Allegiance, or reciting something of the like, is deemed Patriotism and therefore optional by law. The teacher could have gotten arrested for making him write the National Anthem. | 2010-12-21 00:31:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
In the U.S you can't force patriotism on someone. Also, it says god, so thats forcing religion too. All acts involving The Pledge of Allegiance, or reciting something of the like, is deemed Patriotism and therefore optional by law. The teacher could have gotten arrested for making him write the National Anthem. But I doubt pig was offended by that, he was a kid lool, it still doesn't seem like too major of a thing though. | 2010-12-21 00:33:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Time for another one. It was the first day back from summer holidays and me and my class were entering our first science lesson of the term. We also had a new teacher who had quite a reputation for his hot temper. We sat down at our desks as the teacher introduced himself to us and us to him. He paused on the girl sitting next to me. "Where do I know you from?" he said. "I know your face, where is it i've seen you before?........" "Playboy!" I exclaimed to his dismay. Im not sure why I said it, im not really a bad kid, it just seemed to slip out. I guess I was thinking out-loud. Well, as you can guess I got sent out of the classroom and straight into the head-teachers office. Great way to start the first day. -_- P.S. Me and that teacher got on great after that, he was the best teacher I have ever had. | 2010-12-21 00:40:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
But I doubt pig was offended by that, he was a kid lool, it still doesn't seem like too major of a thing though. If a complaint would have been reported to the school, the teacher would have had to legally be fired on site and give an apology to pigg. @Mr_T-shirt Nice. lol | 2010-12-21 00:51:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
Oh wait I remember another one. In spanish class, my friend was carrying around some pictures of women (and for some reason put them in his desk instead of his pocket). Well, the spas he was sitting next to saw them and started cracking up. The spanish teacher walked over to his desk looked at him and said,"hand it over" he responded,"What?" she than said "whatever it is you are messing around with under there" (the class erupted in laughter just from that sentence). So he pulled out a gum wrapper and put it in her hand and she just shook her head, so he grabbed crumbled up pieces of paper and gave it to her. She started getting angry so he handed her the picture. It was on a magazine so on the other side was an ad. He thought if he was lucky he could get away with just showing her the ad, but she picked it up and inspected it asking,"Well, what's so funny about this" Unknowingly she had displayed the image to the entire class while looking at the ad (thunderous laughter again). The funniest thing about this was when she figured out what it was she just said, "have fun" and handed it back to him....LMAO | 2010-12-21 02:02:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
But I doubt pig was offended by that, he was a kid lool, it still doesn't seem like too major of a thing though. Oh you're right. I was too busy crying to care... Nor did I know all the laws in 5th grade, early-American history... Lol | 2010-12-21 05:04:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
Aah, remember when I had my interview about what career path I wanted, all was going well until I heard the sound of someone farting. (I know it sounds hard to believe but trust me!) The Career Lady opposite me had farted and was followed by a second awkward silence. It reeeeaaaalllly hard to not laugh. | 2010-12-21 10:26:00 Author: Fastbro ![]() Posts: 1277 |
My school years... http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/516xbb3YfmL._SL500_AA300_.jpg | 2010-12-21 10:38:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
I can't really think of any. I'll say this because it's the first one I thought of: In Year 7 (first year of Middle School I think for you Americans), we had this sub English teacher because our other one was taking maternity leave. She was awful, getting at everyone for everything, with ridiculous punishments for the smallest things (she told two boys they weren't allowed to blink the entire lesson). We also have this thing called Innovation Week, where we get a week of lessons to do some task. I needed to print something, and my account wouldn't work. Teacher no-one liked gave me her username and password. Oh the fun we had. | 2010-12-21 13:51:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
Well, for once I rolled down a steep hill when I was at a class trip some months ago, it was quite fun! A second guy came after me and he almost flew over the ground. My pants got really wet because it was a rainy day, but it was worth it! I was once having a presentation about Buddhism (my preferred religion among the 5 biggest or whatever they are called), where I laid down on the side to symbolise Sidartha Gautama's death, and a guy in the class whistled at me, that made the class laugh considerably. Also on the matter about religion, I once had a test about christianity (it makes up around 40/55% of the pensum in our religion teaching, as we got a church of state, it is the only subject I despise as well) and I spent my time writing a song or something about how crappy this was (including christianity), and I ended up having the grade not counting on my grades card. In your face, Geesez! In nature science we have a teacher who is quite good, but his norwegian spelling is not to brag about so I correct his presentations to us often. ![]() @Bremnen: I have been born in the wrong place and time (or the opposite)! | 2010-12-21 15:18:00 Author: moonwire ![]() Posts: 1627 |
In year 6, at PGL... I was abseiling, when I got hanged by the strap of the helmet... I thought helmets were for health and safety... | 2010-12-21 16:18:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
@Bremnen: I have been born in the wrong place and time (or the opposite)! lol, they still force religion(Christianity) at schools here, just in a more subtle way. | 2010-12-21 19:44:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
Don't change subject please ![]() | 2010-12-21 23:40:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Don't change subject please ![]() Way to be on subject. School rarely has very funny moments. | 2010-12-21 23:49:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
At the start of year 10 (am still in year 10 too) the teacher went out of the room for a few minutes leaving all of us unsupervised. So person A (as we'll call him for now) threw person B's pencil case out the window, so person B went to try and grab their pencil case (it wasn't that far down, there was a roof right below the window). Then to top it off, person A pushed person B out the window while he was trying to grab his pencil case. He then had to climb back through the window before the teacher got back, he managed and no one ever found out. It was hilarious. Oh, and like I said it wasn't that far down, so he wasn't hurt or anything, he just found it funny. ![]() | 2010-12-22 00:13:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
I remember something VERY funny from 2nd grade... We had a very old, cruel, and unforgiving teacher named Mr. Hardy. His voice was kinda hard to here, so he had a tiny microphone on his shirt so we could hear him. So in the middle of the school year, at the beginning of class, he said he had to go to the bathroom. He left, with his little microphone still on and he headed to the bathroom... I think you can guess what happened from there ![]() | 2010-12-22 00:19:00 Author: AbstractFlesh ![]() Posts: 837 |
Yes, it's that time again: Our school had introduced a new 'Web Portal' system, so that students could get missing work, have use of some learning sites and; most importantly for me, contact the teachers through messages. Me and my class were sat in a lesson, being told how to use it. It was a fairly new thing for the school and they were working out the kinks, but they felt it was time to introduce it to the students.......Bad choice. I noticed a flaw. The present password for everyone was "password". We were told to change it as soon as we logged in; but most people didn't bother. Knowing this, I typed in random ID numbers into the 'Name' section of the login, and input 'password' in the password box. 9/10 times it worked. I felt like I was Neo or something! Now, remember me saying how students could contact teachers through messages? Well contact them I did. I can't remember the messages I sent, but they weren't offensive in the slightest. Just silly. The next day the whole school was sent to the hall. The teachers told us that someone had - and I quote: "Hacked into the school systems and are sending obscene messages to teachers. This is fraud and the culprit will be dealt with." I think this was an attempt to guilt trip me into confessing, but it didn't work. I found the whole thing hilarious. I had done nothing wrong, they were just upset that a kid had breached they're precious 'portal.' Anyway. In the end, someone ratted on me and I spent a week in detention. "You should of had a BETA!" I felt like saying! XD | 2010-12-22 00:41:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
This was actually last week. (Yes, I'm still in school) It's some what embarrassing, but what the heck? Stuff like this happens everyday, but this was my favorite. On Friday, the last day before holiday break, a girl was talking about skipping History class because none of the teachers had plans anyways. The teacher, of course, over heard, and said She'd better not, because school is important no matter what. A whole debate broke out, so I shot up, slammed on my desk, and half-shouted, 'OBJECTION!' (I was hyper on candy canes and soft mints. ![]() | 2010-12-22 04:56:00 Author: LWBear2 ![]() Posts: 332 |
They were just upset that a kid had breached they're precious 'portal.' I graduated a few weeks ago but when I was still in school the network they set up was always being mucked around with by students. The IT guys wren't very good at security it seems. The admins at school had access to all the functions on the computers, whereas students had limited access to things, but really, if the IT guys make the username "admin" and the password "admin" they're just asking for trouble. Needless to say, we all had a great time. LAN games with 30+ people anyone? ![]() I kinda miss school, it was so much fun ![]() | 2010-12-22 05:11:00 Author: SR20DETDOG ![]() Posts: 2431 |
uhg, one day in biology, not too long ago, the teacher was giving a super long super boring lecture about Dihybrid Crosses. I put my head down for one second and I hear a whispering "wake up" then a louder "wake up!". So I'm startled awake and lift my head up and I had drooled a little so my notes stuck to my face D: I pulled it off and looked to the right to see my teacher just a few feet away, who couldn't help but laugh along with the rest of the class...ouch...my dignity ![]() ![]() | 2010-12-22 07:01:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 ![]() Posts: 1924 |
When I was in grade 6, I put my retainer on my lunch tray (dentist told me to wear it all day/night except of course, while eating). I remember my friend reminding me, "Hey, don't forget you set your retainer there." I went on to eat my lunch in a happily irresponsible manner. At 3pm when school was out, I realized I didn't have my retainer. I spent the next 2 hours digging through 2.5 hour old half eaten lunches which happened to consist of corn, refried beans, and beef tacos. Ugggh... I'll never forget the smell, and the utter disgust of it all. It was that day how wasteful I realized that everyone really is. There was two extra large garbage bins to look through AND 3 extra large bags that were already in the dumpster. And that was just the waste from my fellow 6th grade class mates. Lucky for me and unluckily for my parents (because they had to buy me a new retainer), I never found it. It became forever lost in the abyss that is disgusting, old, half eaten cafeteria food. | 2010-12-22 16:07:00 Author: Creekey ![]() Posts: 116 |
Ok this is a true story and me and my friends still laugh about it now. In the early years of secondary school me and my friend always used to run to each lesson to get the best seat. Well we was running down the corridoor to our music lesson and i shouted out "RUN LIKE THE WIND!" Then all of a sudden my whole body flung to the right and i smacked face first into a door. My bag had go caught of the handle and the door swung open really wide dragging me with it! I was in a state of shock for a while then laughed so much HAAAA i felt like a right idiot especially knowing that other people saw me and laughed too! I didnt care about getting a good seat in class after that.... ![]() | 2010-12-22 16:20:00 Author: Fenderjt ![]() Posts: 1969 |
lol, they still force religion(Christianity) at schools here, just in a more subtle way. Indeed, but I there I can probably sue the teacher if he or she mocks me! ![]() | 2010-12-22 16:24:00 Author: moonwire ![]() Posts: 1627 |
I don't have a funniest memory, without letting out a huge embarrasing secret about my friends that i had sworn to not tell anyone about, yeah | 2010-12-22 16:32:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Ok this is a true story and me and my friends still laugh about it now. In the early years of secondary school me and my friend always used to run to each lesson to get the best seat. Well we was running down the corridoor to our music lesson and i shouted out "RUN LIKE THE WIND!" Then all of a sudden my whole body flung to the right and i smacked face first into a door. My bag had go caught of the handle and the door swung open really wide dragging me with it! I was in a state of shock for a while then laughed so much HAAAA i felt like a right idiot especially knowing that other people saw me and laughed too! I didnt care about getting a good seat in class after that.... ![]() I imagine you do that every day... My funniest moment, or one anyway that comes to mind, was our watersports trip. We went out on a banana-boat (It looked like a pencil). I just remember the point where the jet-ski jolts and turns quickly to tip us all off. Bad idea by the driver.It went so wrong somehow that two girls at the back got flung about 8 feet in the air and cracked skulls against each other. They were hurt but it was so funny watching it. ALso a few weeks ago this little guy who thought he was hard by giving us abuse from a distance was grabbed by one of my mates, thrown into a big bin and spun and pushed half way across the yard with the lid on it. He had no clue where he was by the end. | 2010-12-22 17:07:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
So many moments This event happened only a week ago, I'm in year 13 and we were in music class, because I'm in 6th form we don't get subs so we are expected to get on with our work if the teacher is absent, in fact he was just down the hall doing the christmas carols that the college runs in the evening. Our other teacher was around the department, he is an easy going so he didn't care much. anyway. person "A" grabbed an Amp, Lead, and Microphone. placed the amp outside the room turned it up to MAX volume, we pranked several passers by (some things are kinda inappropriate for the website) and flirted with the younger girls, we then put a "call out" for the teacher which was brilliant. ![]() ![]() After, we decided to go backstage at the christmas event I mentioned earlier person C pushed person B in the middle of the production and the hall was packed out with an audience and all, he shouted at the top of his lungs and pegged it. They then went back but got a year 7 to do it instead. BEST... Day... Ever. | 2010-12-22 18:15:00 Author: Pattington_Bear ![]() Posts: 777 |
i got 3 words "Retarded Naked Guy" it was hilarious and disgusting. | 2010-12-22 18:59:00 Author: Lgjoka2002 ![]() Posts: 538 |
Pokemon cards got banned in my primary school, because kids were getting violent over them! XD | 2010-12-22 20:03:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
Eh, I can't think of any big things, (still in highschool) but I enjoyed asking my English teacher if she had lost weight after her maternal leave. | 2010-12-22 20:31:00 Author: booXely ![]() Posts: 654 |
One instance i remeber was one lunchtime. It cnsisted of one guy decideing to freak out a younger girl, by stalking her. Then, it got funny. While looking at her, he pretended to... um ..."you know"... into a bin in front. This i laughed at, watching the girls reaction and disturbed look. Then, Mr Roche, the Science teacher appears out of nowhere, spots the guy, who dashes off at the speed of light. After that, i remmeber no more due to ROFLing on the floor to the teachers look on his face/reaction. Ah, Inappropriate actions, how funny they can be! | 2010-12-22 21:31:00 Author: Dialgax07 ![]() Posts: 94 |
My friends ex boyfriend getting in trouble with the cops in front of the whole cafeteria for stalking. | 2010-12-22 21:49:00 Author: Jaquan1254 ![]() Posts: 49 |
Not my funny moment, but I remembered the Literature teacher that once said that he was with his car really fast on the highway, the windows were open, and he suddenly find a traffic lamp (on the highway ![]() I literally laughed my bum off ! | 2010-12-23 10:05:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
Pokemon cards got banned in my primary school, because kids were getting violent over them! XD Oh god, that's what mine did, all collectables though! They were screaming, stealing telling the teacher... People say: 'The good ol' days...' | 2010-12-23 10:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Oh god, that's what mine did, all collectables though! They were screaming, stealing telling the teacher... People say: 'The good ol' days...' same thing happed in my old primary well, personally, just finished my last year in intermediate and man I have some things to remember there.. ![]() at a camp I got on a little bit of a sugar high, but despite waking up at 1:30am to go floundering, I lasted till there was a disco, lasted the whole thing and was up till 10:00 will-power all the way, it was really funny all the random crap I said that day... like, I wish I could remember it all heaps else have happened, like when I got into a little bit of an... er... argument with a relief teacher over something simple, I got in heaps of crap and my teacher was hatin ![]() | 2010-12-23 10:31:00 Author: huntedstorm ![]() Posts: 488 |
My funniest school moment would have to be when one of my class mates set his rear end on fire. Highly dangerous, since our pants were very flammable , but ridiculously funny. There's always at least one of them in every year ![]() | 2010-12-23 10:56:00 Author: SR20DETDOG ![]() Posts: 2431 |
Ooh, I remember another one! We had to do some play to preform with the rest of the class. We got put in groups, looked at the cast,a and decided who we were going to be. The first part of the play was a long speech, so everyone immediatly yelled "Not me!". Turns out it was a story about an affair, and everyone in my group but me had to act it out (I was narrator, it turns out). Especially as we were all boys and there was a scene that involved us waving a duvet around while two people underneath made innapropriate noises xD | 2010-12-23 17:08:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
Here's the first few that I thought of, all by the same person: my teacher in Year 4! He was one of the best teachers I've had ![]() Ok, first of all, we were in an ICT lesson. We had to make PowerPoints or something. Our teacher must have been really bored, so he decided to hack into some of our accounts (wasn't hard since our usernames were something like our first name and a number and our password was 'password' -_-). Then he started messing up our work and saving our files as different names (e.g. he named the PowerPoint of the boy next to me as "My girly presentation". Then another time he made a short film for us that we were going to edit on Movie Maker, it turned out he made a scary image pop up in it at a certain time. He made a girl cry, but the rest of us laughed xD. And then when we came back from a school break he told us that he got married. One girl asked "Have you had any babies yet?" and he said "No, but we like trying for them". ![]() Good times ![]() | 2010-12-23 18:32:00 Author: FlaminHotDawg ![]() Posts: 17 |
Seeing thatjust about everybody still going to school is getting out for summer(atleast here we are) I thought I should revive this thread. Think back on the embarrasing moments in the past year that make you ROFL everytime you think of them. | 2011-05-30 16:52:00 Author: LWBear2 ![]() Posts: 332 |
Alright, you do that. A couple weeks ago I was at lunch and I said something really bad about our principal at a really loud volume. I looked back and the vice principal was right behind me. That was the second or third time something like that happened. Miraculously, I didn't get in trouble. | 2011-05-30 17:51:00 Author: GameRoom ![]() Posts: 200 |
Alright, you do that. A couple weeks ago I was at lunch and I said something really bad about our principal at a really loud volume. I looked back and the vice principal was right behind me. That was the second or third time something like that happened. Miraculously, I didn't get in trouble. I did that with my Maths teacher. XD Here are a few others: In history they were talking about rationing in WW2 and the teacher said something along the lines of "They only had a meat and two veg to eat." I virtually collapsed laughing. ![]() In French they put a porno movie on which made no sense. It was about 2 guys getting drunk, then drowning themselves, then getting rescued, the younger one then tells his gf that he's half dolphin, they then rescue another dolphin, the guy starts making love to the dolphin, then follows tons of uncensored sex scenes and swearing. I have no idea what the hell it's called, if someone could tell me... :L Not to mention my science teacher's impressions of a guy on LSD and constant yelling out of the word "POTATOES!"... And all that happened last week. ![]() | 2011-05-30 19:31:00 Author: abyssalassassin ![]() Posts: 717 |
A "funny" moment to me is the day of my graduation last year. It was a really hot day and I was in the usual shirt and pants. I'd been waiting for the train to arrive with my mum and sister, we got on at my local train station and it took us to town where we had to get off and swap to another. When we got on that one, it was PACKED! It was so full of people it was like being tinned in a sardine can. It was also really hot, with no windows open and it was a really musty atmosphere. After a few stops from town, I began to feel really dizzy and lightheaded, the next thing I knew, I was sat down on a chair. What had happened was, I'd actually passed out for a few seconds, I only came to when I woke up. My sister and mum couldn't stop laughing at me because apparantly I fell on to this guy who was stood adjacent to me, and all they kept trying to say is that I was trying to make a pass at him because it looked like I was trying to hug him. That's one thing that won't die down for a few years!! | 2011-05-30 19:36:00 Author: dbibby88 ![]() Posts: 378 |
Thought of one more: I was at the library, trying to get on games, but they were blocked, as always. So I used a proxy to bypass them, I went on Runescape, Facebook etc etc and suddenly the librarian came up to me and told me to get out. I was about to log off but just then the screen displayed a warnin message saying security had been breached. So I went outside. My friend ran out the door shouting "The IT guys are looking for you!" I legged it to my French class and for a whole hour kept staring at the door with my stomach doing triple back flips. Somehow I didn't get a detention. :O | 2011-05-30 19:50:00 Author: abyssalassassin ![]() Posts: 717 |
ok, so me and my friend "winston" where talking about band and stuff. I play the clarinet, and winston plays the trumpet. Winston was making random crap about him playing the viol instead of the trumpet, and someone named din said " YOU DONT PLAY THE TRUMPET< Your lying. I know you are, because i lie to my mom" And me and winston are all cracking up And i say, " Well then, im gonna TELL YOUR MOM" and he said " YOU DONT EVEN KNOW MY MOMS NAME!" and i say " Is it carrie?" NO "Is it din?" NO so I told to isaac, HEY DINDIN LIED TO HIM MOM! and dindin took action quickly, " NO I DIDNT" So i said " but you just said you did" NO I DIDNT!!!!! RAGE!!!!! And we repeated it again, except i said i played the bassoon instead of the clarinet. I know it wasnt really nice, but it was as funny as heck. | 2011-06-03 02:57:00 Author: Cactii ![]() Posts: 426 |
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