Winch Track Help?
Archive: 9 posts
Ok... you may have heard of my new level that i'm making called Santa's LittleBig Helper (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=41721-Santa-s-LittleBig-Helper&p=708398#post708398). Well.... after testing it, i decided that i did not like the way the sleigh moves on the the track ( pics coming tonight!). It's basically a VERY long, hollow, dark matter rectangle, with a square of glass in it. There is a winch on each side, and i have all of the logic and stuff to do it, so i don't need help with that; but throughout the level, it sometimes keeps gliding after you let go of the switch, and sometimes it is so jerky it throws sackboy off of the sleigh (catastrophic for this level). Sometimes, it even glitches out and moves all over the place, killing sackboy and breaking the vertical movement piston... I will post some pictures soon, but does anyone know how i could fix these issues so that it runs smoothly and without glitches? ![]() help is very appreciated! ![]() | 2010-12-20 04:59:00 Author: McSquizzy ![]() Posts: 41 |
Ok you will need a spring that is connected to the sleigh and the part where you want it to stop. Make it stiff and 0.0 strength. You can then add a thin brake fin on the bottom and set up a normal spring on the bottom. Make a little nudged at the start of the track and with enough power the sleigh will glide towered the end ![]() Hope that works for ya! ![]() | 2010-12-20 05:22:00 Author: AssassinatorRFC ![]() Posts: 715 |
That would work great, yes, if thwe sleigh didnt have to start and stop at the drivers (the player) will. It also has to be able to go backwards ![]() would making a set of wheels above and below a track, then shrinking it to fit snuggly work? Kind of like a roler coaster | 2010-12-20 06:11:00 Author: McSquizzy ![]() Posts: 41 |
The glass block can (eventually) become very complex. Perhaps you could try to get rid of the winches to angle the block and instead use pistoned blocks below it (not connected to it) that push a side upwards. I'd try that with both the glass bolted to a piece of DM and loose, kept in place by a surrounding shape. Best to use a copy of your level so you can easily take a big step back in case it doesn't solve the glitching. | 2010-12-21 09:45:00 Author: Antikris ![]() Posts: 1340 |
I think you'd probably be better off with hidden wheels or something. But before you make it go backwards, remember reindeer can't really pull it in the other direction! ![]() | 2010-12-21 10:10:00 Author: Weretigr ![]() Posts: 2105 |
I think you'd probably be better off with hidden wheels or something. But before you make it go backwards, remember reindeer can't really pull it in the other direction! ![]() i know, but then the level would be too easy if all of the presents were in order... also, the prblem with the piston is that it is SO long (3400) that it goes super fast in the beginning, the stops eventually halfway through.... i can't have that. I think ive decided that ill go with the wheel. I think the real resean why it was so unstable is because since it's so high up (the track), any little movement with the block makes a huge movement on the sleigh. | 2010-12-21 18:11:00 Author: McSquizzy ![]() Posts: 41 |
well, after messing with the wheel version of moving the sleigh, i found a problem of controlling the motors using two different grab switches. I came up with this design: 28511 28512 this is probably not new to most of you, but it was a big relief when i thought of it will it work do u think?..... also, I think to make the sleigh steadier (if it's a word) i lowered it a lot. | 2010-12-21 20:44:00 Author: McSquizzy ![]() Posts: 41 |
also, I think to make the sleigh steadier (if it's a word) i lowered it a lot. Depending on whether the sleigh is made of light or medium-heavy materials, it also helps to place a (hidden) block of heavy material (iron, stone) in the bottom. Just like in real life physics, really. | 2010-12-22 09:49:00 Author: Antikris ![]() Posts: 1340 |
Depending on whether the sleigh is made of light or medium-heavy materials, it also helps to place a (hidden) block of heavy material (iron, stone) in the bottom. Just like in real life physics, really. well of course just like in real life physics! Because little big planet is just so awesome that it has REAL LIFE PHYICS!!! ![]() .... i love littlebigplanet..... | 2010-12-23 19:06:00 Author: McSquizzy ![]() Posts: 41 |
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