Don't ever go to sleep in Creator with a friend
Archive: 33 posts
That's just asking for trouble... Why just yesterday I did exactly that... I was taking a nap while my sack person was in creator mode with a friend. She bolted my sack person to the end of a rod that kept rotating, smacking my sack person into the ground every time. She also used the motor bolt, many lulz ensued... Has this ever happened to you guys? | 2010-12-19 11:19:00 Author: Fumo161 ![]() Posts: 210 |
Have any of us ever had any pain for keeping friend in create mode and taking little ''BRB'' moment during it? I have. Friend put stupid magic mouths in my ''The Cellar'' level and wrote stuff like ''correct1'' and changed all my other magic mouths to say something like that. But no, I haven't had moment like you did. PS: How long nap did you take? | 2010-12-19 12:51:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
I did something similar to a guy who went on BRB once. I got several tiny flat pieces of darkmatter, and attached sounds from the comedy audio object, set them to go off on proximity, shrunk them as much as possible and hid them behind scenery. So when we playtested his level (which was a desert), you'd pass by a rock and hear a fart noise, then go past a cactus and hear BUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP xD I don't think he knew what was going on.... | 2010-12-19 13:18:00 Author: Matimoo ![]() Posts: 1027 |
My friends are generally proper creators anyway, so if they don't think I'm coming back, they'll just jump back to their own moon. Although I did once have a friend who left for a while, and he came back to his sackboy in a box with loads of signs pointing to him saying "loser" "noob" etc. I wonder who did that... ![]() | 2010-12-19 14:04:00 Author: Weretigr ![]() Posts: 2105 |
PS: How long nap did you take? About an hour. | 2010-12-19 14:19:00 Author: Fumo161 ![]() Posts: 210 |
About an hour. I'd check the rest of the level. Something that simply could be made in a couple of moments ![]() I put fart noises into my friend's level once. It was like "Finally, I can steal the jewe-FAAAART". I didn't hide them as well as Matimoo though. | 2010-12-19 14:49:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
Most of the time if my friends in create mode with me and goes BRB, I go and change their costume to something more fitting, its great fun and they get great costumes as well ![]() | 2010-12-19 16:22:00 Author: damaz10 ![]() Posts: 771 |
When friends and I were fooling around in create mode, I dozed off for about 5 minutes and when I woke up, I was all pink with a button pacifier, had flowers and those starry springs on me. I looked like a little girl's creation. | 2010-12-19 22:05:00 Author: Spazz ![]() Posts: 484 |
I usually slap them out of hover, scoop them up with a material and dump them into a 'noob box'. That or place cow noises/ pictures of lady gaga everywhere. | 2010-12-19 22:19:00 Author: Radishlord ![]() Posts: 706 |
Yeah this has happened many occasions to me too, and I have dished out the lulz too! In a clan level I made a moo-ometer that would moo at regular intervals. I hid the setup behind and he wondered where all the cows where hiding :3 | 2010-12-20 01:02:00 Author: AssassinatorRFC ![]() Posts: 715 |
I'd just probably leave if the host wasn't playing the game. Yup... | 2010-12-20 06:15:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
This happens to me everytime I go on online create, I'm pretty sure ARD has photographic evidence somewhere. >< Good times. (Y) | 2010-12-20 14:30:00 Author: Leather-Monkey ![]() Posts: 2266 |
lol this reminds me of the good ol' days with mrsupercomputer and comphermc... Some are even too sick to mention... I still have nightmares... | 2010-12-20 15:08:00 Author: javi haguse ![]() Posts: 744 |
No, I don't recall any BRB moments with a friend in Create mode, only in the Pod. Though it was when my brother was playing while I was BRB, so nothing really happened in my Pod either. (To Javi) What, too sick?! Can you at least give us some hints like what they involve? Pwease? You don't have to, only if you want to. | 2010-12-22 14:26:00 Author: Black265 ![]() Posts: 208 |
No, I don't recall any BRB moments with a friend in Create mode, only in the Pod. Though it was when my brother was playing while I was BRB, so nothing really happened in my Pod either. (To Javi) What, too sick?! Can you at least give us some hints like what they involve? Pwease? You don't have to, only if you want to. Probably something along the lines of bolting the lower part of his friends sack person with a long piece of pink floaty and stickering it a skin tone like color. | 2010-12-22 14:48:00 Author: Fumo161 ![]() Posts: 210 |
lol this reminds me of the good ol' days with mrsupercomputer and comphermc... Some are even too sick to mention... I still have nightmares... ..and probably is the reason for that eye patch. lol | 2010-12-22 15:59:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Have any of us ever had any pain for keeping friend in create mode and taking little ''BRB'' moment during it? I have. Friend put stupid magic mouths in my ''The Cellar'' level and wrote stuff like ''correct1'' and changed all my other magic mouths to say something like that. But no, I haven't had moment like you did. PS: How long nap did you take? And you still call him a friend? | 2010-12-22 16:11:00 Author: RoharDragontamer ![]() Posts: 397 |
..and probably is the reason for that eye patch. lol LMAO! Same reason why u wear a creepy trench coat? | 2010-12-22 16:28:00 Author: javi haguse ![]() Posts: 744 |
LMAO! Same reason why u wear a creepy trench coat? Hey man, don't ditch the Trench Coat~ | 2010-12-22 16:54:00 Author: Fumo161 ![]() Posts: 210 |
I was helping a friend ace a level and decided to practice some 'Sack-fu' On him and I slapped him to his death when he got back and he was angry! | 2010-12-22 17:06:00 Author: The age of LOLZ ![]() Posts: 229 |
LMAO! Same reason why u wear a creepy trench coat? LOL!! Well.. I do find the extra protection and warmth comforting. ![]() | 2010-12-22 17:33:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
LOL!! Well.. I do find the extra protection and warmth comforting. ![]() yea yea... you keep telling yourself that... we all know what you're hiding! I mean, blue baseball helmet, blue glasses and a zebra print trench coat?? that just screams trouble to me.. lol | 2010-12-22 17:59:00 Author: javi haguse ![]() Posts: 744 |
I always put the decoration of the bunch of sunflowers all over somebody if they do that. ALWAYS. As many as I can fit. The more costume pieces the better, since each can fit 5, plus the 10 on the sackperson themselves. And I make them as big as possible. ![]() | 2010-12-22 18:11:00 Author: Super_Dork_42 ![]() Posts: 1874 |
yea yea... you keep telling yourself that... we all know what you're hiding! I mean, blue baseball helmet, blue glasses and a zebra print trench coat?? that just screams trouble to me.. lol LOL!!! I always thought it looked kinda "rock star" / "secret agent" to me! Bold fashion! Is he between gigs or on a dangerous mission even when standing in the tasty snacks line? LOL!!! | 2010-12-22 18:14:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
or on a dangerous mission even when standing in the tasty snacks line? LOL!!! Don't eat the sushi. | 2010-12-22 18:27:00 Author: lifeiscrapislife ![]() Posts: 396 |
I always Chester-Cheetahfy them when they brb. I'll get out the glasses and cat mouth decorations and let em rip ![]() | 2010-12-22 21:10:00 Author: RottenAvocado ![]() Posts: 319 |
Ohhh, I get what ya mean, heheheh. Sounds very...............*clears throat* well, seeing it happen might kill LBP's innocence, for the witnesses, maybe.![]() (@Fumo's post, the one which he said that it involves pink floaty and bolting to the lower parts of a Sackboy) | 2010-12-22 22:00:00 Author: Black265 ![]() Posts: 208 |
LOL!!! I always thought it looked kinda "rock star" / "secret agent" to me! Bold fashion! Is he between gigs or on a dangerous mission even when standing in the tasty snacks line? LOL!!! What rock bands are you listening to?? Let me guess... Dr. Zebra & The 3 Strikes | 2010-12-22 22:12:00 Author: javi haguse ![]() Posts: 744 |
What rock bands are you listening to?? Let me guess... Dr. Zebra & The 3 Strikes And as for you, Javi, it looks like you can't shake off the song "My eyepatch" by Jim Noir (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIzhlN-Zx3A) of your head. | 2010-12-22 22:53:00 Author: Keldur ![]() Posts: 628 |
What rock bands are you listening to?? Let me guess... Dr. Zebra & The 3 Strikes Just the stuff you sent me. ![]() | 2010-12-22 23:26:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
iv never had that happen to me before, however someone did take over my ps3 and mess about in the creator when i went to bed. was just a friend staying over and they thought they screw around in the level creator. theyd never played little big planet before, all they managed to make was a car and a simple ramp | 2010-12-23 01:23:00 Author: Xegethra ![]() Posts: 207 |
I do that to people. I remove all their stickers from their costume and resticker it in neon colors that all clash. Then I stick either some MGS diamonds or PotC portholes to their eyes and give them a mane of leaves. Also, I like doing things while they're still there; like building stuff extremely high in the level and waiting until they unpause. | 2010-12-28 20:48:00 Author: Number7Million ![]() Posts: 248 |
Just for lolz, here's what I do to my friend Jet while he's gone: -If I am devious, I'll paint up his costume with stickers and decorations and funny photos. Then I fly off and a minute later he sends a message saying LOL. ![]() -If I am bored I'll play around with his body and destroy it in any way possible (i.e. throwing into fire, squishing, spikes) and basically use him like a toy. -If I am undeniably evil I'll drop a super bomb. ![]() | 2010-12-31 06:31:00 Author: Fang ![]() Posts: 578 |
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