Early Apocalyse (1 and 2)
Archive: 6 posts
Early Apocalyse (1 and 2)ricar144 Two levels (so far) that are about the discovery and escape of an apocalypse before 2012 Ill make a third one soon. It has SOME similarities to the movie, '2012' but the idea is different. Some bugs may still exist but please comment them here or in game. Also, #2 is quite hard so dont get frustrated. Please, I really need just plays so tell ur friends but Ill be happy to accept hearts and H4H. THX and F4F is available. | 2010-12-18 17:51:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I played them both, 1 was good, in 2, the stairs at the start are a little too small. :star: | 2010-12-21 16:16:00 Author: LBPLOVER9999 ![]() Posts: 16 |
I kinda agree with you. But I made them small so the player needs to be precise or get killed but i'll make them bigger right now. | 2010-12-21 16:19:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Stairs are changes. Thx for review. | 2010-12-21 16:38:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
OK, finally got back on my PS3 and getting around to doing F4Fs. I played both of them and they have a good concept but I think they need a bit of refinement. In the temple, too many of the rooms were very 'inorganic' so to say. Very angular and no scenery. Plus they were a bit connected in the same ways. Part two had the same kind of non-scenery issue while some of the connectivity and challenge was done better. Also, there wasn't enough involvement of the different planes (layers). The best use of layers was in the temple with the flaming smaasher thing in the foreground and needing to step into the back layers. I think you should work a bit on the details. It's surprisingly the small things that can make a world more or less believable. As well as use of the planes (layers) I gave it :star::star:, but if I could I would throw in a half star as well. so 2.5/5. Needs work but I see potential there. | 2011-01-14 09:57:00 Author: Iudicium_86 ![]() Posts: 167 |
Thanks for the in-depth review. I'm currently working on other levels but I'll get to it in LBP2 and add some of it's new tools to greatly improve it. | 2011-01-15 23:15:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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