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Nariko and Kratos code [Europe]

Archive: 5 posts

Anyone has any spares? I didn't get any with my copy, and I really wish to have them. I heard they are shareable with five other players, or five in total so that would make it four other players.2008-11-04 22:59:00

Posts: 46

i think you have to share PSN info to get it. Not worth it. I have a Nariko code i wouldn't mind trading for a Kratos code but i doubt it will happen.2008-11-04 23:32:00

Posts: 3767

I pre orders it and didnt get it so when are they gonna stop giving it away. My gamestop told my mom to tell me to call a phone number. When do you guys think i have to call it by. I don't wanna miss it.

As you can see i am a procrastanator.
2008-11-05 00:00:00

Posts: 269

i think you have to share PSN info to get it. Not worth it. I have a Nariko code i wouldn't mind trading for a Kratos code but i doubt it will happen.

When did you get it?
2008-11-05 00:17:00

Posts: 6728

When did you get it?

Sorry, i should say i will have.

I'll ask my gf tomorrow if she's recieved the email yet.
2008-11-05 00:21:00

Posts: 3767

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