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Cool Armored Personnel Carrier

Archive: 12 posts

Checkout my new vehicle A.P.C. Armored Personnel Carrier.

I was originally inspired by Ayneh "Working LAV III"

I most proud of the suspension and the gun barrel. Give a test drive and even receive a copy of vehicle. tell me what you think, please go easy on the level because it was a quick build to show off my vehicle.
2010-12-15 03:33:00

Posts: 58

Very cool and detailed!!!
Whats the name of the level its in?
2010-12-15 14:34:00

Unknown User

NICE!!!!!Looks like a tank!Is it a 112 mm barrel for the cannon gun? Very Cool!2010-12-15 20:43:00

Posts: 354

My bad, the level name "Armored Vehicle A.C.P."
The Vehicle is a hybrid its, Light meets Medium Armored Vehicle. The gun is 155mm.
2010-12-15 22:39:00

Posts: 58

All i can say, WOW2010-12-19 12:58:00

Unknown User

NICE!!!!!Looks like a tank!Is it a 112 mm barrel for the cannon gun? Very Cool!

Looks more like a striker with 105mm cannon IMOhttp://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8E2BNAgfJV681KOCuTnVi07QUHerW5 lRkVlLl_lpF3tgKoFBFUAhttp://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=28216&d=1292383934
2010-12-19 20:42:00

Posts: 653

Looks awesome mate

Mind if I do a object showcase for it? I think that its worthy of the attention of the community tbh

Pm me if you are interested Nice work
2010-12-20 05:36:00

Posts: 715

AssassinatorRFC thank you for being so kind.

Sure if you want to be my guest. Sorry I took so long to reply but i've been busy with the beta, last week I recieved the code and I have been a little distracted. I'm sure you understand. I think really cool you want to do it.

Cheers............. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-12-28 07:08:00

Posts: 58

You sure its a 155mm? That size would be bigger than the Russion main battle tank which has a 125mm2010-12-28 07:48:00

The age of LOLZ
Posts: 229

hey, is this on psp? if not, i wish it waz it looks awesome.2011-01-01 00:14:00

Posts: 54

Looks more like a mobile gun system rather than a Apc, in fact, I made some thing like this if you want to see that, the link is in my sig. Yeah but as I was saying, I will queue this up and play this after school before I get lbp2, and I'll be back with the full review.

I lied. My Styker is actually in one of my albums.


I played the level. I like you attention to detail and the color scheme. Ironically, the thing that just didn't do it for me is the suspension, by my "definition of purpose", Suspension is used to absorb as many bumps as possible and transmit very little motion form the ground to the turret, if that makes any sense. Then again, you can never have perfect suspension.

Anyways, overall I liked it for the ease of use and awesome detail.

Keep on creating
2011-01-18 12:48:00

Posts: 192

Thanks :agrx-legends
No I totally agree with you when it come to your point about its suspension. When I started messing around with this thing it was so it could drive over anything, so in a way it was made up of just a suspension and a place to hold on. after I was done with that I thought of what kind of body should I use? Well I had this body (w/tons of detail, more show piece than anything) which I had been working on but I had never moved beyond that. So I slapped it on and just fell in love with driving over stuff which lead to I needs a "big gun" which messed with it center mass/weight and that lead to cranking up the springs even more.

Long story short, I guess thats why its like that.
cheers.......... P.S. Ive check out your stuff and think its really good.. maybe we could combine talents sometime..
2011-01-25 03:18:00

Posts: 58

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