How to draw sackboy ( Flamesterart cartoon version )
Archive: 7 posts
Welcome to my tutorial on how to draw sackboy, the way i draw him as seen in my artwork thread. Now, when drawing sackboy, it is best to start from a point on him that is easy to start from, which is rarely the head. Usually best to start with the feet or arms, but, i will show how to draw the head first since it is most difficult, and takes the longest to get used to finding the position of the face, and all that stuff. When doing the crosshairs and circle, ( see the picture ) draw them lightly, otherwise, when you erase them later, they will show up, making sackboy look,.... weird. here it is. http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/8268/1001250x.jpg Drawing teh head 20-30 times, with different faces, expressions, and positions is a good way to get started, and all i did with sackboy for the first month when i started working on drawing him. The arms meet the head as the shoulder, ( he has no shoulder basically ) so, it isn't that hard to do, the hardest part about drawing the arm is the hand, which is somewhat awkward, and hard to position. when making the hand a fist, ( if you're putting it so you can see the back of the hand ) make it so that his hand looks like a love ( mitten ) and don't put the creases between the fingers, it looks much better that way. Her is the drawing i made for the tutorial. ( legs are in same photo, so look below the bottom of this next bit of text to see it, or just keep reading till you get to it. ) The legs are pretty easy, but getting them to look right, getting them the right length, and getting the knee in the right position is critical. If you are trying to draw it, and you can't quite get the positioning down, use your foot and leg, or someone else's, and put it in the position you are trying to draw, then move the knee up a little bit ( in your drawing, place the bend o the knee higher than on the person's leg, in comparison. ) also, the little toe like flap on the edge of sackboy's foot is essential to make the foot look good, without it, it looks like someone cut it off... not sure why, it just does ( to me anyway. ) if you are drawing it so that you can see sackboy from the front, be sure to have space between the legs, they don't meet like a stickman's. Also, if you are positioning them so that you should be able to see that area, draw that space there. look at my other drawings for examples. http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/3803/1001251d.jpg The body is the... awkwardest part of the drawing, because you have to draw the legs and arms BEFORE you draw the body, but keep it in mind while doing the extremeties ( legs and arms ) the body is just connecting them and adding the zipper, the top part of the body ( basically the top of his shoulders, ) is made using sackboy's chin when you draw the head. there isn't much more to drawing the body, so i'll just show you the picture. http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/4559/1001252.jpgnow, when you are drawing sackboy, DONT add the stitching details until AFTER you have drawn the body, that away you can make sure of how it should be positioned. another note on the stitching, the line between two pieces of cloth ( basically what the stitches are holding together, ) is always curved. Thanks for checking out my tutorial, hope you learned something! -Flamester IF you have any questions, or problems, tell me here in the thread, and i will see what i can do to help. also, don't be afraid to post your drawings here! I love to see what i have inspired. | 2010-12-15 03:13:00 Author: flamesterart ![]() Posts: 585 |
Wow u really went into detail on how to draw a "Flamester Style" Sackperson. Great stuff!! I love the part about putting someone else's leg in the pose u require lol, (i don't think I know anyone kind enough to do that for me heh..). there's definitely some useful tips here and i'd love to see what ur work would look like using color. Nice Tutorial!!![]() | 2010-12-16 05:03:00 Author: Brixx101 ![]() Posts: 277 |
Nice tutorial man! | 2010-12-16 05:05:00 Author: shadow3596 ![]() Posts: 2442 |
Thanks! Give it a try, and send me, or post your resulting sackperson, and I'll be willing to give you tips on improving. | 2010-12-18 00:19:00 Author: flamesterart ![]() Posts: 585 |
cool, just what I needed! ![]() | 2010-12-29 11:23:00 Author: jimydog000 ![]() Posts: 813 |
Your proportions are way off. Sackboy is (roughly) a 1 to 1.5 head to body ratio ie; his entire rest of his body is equivolent in size to 1.5 times his head size. Legs = 1/2 head size Arms = 2/3 head size. Follow these ratios and you really can't go wrong. Also the base shape for sackboys head is an upsidedown pentagon (with smooth edges) - not a circle as most people would draw it. | 2010-12-29 11:57:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Your proportions are way off. Sackboy is (roughly) a 1 to 1.5 head to body ratio ie; his entire rest of his body is equivolent in size to 1.5 times his head size. Legs = 1/2 head size Arms = 2/3 head size. Follow these ratios and you really can't go wrong. Also the base shape for sackboys head is an upsidedown pentagon (with smooth edges) - not a circle as most people would draw it. That's good and true for drawing a traditional Sackboy, (something i'm gona remember too, thanks ![]() | 2010-12-30 08:55:00 Author: Brixx101 ![]() Posts: 277 |
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