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Various space ships... and an ODD-BOX

Archive: 5 posts

hi my psn is CrazyCreator and i have build various kinds och ships all of high qulity the latest ship is LBP Titan Battleship, Midgard
and it has a little of everything. Autoturrets. Two larger cannons, a deathbeam thingie, missilebay, Drop-pods, hangar bay with 2 fighter jets, an onboard teleporter, a nice engineroom. ^^ it can go up,down,left and right without problems.
and i also have som smaller ships like the, Oden, Thor and Valkyrie.

and last but not least a highquality 20h+ button pusher ^^

hope you guys will test them. and btw if someone could post some pictures of them in this post i would be really grateful. since i don't have a camera -_-
2010-12-14 21:06:00

Posts: 5

sure thing, except for pics, mine are ultra low HD. so yeah...2010-12-18 13:52:00

Posts: 813

okay thx ^^2010-12-20 16:40:00

Posts: 5

hope you guys will test them. and btw if someone could post some pictures of them in this post i would be really grateful. since i don't have a camera -_-

Take a pic on LBP, Upload, come here, LBP.me...
2010-12-20 17:58:00

Unknown User

The contract to WT Allen in 1886 with the production of the box "weird" size C (WB86), which should be 10 inches wide and 13 inches, but in reality was 13 inches wide and only 10 inches deep . Only 70 were made before the error was rectified with the introduction in 1887 of Queen Victoria Jubilee boxes.2010-12-24 18:39:00

Posts: 3

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