Killzone [LBP2 Beta]
Archive: 2 posts
Killzone - Assault on Helgan [LBP2]TheSpartanDon The ISA are fighting back againist the Helghast, but they'll need help from a unlikely hero. Based on the hit LBP1 level this version now incorporates many of LBP 2's features like Sackbots, Bounce Pads, New Music. Features Paintinator Combat, Simple Puzzles and a big boom to top it all off! Are you Ready to take back Helgan? Why Hello there, I wanted to contribute some sort of level to the LBP2 Beta but I didn't necessarily want to dedicate time into making a completely new level from the ground up considering these levels will be gone once the Beta ends. So I re-worked one of my original LBP1 levels and basically added some of LBP2's new features. The main addition to the level are Sackbot enemies instead of the cardboard cutout ones. They're a lot more dynamic to fight against since they have a mind of there own. I've also reworks some parts of the level and added some new LBP music to the level. It's a light-hearted take on Killzone so don't expect a gritty dark level with a tragic tale of loss and heroism. ![]() Heres a link to the lbp.me page so you can just add it to your queue... lbp.me link (http://beta.lbp.me/v/fygy) All the screenshots are from the LBP1 version of the level, I've lost my USB thumb drive so I couldn't transfer them onto my Mac, but the level isn't much different from it's LBP1 counterpart. Thanks for playing ![]() | 2010-12-12 23:14:00 Author: The Spartan Don ![]() Posts: 56 |
Unfortunately, i haven't got the beta but it looks good and this level sounds like the sort I would play but I would try exploring different combat mechanics apart from the pinball gun if you intend to be more original | 2010-12-13 16:52:00 Author: basketball27 ![]() Posts: 54 |
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