TRON: Evolution
Archive: 3 posts
Normally, Games that come from movie (especially Disney) are a let-down... But I'm really considering TRON: Evolution ![]() Evolution is a third-person action game with racing and RPG elements incorporated. The game features both singleplayer and multiplayer modes. The basic gameplay focuses on acrobatics and combat. Player's movements are heavily parkour-influenced, while combat was inspired by capoeira. The game also features light cycle races. Each cycle leaves a light trail that can hurt or "de-res" any enemy. Evolution features persistent character progression system, that lets players earn new levels and unlock new upgrades, both in multiplayer and singleplayer. In multiplayer, there will be four different game modes in the game and four maps available. Two modes focus on combat with light discs and two other modes feature vehicular combat on light cycles, as well as a special light tank vehicle. Up to 10 people can play in online matches. Disintegration and team disintegration are classic deathmatch modes. Power Monger is a node control mode and Bit Runner is a capture-the-flag variation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YhAlmVILcQ Tron: Evolution serves as a prequel to Tron: Legacy. It is designed to be an integral part of Tron story, featuring certain characters and settings from the film. The film will also reference the game's events. Evolution explains the events that led to Kevin Flynn's imprisonment inside Tron world, as well as tells how Tron world progressed through the years. The player controls Anon, short for "Anonymous". This name was chosen by the game's creators in order to allow players to personify the character for themselves. Anon is a program written by Flynn to investigate a conspiracy in Tron world. Think I'll be picking it up tomorrow... ![]() | 2010-12-11 19:06:00 Author: Nurolight ![]() Posts: 918 |
http://www.gamerankings.com/ps3/981379-tron-evolution/index.html | 2010-12-11 23:45:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Eh, I kinda got the feeling it'd end up being a bit mediocre. A game like this 'ain't got' much impetus if it isn't like open-world or something. Honestly, an open-world TRON game would be AMAZING. | 2010-12-11 23:50:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
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