Megaman with working Mega Buster
Archive: 4 posts
Just put up a new level based on the Megaman games, which includes a working Mega Buster (Megaman's arm cannon) which fires regular shots and can be charged for a super shot. I have a couple enemies (well 1 enemy with different attacks), and the level is more of a tutorial level for more Megaman levels I plan on making later on. Check it out and leave me some feedback! I'll try to get a video up later on today/tommorow when time allows. Level name: Megaman with working Mega Buster! Location: Near the arctic on the North American side (picture of a Met from megaman) PSN: Landail | 2008-11-04 15:15:00 Author: Landail ![]() Posts: 11 |
I'm looking forward to this! Hope a video is up soon. I can't go on my PS3 just yet cus it's football season.. =P | 2008-11-04 15:19:00 Author: BobMarley ![]() Posts: 260 |
sounds cool. I love the old mega man series | 2011-01-16 21:49:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Just put up a new level based on the Megaman games, which includes a working Mega Buster (Megaman's arm cannon) which fires regular shots and can be charged for a super shot. I have a couple enemies (well 1 enemy with different attacks), and the level is more of a tutorial level for more Megaman levels I plan on making later on. Check it out and leave me some feedback! I'll try to get a video up later on today/tommorow when time allows. Level name: Megaman with working Mega Buster! Location: Near the arctic on the North American side (picture of a Met from megaman) PSN: Landail I don't know how say it in a cute way,my english is way limited and poor Your MegaBuster is useless Don't get it wrong a funny coincidence is that i've invented something really really similar (a weapon with glass base easy to push,that work grabbing it with R1) in my Vagrant Hero series, the sword and the bow. So,why i say that is useless? Sackbots my friend,sackbots Just watch what you can do with sackbots,here a dude created a Megaman sackbot in LBP2 beta http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-P8s5QlEKM As you can see he can shoot in both direction and do even charge shots. To not count that he can force people to play as Megaman-costume And believe me what you see,is really a 10% of the sackbot's true potential And LBP2 is so near If you want do a decent Megaman series actually the sackbot is your only option ![]() | 2011-01-17 01:36:00 Author: GEK83 ![]() Posts: 163 |
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