Eerie things are happening....
Archive: 16 posts
So, i was watching Tv, and on the new this morning was THIS.... http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv89/joshofsouls/LAcrypto.png Apparently... A in the Louisiana woods caught this on his deer camera. Now, normally...i would chalk this up to a stupid attempt to get a story on the news, but something about this seems too real! I've seen some fake things in my life, and that just doesn't look fake to me! So naturally i did some investigating. I found this video! it was shot in the same woods as the picture before. http://www.ghostvideos.ws/demon-caught-on-tape-in-the-forest.html Again, if i hadn't seen the picture, or heard the story, i would have said this was fake! There IS something in those woods! Discuss | 2010-12-10 20:36:00 Author: Joshofsouls ![]() Posts: 1569 |
I don't know... Could be just a man in disguise... But there are things in the world that we don't even know about, so who knows? It's strange to think about a creature that has never been seen before... | 2010-12-10 20:41:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
That first picture is hard to identify as a fake, sure, but that video is DEFINITELY fake. For one, you have the classic "Focus camera for a second and THEN DEMONGHOSTZOMBIE TURNS AROUND!" trick, which has been used in countless of these videos. Also, that demon looks like special effects. ... And what GDN said. If there some Humanoid creature such as that it would have to have a population at least large enough that we would have to have been identified either through observation or remains (I mean, Louisiana is not that big). | 2010-12-10 20:42:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
I've tested both the video and the picture, neither have been edited. | 2010-12-10 20:43:00 Author: Joshofsouls ![]() Posts: 1569 |
... Hmm? How'd you determine that? | 2010-12-10 20:44:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
The video actually looks like a man disguised. I could say the same about the first pic, but it has something... Something interesting about the human race is the curiosity to find strange things like this. I can imagine people forming parties to look for things like this. | 2010-12-10 20:46:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
It's a costume, look they even have the neon eyes! | 2010-12-10 20:48:00 Author: Jedi_1993 ![]() Posts: 1518 |
... Hmm? How'd you determine that? Come on astro, if people say something isn't fake, then its obvious they can't be lying or aything, it MUST be true. ![]() | 2010-12-10 20:48:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Come on astro, if people say something isn't fake, then its obvious they can't be lying or aything, it MUST be true. ![]() As a rational skeptic, it is not only my preference but my duty to doubt things that are shrouded in mystery and simultaneously seek out the truth and accept it as being so. TL;DR http://www.realscience.org.uk/pics/science_robot2.gif | 2010-12-10 20:51:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
... Hmm? How'd you determine that? By using Error level analysis, it's a technique that alot of the people on 4chan used to see if the new boxxy photos were fakes Although i used a slightly altered way to do it, but same basic technique | 2010-12-10 20:54:00 Author: Joshofsouls ![]() Posts: 1569 |
LOLZ video is hilariously fake, but the picture creeps me out. Also, ^this? Mind explaining how it works? | 2010-12-10 21:03:00 Author: Astronaut ![]() Posts: 162 |
http://errorlevelanalysis.com/ Best way to describe it. I've believed in spirits and demons since i was little, i've had things happen to me that nothing else could describe. You could have a room full of scientists and not one of them could explain some of the things that have happend to me! | 2010-12-10 21:08:00 Author: Joshofsouls ![]() Posts: 1569 |
http://errorlevelanalysis.com/ Best way to describe it. I've believed in spirits and demons since i was little, i've had things happen to me that nothing else could describe. You could have a room full of scientists and not one of them could explain some of the things that have happend to me! Such as? O_O | 2010-12-10 21:16:00 Author: iBubek ![]() Posts: 682 |
You really want me to go into details? | 2010-12-10 21:25:00 Author: Joshofsouls ![]() Posts: 1569 |
I've seen the video before, so the picture wasn't much more of a shock. | 2010-12-10 22:00:00 Author: MrFunctionality ![]() Posts: 637 |
Uhhhh, that makes me shudder, and it looks realistic too, very realistic. Shame that virtually any other enounter is fake. I'm usually skeptical about spirits, ghosts etc, but that is VERY convincing.... (and scary....) | 2010-12-10 22:11:00 Author: Dialgax07 ![]() Posts: 94 |
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