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LWR-06-MkI Bull Frog

Archive: 14 posts

Hey guys. Been a while. Finally got bit buy the mech bug again over the weekend made a new mech, and my most stable yet. Calling it the Bull Frog. Still working on the weapons systems for the thing but got a good start on it. It walks forwards and backwards. Like all my other mechs it has a REAL jump sequence (meaning the legs move like its going to jump, not just rockets) and has a "sit" position like my other mechs.


It runs threw my test track with little problem and the funniest thing is that its my smallest mech. Fully standing it just over 5x5 large squares on the grid. Its not up for play yet, not till I get the weapons working.

Im not saying that Im beter then anyone at making these things (I know im not, my control systems tend to be a bit laking) and I remember when Sehven debuted his last mech there was some criticism about it being the most advanced or the best blah blah blah. I began thinking that since I use this one "track" for all my machines, what if I made that level copiable for others and we had a simple set of "Trials" for anyones mech. There wouldn't be any time frame to limit when people had to finish the mech by, just be like "heres a track, see what you can do" kind of thing. I started playing around with ideas for some "guideline rules" if anyone is interested. id start a new thread for that if there is enough interest in such a thing.
2010-12-09 04:23:00

Posts: 139

That looks awesome! I'd love to see it in action. Is there an actual level showcasing this?2010-12-09 21:57:00

Posts: 607

This looks pretty cool! Is it a running mech then? Looks pretty awesome and reminds me of the Metal Gear Solid mechs.

Is there a level of which we can see it in? Because it looks like it could be a good mech that could easily jump/run into LBP2
2010-12-09 22:24:00

Posts: 715

i may put it up tonight. only just got the gun working right before I had to get to sleep. Going to do a total revision of the control system tonight to make it easier to use the weapons and other functions.

It dosent run but its a good walking pace.
2010-12-10 03:41:00

Posts: 139

It dosent run but its a good walking pace.

understandable. Ussually I have seen mechs that run/walk fast fall over so a wise choice you Have made

Does the mech walk backwards as well? And just think how ba******* a sword would be
2010-12-12 01:29:00

Posts: 715

understandable. Ussually I have seen mechs that run/walk fast fall over so a wise choice you Have made

Does the mech walk backwards as well? And just think how ba******* a sword would be

It dose walk backwards like all my other released mechs, just not as fast as forwards. Im reworking the feet and stability system to help with revers.

Update on the weapons, This Bull has horns now :kz: twin 50cals mounted above the canopy that auto track targets (via red mag switches). Id like to do something with the missle pods on the back but for now they are just for decoration. More like ballast and "cooling" equipment then anything else. May have to wait for LBP2 to do anything with those . I tried doing a new mech with a version of Sehvens hamster wheel setup but, just like all my other mechs, the walk cycle is too rough for that set up. So for now there are 4 grab switches. One for forwards and weapons, one for jump , one for reverse and the last you have to triple tap to open the canopy back up. Technically there is a 5th switch but it is on the outside of the mech. Its and emergency canopy release should the thing close up without you in it.

Logic for the weapons tracking and fireing. The gens even has a "rest" position so they dont get killed while walking, thats what the slide gate around the 3 way switch is for.

Logic for the rest of the mech. No where near as complicated as my last few mechs. This thing isnt even at 1/4 thermal including the level itself. As usual Im useing my slide sequencers for the jump sequence just like on all my other mechs. As far as I can tell I was realy the first to do this kind of setup when i started all this a couple years back. Mech will even "sit" when not in motion to let you in and out easily. This is what happens when you have a old school 3D animation guy working on LBP. Lots of "animated" details.

Oh, and the mech has a blinky light on top too
2010-12-12 12:16:00

Posts: 139

Wow. That's just... WOW. Everything fits together perfectly. The details are incredible, judging by the pictures. I absolutely cannot forget to check this out.
There is a level for this, right?
2010-12-12 14:40:00

Posts: 607

Not yet. but soon.I think I may do a "cruise missle" type thing out the back pods by double tapping reverse. Its 6:45 am. My sleep cycle is all messed up from being sick allday yesterday and having slept most of the day instead of going to work. So back to work I go on the frog. Who knows, maybe the lack of sleep will help with inspiration. it worked for a number of artists... right...?2010-12-12 14:48:00

Posts: 139

Whoa... what do all of teh colorful logics do? I'm not really what you would call a "logic wiz" 2010-12-12 20:57:00

Posts: 607

The one with the 5 different colored mag switches are for the jump sequence. The top 3 control parts of the legs while the bottom ones control the rocket sets.2010-12-13 01:49:00

Posts: 139

OK, level is up. Look for "LWR-06-MkI Bull Frog"2010-12-13 02:20:00

Posts: 139

Whoa... what do all of teh colorful logics do? I'm not really what you would call a "logic wiz"

Basically the different colours allow you to have multiple pieces of logic without having to worry about each interfering with another. Although it does look pretty :blush:

Nice mech outlaw, mind accepting my FR when you get a mo
2010-12-13 02:32:00

Posts: 715

LOL Oh, yeah... I know what the colors do, I was asking what the actual logic does... And yes. It does look pretty...
I HAVE to check this out
2010-12-14 01:36:00

Posts: 607

working on a new bad guy for the end. Just a bigger target to shoot at. Ive updated teh level a little bit. So please check it out.2010-12-16 04:04:00

Posts: 139

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