Arcade fire
Archive: 6 posts
I went to the Arcade Fire concert at the 02 dublin last night and it was EPIC! Vampire weekend and devendrera banhart (Probably didn't spell that right) played support. Is anyone else her a fan and did they go to there concert before? | 2010-12-07 19:18:00 Author: wev99 ![]() Posts: 67 |
I'm a fan but I've never seen em play live. I live in the UK, so they don't tour here as much. I think some of their new material is great, but they'll never beat Funeral. | 2010-12-07 20:54:00 Author: Ungreth ![]() Posts: 2130 |
I think some of their new material is great, but they'll never beat Funeral. *agrees* One of my favourite bands. Glad they are good live as well. | 2010-12-08 04:20:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
I'm a fan, but I've never seen them live. I like their song "Suburbs". ![]() | 2010-12-13 04:48:00 Author: TheLBPexperience ![]() Posts: 94 |
Saw them in LA this year at the Shrine. Amazing show, huge spectacle, the stage was incredible and the energy was great. The set involved a massive movie screen that happened to be a huge concrete freewayside billboard, scaffolding, floodlights and all. A huge fabric backdrop of a concrete overpass with various effects projected over it throughout the show. The stage itself looked like the back end of a mall, jagged concrete edges and stairs and walkways. This plus the music all added up to a ridiculously entertaining vision of young people marooned in Suburbia, temporarily rescued for a night. Amazing show, I'll have to catch them again in the future. | 2010-12-24 06:45:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Arcade Fire made their first appearance on Saturday Night Live 24 February 2007, the making of "intervention" and "Keep The Car Running". Owen Pallett was not present because he was recording for his own project, Final Fantasy. During the show, one of the chains win Butler's guitar broke, causing them to pluck the strings of his acoustic guitar and smash into the ground until it broke. | 2010-12-24 18:43:00 Author: sheilafoster ![]() Posts: 3 |
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