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X-TERMIN-8 (AAV) Armoured Assault Vehicle

Archive: 5 posts

Made for the CC12 Contraption Challenge but think i got it in to late!

Lot of hard work crafting this and it's got firepower and protection and is well put together


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2010-12-05 19:09:00

Unknown User

Woah that looks pretty awesome! I am really liking the neon lining on it 2010-12-13 02:04:00

Posts: 715

now that is what i want for christmas! after CC12 though i would seriously consider turning that into a sack controlable war-monster,think about it, on lbp2 you could go plowing through a huge army of sackbots,well thats what i want to do anyway!2010-12-20 18:47:00

Unknown User

now that is what i want for christmas! after CC12 though i would seriously consider turning that into a sack controlable war-monster,think about it, on lbp2 you could go plowing through a huge army of sackbots,well thats what i want to do anyway!

Me too! hehe poor sackbots...
2010-12-21 05:27:00

Posts: 157

lol it looks sweet like a futuristic armored cop car :o love the little badge on it XD nice touch2011-01-29 05:34:00

Posts: 15

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