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VRMotors Thrasher

Archive: 4 posts

My new vehicle, the VRMotors Thrasher, is a offroad pickup truck. It's 1 layer, with 3 wheels(2 rear 1 in front), a red paintjob and fog lamps. Also, it has working suspention. Sorry, no pics at the time.2010-12-05 04:08:00

Unknown User

sound cool. is there a level for it? i want to see it!2010-12-05 16:55:00

Posts: 157

The level has the same name. Also, go Mythbusters!!!!!!!!!!!112010-12-09 03:39:00

Unknown User

Sounds pretty cool! You should give mercuy77 and 78's levels a go. He has made some pretty cool vehicles

Cant wait for the pictures!
2010-12-12 01:32:00

Posts: 715

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