My things
Archive: 4 posts
My thingsJ_wulfus Basically it's a showcase of everything I have ever made but didn't make it in a level. Every object has a short description of either what it is or how I came to build it. I also build things on request. Basically it's a showcase of everything I have ever made but didn't make it in a level. Every object has a short description of either what it is or how I came to build it. Currently shows uuuhm *real amount of objects soon to be added* objects. As you will progress through the level you will notice my creations will have an increased complexity and if you're smart you'll notice the fase I was in while I build the actual object. I'm also giving away a few of my more simple creation because they are easy and fun to mess around with. This is also a request zone so if anyone has a request for me to build something that they would need in a level just post below. PS I do expect credit if you're going to actually show or use any of my objects in a level. *pictures needed, is there anyone out there who feels like taking a few snapshots of what you think are my best creations.* | 2010-12-04 17:30:00 Author: J_wulfke ![]() Posts: 72 |
quite nice things are in this level! keep up the good work! | 2010-12-04 17:54:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Ive always wanted to make a show case of everything i made,but it fills up the thermo fast and i cant display everything i made lol! | 2010-12-05 07:34:00 Author: robotixpro ![]() Posts: 354 |
You got some cool stuff there. I liked the UFO. But everythin else was very nice too. Please, check out my level: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=40606-An-Adventure-in-the-Woods | 2010-12-08 15:32:00 Author: H-O-S-M-A-R ![]() Posts: 74 |
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