Policy on Reviewing?
Archive: 7 posts
Heyguys! I'm wondering how you review a level and/or whats your policy on it. When I look around the forums I see some reviews giving people like 4 stars on one level and another giving 4 stars on a not as good level. What do you look for in a level? How do you say your style and/or your leniency on a level. Just Wonderin'. Thanks! | 2010-12-04 16:08:00 Author: Random ![]() Posts: 673 |
Gameplay, and Effort, actually by thelooks of it they give people stars on the effort and rather less of the actual finishing outcome. stars = effort and hearts = outcome. | 2010-12-04 17:25:00 Author: SockFace ![]() Posts: 190 |
Okay, I can't give feedback much but when I do this is my what I generally do: I review levels in sections based on different categories, lots of people do this. Its quite a nice way to review someones level so they can work out what to improve upon. Music (effective, N/A, doesn't fit) Sound Effects (same ^^) Visuals (stickering, material use, etc...) Gameplay (fun, frustrating, innovative) Overall I say what I liked, what I didn't like, and explain what could be improved. I try not just to say its bad or awesome, but to explain why and to try and work out what could be done to improve it. In the Overall I just summarise everything. Hope that helps! ![]() | 2010-12-04 17:31:00 Author: PygmyOwl ![]() Posts: 1316 |
This is how i review, when Im up to it Name of Level Score: ?/10 Rating: :star:s <3s By: (PSN) Beginning Comments. Story: /10 If you don't have a story, this will be N/A and will not affect your score. Music/SFX Choice: /10 Based on where SFX are, and what music is used throughout. Appearance: /10 This is based on your corner editing, material use, and sticker usage. Creatures/Objects: /10 If you don't have any enemies or objects this will be N/A as well and will not affect your score. Gameplay: /10 This section is what really affects your score. I judge on originality and fun-ness. Overall: /10 (not an average) Where I give you your final score and a few closing statements as well as your :star:s and maybe <3. HeyWhen I look around the forums I see some reviews giving people like 4 stars on one level and another giving 4 stars on a not as good level. I hate it when ppl do that. People here at LBPC are too nice to give 3 starts or below. Honestly, I think that's really unfair. A good level that just needs more detail can be 4 stars. But even really bad levels get 4 stars here. I hate that. | 2010-12-04 17:33:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
My level got 4 stars. ![]() (jks, it was fair, lol...) Okay, this is how I star levels: :star: No effort, thats all there is to it really. I don't consider technical ability here. :star::star: They had a go, and have got basic ability in creating. :star::star::star: The creator tried to create a nice level, with mixed results. :star::star::star::star: Great level, the creator tried very hard with a good outcome. All it needs is a little more refining. :star::star::star::star::star: Brilliant level! Innovative as well as great technically, perfect in almost all areas. | 2010-12-04 17:59:00 Author: PygmyOwl ![]() Posts: 1316 |
I hate it when ppl do that. People here at LBPC are too nice to give 3 starts or below. Honestly, I think that's really unfair. A good level that just needs more detail can be 4 stars. But even really bad levels get 4 stars here. I hate that. I would have to agree that LBPC is tad bit on the 'politeness' side of things. But if you look at the F4F, you will find most give only the positives and negatives and NO star rating if it is below anything of 3 stars. I believe in doing this as it wont offend who your giving feedback too, yet give them the constructive criticism to move forward. In the review section of the forums, I believe that most of the authors who do reviews are very honest in what they write and produce. Here you will find more levels in the 2 to 3 star ranking than anywhere else. But of course, you will also find the gems! I wouldn't have much changed as I have found all criticism, the good and the bad, to be well balanced and highly effective in my learning of LBP. | 2010-12-07 06:25:00 Author: John82wa ![]() Posts: 221 |
No large problems/annoyances + decent gameplay = 4 stars. If I had fun as well = 5 stars. If it has replay value = heart. I think most people would take it the wrong way if I posted my usual critical ramblings combined with a poor star rating. ![]() 3 stars is still a decent level rating imo. Still "worth playing", you know? | 2010-12-07 07:54:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
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