My PS3 broke
Archive: 6 posts
It happend yesterday, my beloved PS3 broke. ![]() I don't know when I will have the money for a new PS3. I hope it will not take too long. Before I can buy a new one I have to buy LBP2 though because I want to get a special edition. It will be a boring time and I can't do all the stuff I was thinking of for LBP2 for a while. ![]() | 2010-12-04 10:14:00 Author: Chrree ![]() Posts: 554 |
You might want to consider sending it to gophermods. It costs around $70 and they preserve your data. They also put in a new thermal paste which I guess is supposed to extend the life of your console, but I can't really speak of that at this point. Get back to me in a few years and I'll tell you if it's true. lol | 2010-12-05 05:51:00 Author: Reef1978 ![]() Posts: 527 |
A new paste wouldn't help since the cpu is already damaged due to overheating. If your console has that problem ones you can only fix it for a short time. Even if you send it to Sony it will brake again after 3-4 months. The only reason they fix it is to give you a chance to save your data because you can't just make a backup and use it on a new PS3. You have to directly transfer them from your old PS3 to your new one. I also have to deactivate my profiles as soon as it is repaired because you can only use your profiles 5 times in case you have to buy a new console. That is why you can game share in the first place. My cousin will fix it for free so I have a chance to do so. He did that several times so I'm sure it will work. | 2010-12-05 08:55:00 Author: Chrree ![]() Posts: 554 |
You might want to consider sending it to gophermods. It costs around $70 and they preserve your data. They also put in a new thermal paste which I guess is supposed to extend the life of your console, but I can't really speak of that at this point. Get back to me in a few years and I'll tell you if it's true. lol Thanks Reef! My PS3 died about a week ago and I was so upset that sony would charge $150 to repair it. But around $70 sounds a whole lot more reasonable! I had just about given up hope and was going to risk fixing it myself. So again, thanks Reef ![]() | 2010-12-08 03:27:00 Author: Drabaz ![]() Posts: 67 |
well, considering this happened to you guys, and you have to pay and I didn't when I got mine repaired, all I can say is.... SHOULDA GOT THE EXTENDED WARRANTY! I don't see why no one ever gets the extended warranty, I always do and it always pays off. so... all I can recommend is that you take reef's suggestion. | 2010-12-08 03:38:00 Author: Merc ![]() Posts: 2135 |
How long does the extended warranty last for, because I've had my PS3 since day 1. | 2010-12-08 15:50:00 Author: Drabaz ![]() Posts: 67 |
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